Know More About React Native Application Development and its Future Mobile Application Development Company Tue, 25 Jun 2024 13:14:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Can React Native Reduce Mobile App Development Costs? Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:05:58 +0000
React Native App Development Cost

So many startups emerge daily worldwide because we are heavily exposed to social media. There are hundreds of millions of them, and the only way these startups avoid this is if they have a phenomenal mobile application that is incredibly popular with users.

However, there are only approximately 2.6 million apps in the Google Play Store, and as was already mentioned, there are hundreds of millions of startups. What, then, is preventing these numbers from adding up?

Of course, startups have a great demand for mobile apps, but due to the high costs associated with developing them, there is little idea of follow-through.

It’s essential to introduce an affordable mobile app development method that can support more startups in the best interests of all. Some companies hire a react native developer from a react native app development company. Look at the blog further to understand how React Native can lower mobile app development costs.

The Development of React Native

People, both programmers and non-programmers, have known that writing computer code has been co since the dawn of time. The work gets more complicated due to the various programming languages and platforms available. In these situations, developers would instead learn one or a few languages to maximize their exposure and outreach.

Complex mobile application code frequently needed to be “fixed” with native coding, which prolonged rather than sped up the process. Facebook developed React Native in 2015 after considering all of these factors. After several cross-platform app development technologies failed to produce strange-looking interfaces that were insufficiently compatible with all devices, react native was created. Selecting between Native and React Native applications is crucial, but the best thing about React Native apps is that they perform just as well as Native apps.

What are the Characteristics of React Native?

Among its many benefits, cost-effectiveness consistently ranks highest. React native’s cost-saving advantages stem from the platform’s other benefits to mobile app developers. Let’s look at the characteristics that make React Native the top platform for mobile apps development. Also, we’ll look at the advantages it offers to developers.

Reduction in App Development Costs

It is undeniable that developing a cross-platform mobile application is significantly less expensive than developing native mobile applications or even web applications. This is due to the need for platform-specific programming requirements. In addition, the market for the application has become more important than the development process due to the intensifying competition in the app development industry. In a situation like this, cross-platform apps can produce high-quality mobile apps for a more significant number of platforms in a significantly shorter amount of time, giving marketers more time to plan the app’s launch and promotion.

UX and UI Features

People who have used non-optimized apps can attest to the agony of having to scroll horizontally on their mobile devices to view the entire app page. This problem is fixed by cross-platform applications created with React Native, which enables React Native app developers to create fully optimized and multi-device compatible mobile applications.

Cross-platform React Native apps are renowned for adapting to screen configurations and displaying data more quickly. They also address the issue of inconsistent data streaming. Aside from this, the extremely lightweight nature of React native cross-platform apps allows them to support high-definition graphics and content.

Simple Integration

Cross-platform mobile apps facilitate easy synchronization and integration with other compatible apps, much like native apps do. This is because cross-platform apps have an impact on mobile devices’ internal programming as well. The cross-platform apps continue to function well with the built-in apps on the device, such as the GPS and camera, and this type of work lessens the additional integration work for mobile app developers.

Read more about React Native App Development:

How Can React Native App Builder Upscale Your Business?

Step-by-Step Guide to Convert an Android & iOS App to React Native

React Native For Innovative Mobile Apps For Next-Gen Connected Cars

5 Ways React Native Reinforces the Success of Fintech Mobile Apps

Simpler App Maintenance

Cross-platform apps are well-suited to utilize all device applications because they function like native apps. The main distinction between the two is how difficult it is for developers and users to maintain a native application.

Cross-platform apps can easily avoid versioning, simplifying app maintenance considerably more than native apps, which need frequent updates. Enterprise apps can scale because of the flexibility offered by cross-platform apps.

Working Offline

Cross-platform mobile apps function offline by storing the mobile device’s API, which makes the app data offline and allows for much faster app operation. Offering constant access to data proves to be very beneficial during unfavorable network conditions. Cross-platform apps are even said to have one of the best performance features, which elevates them above native mobile apps.

 Scaling and Availability

Since the app is cross-platform, it can be available on various online marketplaces, including the App Store and Play Store from Apple. This is the most effective method to increase your clientele and reach. Furthermore, cross-platform apps are just that—cross-platform apps that can function flawlessly across various platforms and operating systems.

Ready to harness the potential of React Native for your app? Book React Native app development consultation with us now!

