Android Application Development Guide By Zazz Experts Mobile Application Development Company Fri, 03 May 2024 09:10:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cost of Building a Real Estate App like Zillow Fri, 18 Aug 2023 13:33:41 +0000 Cost of Building a Real Estate App like Zillow

100 million+ homes listed in some of the most preferred locations of the United States represent the dominance of Zillow as a real estate giant in the nation. From buying a new home to renting the first apartment in the big city, this #1 real estate application is helping millions of people live their American dream vividly. 

Zillow was founded by Rich Barton in 2006. Rich was also a part of the founding team of by Microsoft, which is a popular travel booking portal. He once stated that the idea of a large-scale real estate application spawned from Expedia itself. 

At present, there are more than ten million downloads of the Zillow mobile app. It clearly shows that the majority of Americans trust this app to buy and rent apartments, homes, commercial properties, etc. Even as a seller, Zillow offers so many options for property owners to make the sale a success at the end of every deal. 

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As the most popular real estate mobile app in the US, Zillow has so much to deliver in terms of application interface, platform accessibility, business model, app architecture, and features. We will explore all of it to figure out the cost of building a real estate app like Zillow throughout this blog! 

An Overview of Zillow Market & Business Model 

Zillow is presented as a nationwide real estate marketplace offering an extensive range of services for residential buying, selling, renting, and financing. In 2022, the mobile app company announced its release as a housing super app. The existing design of the portal will be upgraded to help users not only search for a place but close the deal and move with convenience. 

In order to boost its consumer base and expand revenue, Zillow simply acquired a few other brands like Trulia, Dotloop, RentJuice, and other promising real estate applications while also eradicating the competition at the same time. 

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Here’s how Zillow generates revenue as the biggest online real estate marketplace in the USA: 

  • The housing company buys homes from the sellers and sells them in quite a short amount of time. It is an advantage to sellers as they get to sell their property for cash without listing it on different portals and waiting around for suitable buyers. 
  • Aside from being a buyer and a seller itself, Zillow also acts as a mortgage lender and charges interest on home loans. Zillow’s mortgage services contribute to a large percentage of its total profits. 
  • Zillow has been way ahead of its competitors in terms of its offerings. Its services as an internet media and technology provider prove why it is the most profitable and successful housing application in America. 

Understanding Zillow with Architectural Breakdown 

As we have just learned, Zillow performs as a selling and buying application platform for properties across America. However, the immense amount of user data available on the app plays its role in facilitating several services such as housing listing and buyer data management. 

The backend structure of the Zillow application is scaled to create information streams that can deliver the needed data without mixing up. This data streaming & ingestion process covers real-time assessment of people looking for rentals and homes in an area. 

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List of Top Features for Real Estate Apps like Zillow 

1. Property Search Filters 

The cost of building a real estate app like Zillow involves a strategically applied search filter that can deliver the most accurate property options on every prompt. An app that shows listings based on pricing, area, location, transportation connectivity, etc. An app for housing solutions is customized to provide house and rental matches for users.  

2. Property Media & Description 

People spend weeks and even months browsing for homes online before choosing one definite property for rental or purchase. To dive into the buyers’ minds and help them with their decision, a real estate app ensures to provide all kinds of descriptions including the images and videos of the property. This feature of real estate mobile apps also adds up to the total cost of applications like Zillow. 

3. Database Collection 

Data can be far more imperative for real estate portals and applications than you would imagine. Popular housing apps like Zillow collect this user data and make the most of it to boost engagement and revenue. For example, some real estate apps use this data to expand their customer base and alert them of available property in their selected area every time a good deal comes up. 

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4. Mortgage Calculator 

Zillow played the biggest card with this feature and gained an advantage against all its competitors. While several applications already offer loan calculators and other tools to alleviate the decision-making process for buyers, Zillow took it to the next level with its mortgage calculator. Aside from this custom calculator, the real estate marketplace also offers its own mortgage services for its customers. 