Factors that Affect Development Costs & How React Native Reduces It

Every step of the app development process, from the operating system to the app design components, has an associated cost. Let’s examine the effects of these variables on these two types of mobile app development procedures.

Operating system

Regarding native mobile apps, the essential support needed to update older operating systems is challenging and takes a while. On the other hand, versioning is easily avoided in the case of cross-platform apps, which significantly lowers the cost of app maintenance.


The programming needed to accommodate the different sizes and orientations of mobile devices and support various operating systems. Additionally, it can be very costly to develop a native app that works with varying generations of devices.

Support and Maintenance

Since native apps handle two platforms simultaneously, regular updates, patching, troubleshooting, and other maintenance are required, which makes them difficult to maintain. Therefore, maintaining the native app for both Android and iOS devices requires nearly twice as much time and resources.

Application Design

It is indisputable that the price of UI and UX design for an application is an additional expense compared to a native app. A perfect user experience is necessary for every app, and it costs almost one-third of the total app development budget.

Final Words

Many companies are moving their applications to the React Native Platform because the advantages of using React Native in terms of cost savings have long since been established. React native apps are becoming increasingly popular, and some of the biggest names in the industry are Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Skype, Tesla, Uber, Walmart, and Vogue. If you cannot start making your mobile application, you can Zazz as a React Native app development company.

Frequently Asked Questions

React Native reduces costs by enabling cross-platform development, which means a single codebase can be used for both iOS and Android apps. This eliminates the need for separate development teams and reduces development time, leading to significant cost savings in both initial development and long-term maintenance.

React Native offers performance comparable to native apps while being more efficient to develop. It uses native components, which results in a smooth and responsive user experience. Additionally, React Native’s hot reloading feature allows developers to see changes in real time, speeding up the development process and reducing debugging time.

Yes, React Native apps can be designed to work offline by implementing local data storage solutions. This allows users to access certain features and data even without an internet connection, enhancing the app’s usability and user experience.

React Native uses a flexible layout system that automatically adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions. This responsive design approach ensures that the app looks good and functions well on various devices, from smartphones to tablets, without requiring separate development for each screen size.

When estimating costs, consider factors such as app complexity, desired features, design requirements, integration needs with existing systems, and the development team’s expertise. While React Native generally reduces costs, the final price will depend on these specific project requirements. Connect with our team at Zazz to decode the costing aspect related to React Native app development.

React Native simplifies maintenance and updates by using a single codebase for multiple platforms. This means that bug fixes and feature updates can be implemented once and applied across both iOS and Android versions. Additionally, React Native’s modular architecture makes it easier to update specific components without affecting the entire app.

While React Native offers many benefits, it may have limitations for apps requiring complex animations or heavy use of platform-specific features. In some cases, native modules may need to be written to access certain device functionalities. Additionally, there can be a learning curve for developers new to React Native. However, for most business applications, React Native’s advantages far outweigh these potential challenges.

Mastering the Art of Hiring React Native Developers: Best Practices Tue, 06 Feb 2024 14:58:44 +0000

‍In this world of mobile applications, if you are willing to hire a React Native Developer for your project, then you have to check its performance across various platforms because a skilled react native developer can help you with multiple projects and can also train the juniors under them. 

Here in this article, we will be sharing in-depth information about how you can hire a react native developer for your business needs. 

Give a Project Assessment Test

Gaining a comprehensive grasp of the particular requirements of your project is the first and most crucial step in hiring React Native developers. This includes:

Setting Project Goals: Clearly state your objectives for the app, along with the features and functionalities that are important to you. You must have this clarity to work with a developer who can successfully realize your vision.

Setting a Budget and Schedule: A reasonable budget and schedule should be established considering your app’s size and complexity. This aids in locating developers who meet your requirements while producing high-quality work.

Identifying the Necessary Skill Set: Determine the technical expertise required for your project and soft skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. 

Tips and Techniques to Find a Perfect Candidate

Finding the ideal React Native developer requires looking through several channels:

Making Use of Professional Networks and Referrals: Use your professional networks or ask colleagues in the field for recommendations; these sources frequently lead to qualified and vetted applicants.

Examining Online Job Portals and Freelance Platforms: You can find various developers using Indeed, Upwork, and LinkedIn websites.

Working with Specialized Recruitment Agencies: You can significantly expedite your hiring process by collaborating with recruitment agencies that specialize in putting companies in touch with knowledgeable React Native developers.

Assessing and Screening Applicant

Evaluating and screening candidates becomes crucial once you have a pool of potential candidates. This phase involves verifying the candidate’s technical skills and determining how well they settle in with the culture and environment of your project. For a detailed assessment, take into account the following actions:

Technical Interviews and Skill Evaluations: Hold in-depth interviews with candidates, emphasizing their technical React Native knowledge. Use coding tests or skill assessments to gauge their practical aptitude.

Examining Previous Projects and Sources: Analyze their prior work and portfolio to determine their level of experience and quality. Taking references from the previous employer’s performance can give a better understanding of the candidate’s work ethic and collaborative skills.

Examining Soft Skills and Cultural Fit: Consider the candidate’s ability to communicate, solve problems, and adjust. It’s as crucial to comprehend their collaborative style and how well they mesh with the culture of your team as it is to focus on their technical proficiency.

In some cases, you can contact a React native app development company to provide similar services without worrying about hiring a React native developer. 

Interview to Onboarding in the Hiring Process

Structured Interviewing Process: Create a list of common questions and tests to ensure every applicant receives a fair and in-depth evaluation.

Making Decision Standards: Clearly define the selection criteria based on the candidate’s experience, technical proficiency, fit with the team, and room for advancement.

Efficient Onboarding: An efficient onboarding procedure is essential after choosing a candidate. In this part, you can overview the team, other employees, and various project information. 

Making Hiring Decisions: Juggling Cost and Quality

While hiring, finding the right balance between the quality of expertise React Native developers can bring to your project and their cost is essential to the hiring process. Several factors can affect the cost of hiring, and being aware of these can help you make wise decisions:

Experience Level of the Developer: Although more seasoned developers may charge more, their breadth of knowledge can significantly quicken the project’s advancement and potentially save long-term expenses.

Geographical Location and Market Rates: Developers may receive different market rates depending on where they work due to regional skill shortages and fluctuating living expenses. Employing remote developers from areas with cheaper living costs can occasionally prove to be a financially advantageous tactic.

Project Complexity and Duration: The length and complexity of your project are also significant factors in estimating costs; more complex projects that call for specialized expertise may also be more expensive.

Long-Term Strategic Benefits

Employing a React A native developer has several long-term advantages and should be considered a strategic investment.

Cross-Platform Development Advantage: React Native allows for cross-platform development, saving time and resources while developing iOS and Android applications simultaneously.

Scalability and Maintenance: React Native developers help ensure your app is scalable and easy to maintain. Further, it can also help the application evolve with technological advancements.

Future-proofing your app with React Native: Having a developer knowledgeable about this framework puts your app in a position to take advantage of future technological advancements as React Native continues to grow and receive support.

Final Words

Hiring a React Native Developer can perform various tasks, which include determining the project needs, hiring and evaluating processes, balancing costs, and other technological advancements. Therefore, if your company follows everything correctly, you can expect to hire a React native developer who can work on your long-term projects, ensuring success in your team. If you are not able to hire a React native developer, then you can get in touch with a Reach native app development company.

Frequently Asked Questions

When assessing a React Native project, focus on clearly defined objectives, features, and functionalities. Establish a realistic budget and schedule based on the app’s complexity. Identify the necessary technical expertise and soft skills required for successful project completion. This comprehensive assessment ensures a solid foundation for hiring the right developer.

To find qualified React Native developers, utilize professional networks for referrals, leverage online job portals and freelance platforms like Indeed, Upwork, and LinkedIn, and consider collaborating with specialized recruitment agencies. Diversifying your search across these channels increases your chances of finding the perfect candidate with the right skills and experience.

Zazz employs a rigorous hiring process for React Native developers, including thorough technical interviews, skill evaluations, and cultural fit assessments. We prioritize clear communication, continuous feedback, and ongoing training to ensure our developers deliver high-quality work and grow in their roles, resulting in successful project outcomes for our clients.

To assess React Native developers, conduct in-depth technical interviews and use coding tests to evaluate their skills. Verify their practical aptitude through portfolio reviews or sample projects. Additionally, assess their cultural fit to ensure they align with your team’s working style and project environment.

Best practices for managing React Native developers include maintaining clear communication channels, encouraging continuous feedback and improvement, and providing ongoing training and support. These practices foster a productive working environment, enhance developer skills, and contribute to successful project outcomes and team cohesion.

Zazz ensures quality in React Native projects by hiring expert developers, implementing rigorous code review processes, and adhering to industry best practices. We prioritize continuous learning and stay updated with the latest React Native developments. Our team-based approach and project management methodologies guarantee high-quality, efficient project delivery.