5. Map Integration 

The success of a real estate app depends partially on how the map on the portal works. This is why Zillow spent a fair share of its real estate app development cost in building the most efficient map feature that allows its users to locate the property without much hassle. It also presents nearby hospitals, schools, banks, markets, restaurants, etc. near the available property. 

6. Property Alerts & Updates 

When it comes to driving engagement and revenue to a real estate portal, the power of push notifications can never be denied. Zillow has impeccably tailored its property alert and update system to make sure that its users don’t miss a single chance to explore the best property available in their areas. 

7. Virtual Tours 

In a tech-ridden world, offering innovative experiences to your target audiences is the most effective way to beat the competition. Zillow made it through the technology edge and came up with its virtual tour feature with AR/VR implementation. It is an advantage that comes with augmented reality and virtual reality app development and integration in an existing or a new real estate application. 

App Budget Evaluation for Applications like Zillow 

Before we move to the exact cost structure of real estate mobile app development for apps like Zillow, you must know that the integration of features such as AR tours, smart map implementation, and custom calculators causes a great difference in the budget of the application project. 

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The average cost of a typical housing mobile app ranges between $30,000 to $40,000. In addition to this, some capabilities of Zillow such as backend data management, virtual tour, property media description, and mortgage calculator may raise the budget for up to a total of $60,000 and even higher. 

When it comes to setting up a well-defined budget, your selection of a recognized real estate mobile app development company also matters. You must acknowledge that the process of building a housing application like Zillow is far more intricate than user design and feature integration. 

You will need to hire a real estate app development company that can scale its methodologies as per the data drawn from in-depth competition research and insights. At Zazz, you get to work with that kind of team that acquires experience in business assessment and scope analysis.  

How to Build a Successful Real Estate Application like Zillow 

Now you have the answer to how much it costs to build a real estate app like Zillow. Apart from that, you know what features and technicalities go behind the robust digital structure of a highly successful real estate mobile application. So, what’s next? Do you also have an idea brimming in your mind that can accelerate your real estate venture? 

If you are looking to establish your housing business from scratch and planning a mobile app, then you can connect with our mobile app development company. We are one of the top cutting-edge IT agencies in the USA with hands-on experience in technologies such as AR/VR, automated map integration, multiple calculator implementation, & real-time data management. 

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Our methodologies for real estate app design and development services span from user research to market study which lets us accumulate the needed insight for the app project. Quality testing takes over prominence once we have an MVP with basic mobile app functionalities. 

Get in touch with our real estate app developers now! 

Top Programming Languages For Android App Development Tue, 08 Nov 2022 06:56:29 +0000 With technology evolving daily, we see next-gen Android mobile applications swaying users with incredible features. While it takes a lot to develop a cutting-edge Android application,  the programming language is the vital element that anchors Android app development. These languages equip the developers to build robust, feature-packed and result-oriented applications. This blog will talk about some of the best programming languages used in Android app development. Read on! 

List of Top 8 Programming Languages For Developing Android Apps

Programming Languages For Developing Android Apps


Initially, Java served as the official language for programming on Android (Kotlin has since taken its place), and as a result, it is also the most popular language. Along with all of this, Java has a fantastic online community for support in case of any issues. 


Being a high-level, class-based, and object-oriented programming language, Java is meticulously designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.

Overall, Java is a fantastic language to build robust, feature-rich, and user-friendly applications. Also, Java aids in offering smooth Android App Development services. It should be noted that Java requires in-depth technical knowledge and specialized expertise. Thus, it is advised to the newbies in the world of Android development to not start directly with Java while starting the basics of app development. 



As of 2019, Kotlin has been designated by Google as the official android app programming language. While creating Android apps, Java can be substituted for Kotlin, a cross-platform programming language. 

The only significant difference is that Kotlin does away with some of Java’s unnecessary features, such as null pointer exceptions. Kotlin may, in brief, be used as an “entry point” for developing Android apps and is considerably more accessible for beginners to learn than Java.