Zazz offers comprehensive React Native development services with a focus on customized solutions. Our team of experienced developers combines technical expertise with a deep understanding of business needs. We provide end-to-end support, from project conceptualization to post-launch maintenance, ensuring seamless app development and deployment for our clients.

How Can React Native App Builder Upscale Your Business? Wed, 01 Sep 2021 10:34:56 +0000 Apps are an integral part of our everyday lives. They have become a life-saver. Grabbing on to this opportunity, organizations are investing in app development. However, creating a game-changer app is the real deal. That’s when apps developed with React Native app builder stand out.

react development company

In this high-geared and ever-evolving 21st century, every user wants speedy access to resources. Thus organizations are highly bent on apps to provide their users with a seamless app experience. If you create React Native apps, you can offer your users the kind of satisfaction they desire.

This blog will give you an overall idea and knowledge on how your business can overcome challenges and pace up with the modern-day and ever-changing business demands by taking full advantage of the benefits offered by the React Native app builder. 

What Is React Native App Builder? How It Can Benefit Your Business?

React Native is an open-source JavaScript-based framework launched by Facebook back in 2015. It helps to build apps for cross-platforms, namely iOS and Android. Thus, React Native app builder is the top seed for developers to build exceptional natively rendered apps following a singular codebase for several platforms. 

When you build an app by channelizing the strength of this cutting-edge framework, you are just not developing a mobile, web, or HTML5 application, but a unique app that cannot be differentiated from a Kotlin or Swift-based app as it makes use of the primary UI building blocks akin to native Android and iOS applications. 

In simple terms, developing an app with this power-packed framework makes the app development process quicker and affordable. It is the reason why businesses worldwide are reaching out to companies providing React Native app development services. 

There are many reasons why developers worldwide prefer to create React Native apps and why this framework boomed in the sphere of app development. Some of them are stated below:

  • Its singular coding structure helps build a single app that runs on different platforms, namely iOS and Android, thus saving time and cost.
  • React Native’s usage of the already acclaimed old-school JavaScript library has helped them gain immense popularity.
  • With this leading-edge framework, the front-end developers can build some of the most high-end and robust applications that scale.
  • It provides a smooth, attractive and responsive user interface while accelerating the development process.

Well, the reason behind its roaring success is endless. But as a business, you must be concerned about how this open-source framework can be advantageous for you. So let’s look at some of the benefits your company can reap if you develop apps using the React Native app builder.

Quicker and Affordable

Hiring two different teams for launching your apps on Android and iOS platforms separately is time consuming and expensive. But you cannot just drop users from a specific platform. Thanks to React Native, you can target users from various platforms without wasting time and money.

One of the benefits of using React Native app builder to create apps is that it enables quicker app development due to its code reusability function. Instead of jotting down discrete codes for Android or iOS, it gives developers the power to reuse the code for several operating systems.

Also, if you hire developers from a renowned React Native app development company, you can curb the overall cost of your app development. In addition, since the React Native app builder is open-sourced, you won’t have to pay for the license. 

It also puts forward effortless migration and numerous third-party plugins. Its best-in-class code reusable functionality helps to reduce the overall expense of your business application. 

Native Look and Feel

Another benefit that you get if you create React Native apps is its classy native potentialities. Unfortunately, getting a seamless UX using the traditional Native framework for building apps is costly. Whereas, React Native fuses superbly with the native apps and offers an exceptional UX on both platforms. 

Whether you are an Android user or an iOS user, the React Native app builder will give a native look and feel to your apps. Your users will forget what lagging is. This is one true artistry of React Native. You don’t need to panic and stress over enormous application usages.

Singular Coding Structure

Apps developed with React Native app builder are easy to build compared to other frameworks due to its code reusability feature. As a result, developers can use a single coding structure for all platforms, thus saving time on writing codes for identical elements on separate platforms. 

Developers are free to pen down codes in an equivalent programming language and tie up with React Native. It is highly beneficial if you want to add extra functionalities that the React Native libraries do not hold up. With the singular coding structure, developers can save time and invest in app up-gradation for improved user experience.

Web App to Mobile App

The React Native app builder enables the effortless conversion of a web application into a mobile app. Since the interface is modular and innate, it permits the developers to view how the web app might feel and look like a mobile application. Furthermore, since web applications are built following the Progressive Web App (PWA) framework, they can be easily transformed into mobile apps with the React Native app development framework. 