Using the Android Native Development Kit, C++ may be utilized for mobile app development services to create Android apps (NDK). Although an app can be partially implemented in C++ native code utilizing the NDK, an app cannot be entirely developed in C++. 

While C++ is often a beneficial android development language, it is significantly less versatile and much more complicated to set up. A result of the complexity increase could be an increase in bugs. Therefore, Java is preferable to C++ since the latter needs to yield more benefits to justify the effort required.

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Similar to Java, garbage collection is used in C# to lessen the probability of memory leakage. Additionally, C grammar #’s are more transparent and simpler than Java’s, which makes developing with it relatively easy.

The main disadvantage of C# in the past it could only be used with Windows computers because it used the.NET Framework. However, Xamarin took care of this issue. A cross-platform implementation of the Common Language Infrastructure is Android (formerly known as Mono for Android). Xamarin, now. Native Android apps can be created using Android tools, and the code can be shared between different platforms.



Even though Android doesn’t enable native Python programming, Python can still be named the android app development language. The Python apps can be transformed into Android Packages that can be executed on Android devices using various methods.

Kivy, a free and open-source Python library used in creating mobile apps, is an illustration of this. It supports Android and promotes quick app creation, which is a win-win situation. The drawback of this is that since Kivy is not natively supported, it won’t have any natural advantages.

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JavaScript, CSS, and HTML

JavaScript, CSS, and HTML

The Apache Cordova-based Adobe PhoneGap framework allows HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to be used for android app programming. The PhoneGap framework enables web development expertise to produce hybrid apps displayed using “WebView” but packaged like apps.

Except for JavaScript, the Adobe PhoneGap framework can handle all but the most fundamental Android app development tasks. The other languages on this list are preferable if you want to be referred to as an actual Android developer because making a passable app takes a lot of work. But you can study React Native, an open-source framework in great demand, assuming you are proficient with Javascript. With React Native, you can create stunning and potent hybrid apps that are compatible with iOS app development besides Android.



Today, dismissing Dart as one of the top-listed app development programming languages would be equivalent to ignoring the elephant in the room (because the elephant is Java). The Flutter framework, which is now quite popular because it can quickly produce stunning and high-performing apps for the web, desktop, and mobile, is powered by the open-source programming language Dart.

Dart’s primary selling point is that Google created it as a client-optimized language for quick programs on any platform. Dart’s primary goal is to facilitate UI creation for programmers through the use of features like hot-reload, which enables programmers to view changes immediately as they are made to the application. Dart is renowned for having quick performance and for compiling machine code for ARM and x64 for mobile, desktop, and backend. And for web applications, JavaScript.



A software development kit called Corona can create Android apps in Lua. Corona Native and Corona Simulator are its two operational modes. In contrast to Corona Native, which integrates Lua code with an Android Studio project to create apps with native functionality, Corona Simulator is used to create apps directly.

While Lua has fewer features than Java, it is simpler and has a lower learning curve. Built-in monetization features are another collection of tools and plugins that improve the creation of apps. Although not exclusively, Corona is frequently used to create graphics-intensive software and video games. 

Concluding Words 

The languages mentioned above can be used to construct a wide variety of apps, also as mobile game programming languages, including chat messengers, music players, games, calculators, etc. Furthermore, no language can be said to be the “best language” for creating Android apps. Therefore, based on your objectives and tastes, choosing the ideal language for each project is up to you. Or you could always ask the Android specialists at Zazz for assistance.

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The A to Z for Conversion of Android App to iOS App Wed, 29 Jun 2022 12:40:09 +0000 If you are scouting for the ways to convert an android app to iOS or vice versa, well then you are most likely amongst those fortunate app start-ups whose business is witnessing growth. 

Commencing your project with one platform was indeed a great strategy to undergo with regards to the time and monetary resources. 