Developers can lay hold of the source of the web application, transform it into programming logic, set up a test case to inspect and look over if the web application can be rapidly rendered into a mobile application or not. This magnificent functionality comes with the React Native framework, which will make your business applications highly efficient.

Cross-Platform Application Development

If you are thinking of launching your business app for either Android or iOS platforms, why not go for React Native’s cross-platform compatibility feature and get your app launched on both platforms and drive profits? This is one of the many gifts provided by the React Native app builder framework. Its cross-platform framework offers you all the cutting-edge tools for building an application for both platforms. 

The coding structure of React Native is highly adaptable with all the platforms. And while you plan to fix on a single platform, React Native helps target users of every platform in the given period. Developing apps with the React Native app builder keeps your time-related worries at bay.

High-Quality and Top-Notch Development

React Native is the top choice for app development since hiring dedicated React Native app developers is quite easy. In recent times, React Native is a highly favorable framework that developers study and shine at. By harnessing the strength of React Native app builder framework, developers can design and build top-notch apps with rich UI/UX designs to give users an unparalleled experience. 

Besides that, it’s easier to hire React Native developers and knowledgeable engineers at an affordable cost since the framework is quite easy to learn and be proficient at. As the developers can build robust and secure apps with React Native app builder, they are in total demand, but still, you can easily hire the finest ones without facing any difficulty. 

Third-Party Integrations

Highly talked about for its third-party infusion, the React Native framework puts forward outstanding plugins that attach a layer of advantage to your business mobile application. Its high-yield framework and tailor-made modules make operations smooth and plain-sailing as it eradicates the requirement of WebView, making the app speedy, impeccable, and feature-rich in no time. React Native empowers the developers to build robust and dynamic cross-platform apps effortlessly. 

When building a complex business application, the cutting-edge React Native app builder tools help curb the time to pen down intricate and elaborate coding blocks. The React Native-based app developers utilize these plugins and include high-end features in Android or iOS platforms in a flash. 

Wrapping Up

If you look at popular apps like Facebook, Bloomberg, Skype, and Pinterest, they are built on the React Native app builder. Credit goes to its top-notch quality and flawless user experience. It is highly acclaimed and has achieved immense admiration over the years. React Native is invincible in its sphere. 

Momentum matters when you are into business. A smooth and efficient app can keep you a level ahead of your competitors. React Native app builder is the most sought-after and convenient option at hand. So, if you are planning to build user-friendly and robust apps with the power of React Native framework, you need to secure the services of a renowned React Native app development agency. 

Zazz is a reputable Mobile app development company with years of experience delivering feature-rich cross-platform applications to keep businesses a step forward in the race. So whether you choose us for React Native eCommerce app development or for building high-end On-Demand apps, we are your best bet. Contact Zazz to work with the best app developers.

How to develop a Recognition Mobile App Using Latest Technologies? Fri, 22 Jan 2021 13:38:07 +0000 Landmark recognition apps are used to identify landmarks by including well-known buildings and structures. Developers mainly help users to identify famous buildings like the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, and many more using such apps. Many app development companies are using the latest techniques and methodologies to build such apps for their clients. 

develop a Recognition Mobile App Using Latest Technologies

Technologies like React Native make this process relatively simple. All you need to do is write and execute some code. With the landmark recognition app using React Native, you can easily recognize well-known landmarks in an image.

These apps work very only. You have to pass an image to this API. It will automatically the landmarks related to that image and display it with each landmark’s geographic coordinates and the region of the picture. All the information stored in the application’s database creates fantastic experiences for users based on the content they share and more.

What is React Native?

React Native is a coding platform that helps developers to develop mobile apps using only JavaScript. It is used to build real mobile applications for both Android and iOS using a single codebase. React Native mobile app agency uses programming languages like JavaScript or TypeScript for transferring data from server to your device. 

This framework is known as a famous platform as it uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps

What is Expo?

Expo is a framework or set of tools and services that creates universal React applications. This platform is a set of tools and services built around React Native and native platforms. You can use those platforms to develop, make, and deploy iOS or Android apps using the same JavaScript/TypeScript codebase.

Quick Glimpse of Landmark Recognition App with React Native and Vision AI

It is essential to know how to set up Expo with React Native. If you are facing any problems while doing so; go through their docs to get more detail. 

Such Landmark recognition apps use computer vision instead of any location information from GPS. This makes the technology not only to recognize a landmark, especially from where you’re standing, it also considers photos or the cover of a magazine for this purpose. Such applications will be beneficial for you even if you’re thousands of miles away.

Nowadays, React Native makes the Landmark Recognition technology more fast and accurate. It uses the latest patent-pending technologies for training deep learning models to eliminate all the false positives and nuisance as many ordinary buildings and bridges share similarities. 

Users may face problems while identifying famous landmarks like decrement inaccuracy. Many such applications offer about 90% of accuracy that is quite unparallel to achieve across the industry. In addition to the above feature, the technology supports about 2000 landmarks, and the number is still growing.

Recognising the most prominent landmark also depends on the location of your phone. Besides this, many apps distinguish the area based on the angle of your device. 

Critical capabilities of Landmark Recognition Apps

Recognizes well-known landmarks

These apps will provide you with the name and geographic coordinates of landmarks that users mainly capture in it. Many recognised applications can be used to find the region of the image of the historic.

Get Google Knowledge Graph entity IDs.

Mainly a Knowledge Graph entity ID uniquely identifies the landmark, and the Knowledge Graph Search API uses the same ID. You can place an entity across multiple languages using this string and independently of the text description formatting.

User- Friendly

Among other location recognition apps, some most advanced applications capture the image of any monument & calculate the exact geographical points. The location recognition app then compares them to another geographical location to check the captured image could be related to which one.

Wrapping up

As the most popular React Native development company, Zazz explains more about the location recognition app. There are several such applications available on App Store that users can access for free with specific data types. We are a well-known mobile application development company with a dedicated development team that provides 24 * 7 support. If you need any assistance, let’s discuss. Our experts will connect you at the earliest to solve your queries.

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Step by Step Guide to Convert an Android & iOS App to React Native Fri, 15 Jan 2021 08:37:09 +0000 React Native is becoming more popular every day. It’s no surprise that developers use JavaScript, but experienced developers also use its components to increase development speed. While we still believe that apps built-in native programming languages are more powerful. Adding React can help you need an app fast.

Android & iOS App to React Native

What is React Native?

React Native uses React to build native applications. React Native app development company use native Android and iOS features to create mobile UIs with declarative components instead of web components. React Native works the same way as React. But instead of Virtual DOM, it uses native views to manipulate the DOM.

React Native relies entirely on JavaScript and uses Bridge to connect with the native platform. Getting React Native components and native platforms connected via Bridge is perhaps the most challenging part of the integration process. Getting React Native to work for native applications is not a simple process. Also, you will need to consider a lot of things if you want to do it.

Why Use React Native?

According to an app development company, most mobile app developers prefer to use native tools like Kotlin or Objective-C to build their apps. If you already have a native Android app, you can convert the React Native module into it without developing a React Native app.

However, in some situations, developing apps with React Native is a great solution. To create the same for Android, you can save a lot of time building it to React Native for both platforms.

How to Migrate Native Android & iOS App to React Native

React Native is written in JavaScript, Java, Objective-C, Objective-C ++, Python, and C ++. It acts as an umbrella option for cross-platform application development or for converting native applications on the Android or iOS platforms to React Native.

Building a React Native app requires writing code within the framework, but if you want to create two versions of your app for Android and iOS, you can choose to code in React Native or consider adding a single view to your existing native app. Check step by step guide below..

Step 1: If you want to convert an existing Android app to iOS using React Native, you will need to add a splash screen with an app icon.

Step 2: Start by cloning and installing all required libraries. Then you might be able to command it as a React Native-based Android to apply to any installed Android emulator or phone.

Step 3: You can proceed with configuring authentication for the React Native based iOS app

Step 4: Run your application in the iOS Simulator

Step 5: Adjust the style in your application

Step 6: Set Icon, and Display Name before running on the device

Step 7: Create a Welcome Screen

Step 8: Submit your application to the Apple App Store

Likewise, if you want to build an Android app with React Native, you need to configure maven first. After that, you can enable auto-linking of configured permissions and native modules. Before integrating code, text traffic needs to be cleaned up. Finally, you can test the integration and build your app in Android Studio.

You can also choose to build your typical React Native application. You can migrate the React Native Android app to iOS or vice versa. Before publishing it to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Again, it is advisable to consult a well-known mobile app development company. Before proceeding with your app idea or app conversion.

Final Thoughts

React Native components can save time for your application. If you need to quickly integrate something and build one feature for Android and iOS simultaneously. The framework is continually being updated, and the community around it is growing every day. Making it easy to integrate Android and iOS apps with React Native.