Android App to iOS App

Herein it is pertinent to note that even Instagram was erstwhile only an iOS app. The app primarily experimented with its distinct feature-set, designs and varied other parameters. Only once the app garnered positive feedback on the basis of thousands of downloads, did Instagram then decide to convert from iOS to Android app. 

However there are quite a few questions that might be pestering you at this juncture, such as how hard it could be to convert an Android to iphone app or vice versa and where to start from, but fret not as you have finally landed at the right page, and we at Zazz are here to your aid. We are an iOS app development company and with years of experience and expertise in this domain, we shall help you understand how to convert android to iPhone app. Mentioned hereinunder is a detailed and an exhaustive guide that shall aid you successfully port your android app to iOS. So do give this detailed blog a read and don’t forget to thank us later. 

How to Convert an Android App to iOS?

Step1 : Carefully Analyze Your Technical and Business Requirements

Well if you ask us how to port the android app to ios, then the very first step that you would need to undertake is to meticulously and exhaustively analyze your technical and business requirements. Make sure to check your compatibility specifics along with the iOS platform, third-party modules, libraries involved with the Android app and the space required for expansion and optimization. It is pertinent to note that both Android and iOS apps share a general backend side and this means that the code performing the business logic layer doesn’t change and remains consistent. 

All this must be put in a precise order according to the nuances of the specific iOS platform. Herein we would like to suggest that it’s best to have experienced developers and software specialists by your side to aid you in this process.  We can help you do so as ours is a renowned mobile app development company and such conversions, though not easy, are truly a cakewalk for our doyen developers. 

However, at this very first stage, you need to figure out the following – 

1. App Design Specifics

2. Functional Specification

3. Business Logic Structure

4. Source Code Nuances

Herein you must perceive the entire project from a bird’s eye view and consider both the technical as well as the detailed business specifics. The finest elements that are required to carry out mandatory functions in both these domains can be precisely laid out by a software architect and a business analyst respectively. 

The other crucial milestones herein comprises a detailed scrutiny and analysis of the market, project mind-map, the code and design review, functional specifications and the workflow structure organisation. 

Step 2 : Implement a Detailed Design Overhaul

For successfully converting your Android app to iOS app, myriads of essential design elements of the existing Android app would have to be revised and changed in accordance with the Flat Design guidelines. The cardinal aspects include the Android – native UI mirroring feature and also the prior design segmentation into assets. The design for smooth app porting must be concerned with a distinct patch of project workflow. Also when we talk of UI mirroring, which helps to properly display left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) languages, you must be aware that the less common RTL interfaces are by default and are automated in the systems since the very inception of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and iOS 9, respectively. So you would be required to implement the automated text flipping to ensure customized elements.

Herein we would also like to apprise you that the Flat Design-driven overhaul shall most likely include moving object placements and making the visuals more 3D-esque. The other important thing is adjusting and altering the font types as the Android platform uses Roboto as its basic system font type whereas the iOS on the other hand is built on San Francisco.

Step 3 : Meticulously Rewrite the Underlying Code and Thoroughly Optimize the Software Architecture

It is important to note that the Android app code cannot be simply recompiled to fit into the iOS architecture specifics. Therefore in order to ensure successful conversion of your Android app to iOS, you would be required to almost completely recode most of the software piece. The most crucial thing here is to keep in sync all the compatibilities and synchronize all the steps of the process with new platform requirements. The principle workload here is on the shoulders of the technical specialist, viz the software engineers and the designers. 

Herein we would like to mention that there is a specific software that helps convert Android app to iOS as the software meticulously converts the Android code (Kotlin, Java) to iOS (Swift). However such authorization solutions generate code with a bare minimum quality and it thereafter requires thorough revision and optimization by the iOS developers. 

Mentioned hereinunder is a detailed list of third-party integrations that you would have to fit into your solutions – 

1. A Payment Gateway (multiple ones such as Stripe and PayPal would work the best)

2. Social Integrations with Popular Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. 

3. Data Analytics Modules including Mixpanel, Google Analytics and more

4. Order Delivery Integrations.

The remaining code porting routing to convert Android app to iOS is about carefully revising and implementing assets step by step, thereby ensuring that the workflow remains flexible enough to ensure all the critical project stages along with the other ancillary work factors that may crop up along the way. 

Step 4 : Testing and QA

This is unquestionably one of the most important finalization states post porting of an Android app to iOS. It is a sine qua non to scrupulously test and evaluate the functional UI/UX features and other operational capabilities of the converted app. Also apart from this, some additional quality assurance effort that would impart the quality of the field use of the app is a compulsion. 

Furthermore, an ideal testing and quality analysis efforts must include the following –

1. Performance Load Testing

2. Functional Testing

3. Unit Testing

4. UX/UI Testing

5. Security Testing

A tried and tested practice herein is to club the manual and automated testing techniques to assemble the most punctilious testing process. 

Step 5 : Regular Maintenance and Upgradation

The end product that results by virtue of a successful conversion of an Android app to iOS must be adequately maintained in its distinct area of operation. This includes patching up errors and any kind of drawbacks that can only be detected during active software operations and also if all the products are timely updated and maintained thoroughly. 

And well that is all from our side. These are the 5 update steps to design an Android app to iOS. We do understand that this might be baffling for you to comprehend, especially if you are a newbie, but true to our words, we shall assist you through and through if you are keen to convert android to iphone app. Ours is an eminent iPhone application development company and with immense prowess and unparalleled excuse in this domain, we shall be more than happy to assist you. Contact us today for a free one on one consultation and our expert developers and designers shall be at your disposal.

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Native vs Hybrid App Development- All Inclusive Guide Thu, 24 Feb 2022 13:01:19 +0000 Today we are all living in a digital epoch and science and technology have successfully conquered almost all domains of our lives. We now have excessive dependence upon digital assets and the Internet with mobile apps is something that we just can’t do without! 

However it is not only individuals, but businesses of all sizes have also ventured into the virtual realm as that is the new norm now, albeit the eclectic digital landscape is a cut-throat battle wherein businesses find it extremely hard to make a mark for themselves as there are myriads of competitors out there. Apps thus play a very crucial role and help businesses augment their operations, but having that said, we must also realize that there are innumerable apps on the App Store and Play Store; with an app for almost everything that we could think of. 

Your business app thus needs to have the special X factor in order to stand apart from the crowd.

Herein it is pertinent to mention that as per a recent estimate, the worldwide annual number of app downloads in 2023 would amount to around 299 billion, and mobile apps are expected to generate a humongous 935 billion US dollars as revenue in form of in-app advertising and via paid downloads. 

Apps are thus an indispensable part of a business and they act like a puissant sceptre, helping mushroom a business in today’s virtual world. However making a stupendous app is not a cakewalk per se, and there are quite a lot of factors that you need to take into consideration prior to commencing your app development operations.

You need to zero in on the ideal technology, the desired app development framework and also the approach that you would like to take up with native or the hybrid app technology stack being your two major choices. 

It is however a little baffling to decide the appropriate development framework for your app, but we’ll give you a lucid insight into hybrid app vs native app development, and would help you decide the right framework for your business app.

So do give this detailed blog a read, and well don’t forget to thank us later! 

What is a Native App?

Native apps are specifically crafted for a particular operating system that is either iOS or Android. It leverages platform-specific programming language and in case the app has to be made available on both the operating systems, then developers need to work on two separate codes. 

Native app development is essentially the process to develop software or apps that are compatible with specific devices and mobile app platforms such as iOS and Android. Developers use native application development to build apps that can fit only one distinct OS. Kotlin or Java are used for developing native apps for the Android platform and Swift or Objective-C are used in the case of iOS mobile app development. 

A native mobile app is most ideal when you wish to render a seamless and frictionless user experience in terms of the visual appeal, functioning and overall feel of the app. Native application development enables developers to smoothly add more features and capabilities to the app as native application development has the capability to smoothly make use of the primary smartphone hardware components such as the GPS, camera, proximity sensors and microphone etc. 