Zazz believes that building native applications with native tools and programming languages is the best and most reliable way to create high-quality products. Still, sometimes time to market is more important. That’s why you might find this solution is right for you, even though linking React Native components with native apps can be tricky.

If you have any problems building your native app with React Native, feel free to contact us. We can integrate iOS and Android apps with React Native without losing performance or functionality.

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Benefits of Developing a PWA Using React Native in 2022 Wed, 13 Jan 2021 16:46:38 +0000 Defining web application

Web applications are a type of software that is coded in a language supported by web browsers. There is no need to install a web app on your mobile phone, it’s like in the cloud. Its execution is carried out by the browser on the internet or intranet.

React Native in 2022

In 2021, we are seeing a huge trend of web apps developed using React Native and other technologies. Web applications are the amazing cost-effective tools for certain businesses that never need complex mobile apps. These are easy to create and very quick in the development phase. Now as you have understood what is web application, let’s talk about progressive web apps.

What are Progressive web applications?

Progressive web applications are halfway between web apps and native apps. They are web pages, but through the use of Service Workers and other technologies, they behave more like normal applications than web applications. They don’t need to live in a browser but a user can install them on their mobile phones or other devices.

A progressive application consists of four parts; the manifest, the service workers, the icon, and the server.

App manifesto

The manifest of a PWA application is a JSON file in which all of its Meta information is specified. It is where the theme color, name, background color, icon, and those details are indicated.

Service Worker

This is perhaps the most important component. They are programmatic elements that offer solutions to exchange information between network, browser cache and server. Besides, they also record information to be loaded when there is a connection, allowing the app to be run without the internet.


The icon helps identify your PWA app from others. Always hire a web Designer that guarantees eye-catchy and captivating design.


Browsers will never run a PWA that is hosted on an HTPP like many websites today. It provides security to PWA and the browser job is to implement it smoothly without any hindrance.

What will we need to program a progressive web application?

It will be necessary to comply with a couple of important requirements that we will have to carry out in programming. These are as follows:

  • API key: the data from our PWA app will come directly from this API, so you must get a key from it.
  • Programming knowledge: You must at least understand web programming and the most essential of HTML5, CSS, and Javascript languages. React Native App Development must have the expertise over the existing tech stacks.

How to Hire a PWA developer?

Developer tools

Building a nice, interactive and fresh front-end is not easy, but there are three fundamental tools for it: HTML, CSS, and JS. Every web developer should know and feel very comfortable with these languages. Getting these three elements to interact seamlessly is an art that requires experience and practice.

Request a parameter to measure the work done

If your area is not programming you should find a way to measure the person’s work to know how you will take control when you are carrying out the project. In other words, you should ask what the work will consist of and how you will be able to measure progress.

Experience matters

Hiring a senior web programmer is not the same as hiring a junior. Evaluate the pros and cons of things like cost versus experience. This will depend on the type of project it is. Always ask about the portfolio and the work already done by the developer. This will give you an insight regarding the talent and abilities of a development company.

Engage a conversation

Never hire a web app development agency without asking a couple of questions. Engage a healthy conversation, tell them about your plans and market scenario. Ask them about the timelines, development process, and most importantly the benefits of having a web app over others. Your developer must know what is a progressive web app and how it elevates your brand.

Also Read: Everything You Need to Know about Securing the Google Places API Key

Clear communication

Try to always stay in communication with the web developer you hire. The person who works with you must have ease of communication and be open to listening to you. Talk to him about each of your concerns as the project unfolds.

How Zazz has achieved huge success with Progressive Web App Development

Complete Customization

Zazz offers complete customization not only in PWA development but also in selecting various features and even team members. We are flexible and always open for suggestions and changes even at the 11th hour. We develop complete tailor-made solutions keeping in mind your needs, and business plan.

Outstanding UI/UX

Today’s apps get popular with their design language. Zazz always prioritizes customer satisfaction by implementing amazing user experience and design layouts. Zazz develops progressive web app iOS, Android, and all other platforms with the same skills and approach.

Accomplished developers

Zazz has got the world’s best developers who have major accomplishments under our banner. We occasionally do talent hunts and our strategy has got us some of the best minds in the world.

Creativity and Innovation

Permanent success is only achieved through creativity and innovation. Zazz has a separate team that always works on innovative ideas. Our research has granted us a unique development process and creating mobile apps in record time. These strategies have made us the best App development company.

Most Cost-Effective Solutions

We value the money and strategize the whole roadmap according to your budget. We not only give priority to cost-effectiveness but also make sure that our apps are supreme by every aspect.