Advantages of Native Apps –

1. Smooth Offline Functionality

One of the major advantages of native app development is that the app operates seamlessly even without internet connectivity. This smooth offline functionality in Native apps is particularly useful for app users who stay in remote areas with low internet connectivity or have limited data availability. 

2. Lightning Speed

Native mobile apps do not have complex code like that of hybrid app frameworks and these apps hence work at a lightning speed. Native apps are thus the most desirable choice for start-ups as it offers a high speed and is also quite easy on the pocket. 

3. Augmented Security

Native application development provides an enhanced security as it primarily relies on different technologies and browsers such as JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS and it thus ensures complete data protection at the user’s end. 

4. Intuitive and Interactive 

Native apps are undoubtedly a lot more intuitive and Interactive as compared to hybrid apps. Native apps are crafted for a particular OS and the app assiduously complies with all the OS guidelines to render an enhanced user experience that is in exact congruence with the operating system. These apps are completely responsive and offer a sublime performance that is par excellence. 

5. Curtails the Scope of Unsolicited Bugs

Juggling between two different codebases is indeed quite a daunting task as compared to a single codebase in native application development. Native apps only have one codebase and do not rely upon cross-platform tools that completely curtail the scope of unsolicited bugs occurrences. 

When Should You Consider Native Application Development?

Native application development would be the ideal choice for you in the following scenarios –

• If your target audience would be using the app for the first time and you wish to impress them with a stupendous and mesmerizing user experience. 

• If coding particularly for one distinct platform.

• If you have a business that deals in animations and 3D games. 

• If you want to develop an Intuitive, albeit an equally easy to learn app. 

• If you want to add device specific features such as the camera, GPS and so on. 

Some Popular Native Apps :

– Spotify

– Artsy

– Google Maps

– Pinterest 

• What are Hybrid Apps? 

Hybrid app development is a blend of native and web solutions wherein developers are required to scrupulously embed the code that is written in CSS, JavaScript and HTML languages, into a native app, albeit with the assistance of plugins that include Apache Cordova and Ionic’s Capacitor etc. as this enables developers to acquire the access to all native functionalities. 

Hybrid apps are compatible with different operating systems and thus no different codes are required for various OS. These applications are quite easy to create and launch and are also cost-effective at the same time. Furthermore the code that is created for one platform may be reused for making a new code for a different platform altogether.

Hybrid apps render a robust performance and also the hybrid app UI design is somewhat close to native apps, however when we talk about UX and the navigation patterns, then the hybrid app framework is sadly nowhere at par with native apps. 

Advantages of Hybrid Apps –

1. Swift to Market 

A hybrid app framework guarantees an expeditious development and the app launch in the market is thus quite swift and happens at an early stage. 

2. Easy-Breezy Maintenance

The hybrid app technologies are purely web based, and it is hence much easier to maintain hybrid apps in comparison to native apps that contain labyrinth and detailed coding. 

3. Budget-Friendly and Easy To Develop

The hybrid application development lifecycle is a unified development per se, and this is a major sigh of relief especially for start-ups as hybrid apps costs are quite reasonable and would sure not burn a hole in one’s pocket. Also, you won’t have to invest separately to create different versions of the app for varied platforms. The hybrid application development frameworks allow developers to develop a single version that can be then utilised for different platforms. 

Also Read: Hybrid vs Native vs PWA: How to Choose the Right One?

4. Refined UI/ UX 

Hybrid apps magically integrate and cash in on the advantages of both native and web apps while furnishing a magnificent and refined hybrid app UI on both iOS and Android platforms. The hybrid app UI framework is also quite lightweight and this permits seamless downloading of graphics and content at a super-fast speed. Developers can make use of the hybrid app framework to furnish stellar iOS and Android app development services

When Should You Consider Hybrid Application Development?