One-Window and Best Technologies

While working with Zazz, you have complete peace of mind. If you want to create several digital solutions, there is no need to go anywhere else. You can always talk to us! We assure you that we can integrate your existing and future projects with any technology you desire.

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Is React Native Really The future of Mobile App Development in 2022? Tue, 12 Jan 2021 13:22:00 +0000 React is capable of generating native applications for iOS and Android programmed with JavaScript. The goal of React is to build interfaces that react dynamically when a change occurs thanks to the framework. It should be noted that the development is not 100% cross-platform since not all the code works for iOS and Android. Although a large part does as with other options such as Xamarin.

Mobile App Development

How to create an app with React?

What is react native app development? React in native is not a WebView that uses the Safari engine to render the application. It is an engine that executes JavaScript in a service that translates our code in real-time to native components.

Installing the basics

  1. First of all, using the terminal and the “cd” command, we position ourselves in the folder where we will save our project. Being positioned, write the following code in the terminal: $ react-native init “appname”. This code installs React files and folders.
  2. Once it finishes installing, we must make sure that everything ran correctly and that the installation was successful, we will make sure that we run the application.
  3. Being inside the project folder, using the terminal, we will type the following code to view the application: $ react-native run-ios. This may take several minutes because you are installing and compiling all files and folders to install by default.

Creating the API Request

We want to call the API as soon as our app starts working, so we will execute the call in the React component Did Mount method.

Styling It

We already have everything we need to create react app. The last thing we have left is to add the styles.

Factors important while hiring a React Development Company

Solid work experience

Ask a development agency whether they have the right amount of work experience in handling react based mobile apps. It’s not important if they just worked with small companies or startups, the key is to find relevant work experience.

Do I need to hire another company for design and launch?

Ask your development company, can they handle your project from scratch? Significantly, you always opt for a one-window operation. If your react developer just provides the programming of the app and asks you to find another company for launch, it could be messy. Professional development agencies always handle projects from beginning to the final launch. Zazz even gives Support and maintenance services.

Communication Skills

Another important factor while hiring a react native developer is to have a look at their communication skills. You have provided them with all the documentation and conveyed your whole idea but are they grasping it? There should be no language barrier and misunderstandings. It’s crucial for the react mobile app to be executed smoothly without any hindrances like the communication gap.

Development Process

Another key factor is to check their development process. Ask them in the beginning how they will create a react app? Furthermore, enquire about the timelines. It’s very important because it’s the development process that eventually provides success.

QA and Testing

We believe that a faulty app in the market affects the client’s reputation and brand image. Quality assurance and testing, therefore, is of immense importance. Check-in advance whether your react app developer has the contemporary testing knowledge, expertise, and resources.

Special Features

Don’t just give your idea and meet them on the final day. Ask them about their opinion! Special features are most important in the success of mobile apps. Most professional developers have a years-long experience like Zazz. You should ask them about implementing some of the novel or special features in your react hybrid app to make it unique or trendy.

Why is Zazz the best in Business & Why Hire Zazz for Premium React Development?

Faster Development Process

Zazz has created a unique and innovative development process that provides us with speed and quality. Compared to others, we develop native apps 35% faster without compromising over quality. There is no doubt that we are the best React Native App Developer with outstanding agile methodology.

All technologies under one roof

Zazz is the powerhouse developing working on almost all types of technologies. We have separate teams to cater to different technologies and they collaborate to achieve efficiency and productivity. While working with us, you will never have to leave to find another developer. We believe in customer satisfaction and always prioritize it.

Rich Resources

We make available all the technological stack for our clients. Our developers have a command over all of the contemporary languages, tools, and libraries. The reason we have achieved this success is because of our approach towards engaging the latest tools to develop trendy apps. Zazz delivers React-based mobile apps with supreme quality and eye-catchy design. There is no other Seattle App Developer with such a large amount of resources and technological expertise.

World’s best designers

Our stylists and designers are one of the best in the world and we have recruited them after carefully analyzing their strengths. We guarantee an astounding design, a flawless layout, and smooth navigations with our mobile apps.

Integrity at stake

Zazz is no ordinary company just starting the business. We have been in this digital business for many years now. We understand that our integrity is always at stake and we do everything to successfully launch a project to be in your good books. Client satisfaction is our end goal, we don’t work for one project but always see an opportunity to create a relationship. Together we can achieve new milestones, Contact us now!

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