Hybrid application development would be the ideal choice for you in the following scenarios –

• If you want to operate your app on multiple platforms, but don’t have enough time to create cross-platform solutions. 

• If you want to distribute a web app all over the app stores. 

• If you plan to target a wider range of audience that uses the app on both web and mobile devices. 

• If you want to avail the native features of the device such as the camera, GPS and so on. 

Some Popular Hybrid Apps :

– Gmail

– Instagram

– Evernote

– JustWatch

– Airbus Helicopters

– NHS 

Now let us succinctly give you an overview of the most ideal platform to create your own business app. Herein we’ll meticulously contemplate the perks of building a hybrid mobile app vs native mobile app and also vice versa and would help you decide the best platform for creating your own business app. 

1. Your Business Age

Be it any industry that you are working in, you would fall into one of the two scenarios wherein you either have an old and an experienced business, running since ages, albeit your app is a new one or else both your business and app have just ventured into the market. 

If you have just stepped into the market and are a newbie then you must go with a hybrid platform app and you may eventually switch to a native platform.  

2. Consider Your Budget 

We all have to pay high expenses for building digital assets but as a business entity, you must have a certain budget that you would like to specifically allocate for this purpose. This also includes the cost of building a mobile app, and just in case you are tight on budget, then go for a hybrid app development framework as a hybrid app costs a lot less as compared to its counterpart that is the native applications. However, if you have a greater budget for app development then native platform apps are your best bet. The budget of a business thus plays a cardinal role in choosing the desired technology framework between hybrid apps vs native apps. 

3. Complexity Involved 

You must primarily brainstorm and figure out the purpose of your business app as that plays the most significant role in deciding the right technology stack. If you simply want to highlight and display the information on-screen then a hybrid app technology would be the most suitable choice. However, in case the application requires detailed and heavy processing then native application development is what you should go for.

4. Future Goals of Growth and Expansion

Initially a hybrid app framework is a good idea as it is not time-consuming and also the development of a hybrid app costs quite less as it is really economical. However, if your business has future goals of growth and expansion, then it is always preferable to switch to native application development. Your business would also have an increased budget by then and a native app would be successfully able to cater to all your complex needs. 

The Final Verdict –

Businesses need to mandatorily have an app in today’s highly competitive world but the battle between hybrid mobile app vs native mobile app is an endless one.

You must primarily understand that your mobile app should be such that it punctiliously caters to all your distinct work requirements, and it should help your business grow. Organizations thus need to carefully contemplate and zero in on a mobile application development approach that meticulously suits their distinct business nature, their work requirements and it should also aptly address and fulfill all their customer expectations. 

This can indeed be quite an onerous task but the truth is that the right app development platform depends on your specific business needs. Businesses need to carefully figure out their particular requirements and only once clear with that, should they decide the ideal development platform for their mobile app.

It is important to know that both native and hybrid apps have their own pros and cons but you need to obtain a bird’s eye view of the bigger picture and figure out the distinct objectives that you wish to attain from your business app. This would help you select the ideal development framework for your app and you should go for the platform that serves the unique work criteria of your business. 

However in case you still need help with this, then Zazz is here to your rescue! We are an application development company and our developers furnish the most magnificent iOS and Android application development services. We hold years of expertise in building incredibly robust native and hybrid apps. We use the most avant-garde and cutting edge native, hybrid app development tools to create the finest apps that scintillate magic across all mobile ecosystems. Also, we have a proficient and adroit team of experts who would help you choose the right framework for your business app development. 

Contact us today for a free consultation and our experts would help you decide the right app development framework for your business app. 

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Revamp Your Business Model With Android App Development Guide Wed, 03 Feb 2021 13:50:26 +0000 With steadily uplifting mobile app usage and surprisingly enlarging the number of Android user-base, every modern business owner seems to ensure their market expansion by leveraging Android app Development. Entrepreneur efforts lacking the right strategic approach, marketing tactics, and user-driven concepts, end up with no sound results. Thereby, an end-to-end guide to Android app development is required to perceive and implement things ensuring app success.

Android App Development

Android apps enable brands to serve better exposure to their products and services as well as impact their customer retention strategy. A single strategic lack can downgrade their entire app success campaign. Supporting this statement, here is a complete guide to Android app development for beginners or startups to impact and drive productive results. 

According to Statista, a continuous lope for app uploads can be seen on Google Play Store from the year 2009 to 2020. So, you can see, the app development market has been increasing and affecting the overall worldwide market. Considering these statistics, it becomes crucial to know and adopt an end-to-end Android application development strategy helping you to ensure market success rather than increasing the number of app count on the Play Store.

Step By Step Guide To Develop An Android App

Validate Your App Idea

Initially, you need to come up with an app idea reinforcing your brand values and affecting your business structure not just fulfilling the short-term goals, instead, satisfying the long-term market sustainability for your product or brand values. 

Make sure that you are performing appropriate market research, competitor analysis, and investment & budgeting algorithms so as to ensure effective market penetration simplifying your productive growth along with a futuristic approach.

Initiate With MVP Structure

Instead of implementing entire features, functionality, or navigation in one go; start with MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Squeeze and determine the very basic features for your app and try to roll out the market with these minimum probable features. After analyzing the market for the next few months, come up with revolutionary app functionality and extend your app capabilities to ensure productive performance ahead. 

As you have already stepped with your brand out in the market with MVP design, now, you are vigilant about what sort of features work for your app, what do not, and what should be imbibed further. Hence, implement accordingly.

This will rescue your cost and help you to survive with the minimum possible investment. Once your app is ready to boom in the market, extend your app capability targeting your user base, geo-locations, and market trends. To develop and successfully launch an MVP design, you need to take recourse of a proficient Android application development company.

User Engagement Is A Must-Have Deal

Your business is nothing without your users. Hence, deep dive to know your targeted users. For instance, their age group, gender, and personalized adaptability, etc., and wisely work toward bringing the app flow toward simplifying your user navigation and satisfying your users’/customers’ anticipations.

Know Your Competitors

Half of your efforts are done when you come up with your competitors’ list. Understand how your competitors are evolving and what distinct strategies they are leveraging. Keep these factors in mind while approaching an Mobile app development company to deploy your app idea. This helps brands to craft a sustainable path across the market they are willing to target.

Introducing the app in the brutally competitive market is a quite daunting task, but getting vigilant about your competitors can help businesses to optimize strategic and scalable growth, and applying the potential gained experience while being engaged with the development team can help to deploy the app which is highly productive, market sustainable, and revenue-generating.

Hire Dedicated Android App Developers

A dedicated step-by-step Android app guide is required when it comes to developing and deploying the business app with maximum potential efficiency. Once you are ready with all the above-enlisted potentials, you need to seek a mobile app development company equipped with passionate Android app developers, Designing maniacs, and Quality Analysts like Zazz. Consult experts at Zazz to develop immensely productive, user-engaging, and market-oriented apps satisfying your business context.

Summing Up!

Thus, launching your app idea without embracing effective market strategies, could not be a fruitful deal for your business. A strategic guide can help you indeed to create an innovative and productive app for your business maximizing revenue outcomes.

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Step by Step Guide to Convert an Android & iOS App to React Native Fri, 15 Jan 2021 08:37:09 +0000 React Native is becoming more popular every day. It’s no surprise that developers use JavaScript, but experienced developers also use its components to increase development speed. While we still believe that apps built-in native programming languages are more powerful. Adding React can help you need an app fast.

Android & iOS App to React Native

What is React Native?

React Native uses React to build native applications. React Native app development company use native Android and iOS features to create mobile UIs with declarative components instead of web components. React Native works the same way as React. But instead of Virtual DOM, it uses native views to manipulate the DOM.

React Native relies entirely on JavaScript and uses Bridge to connect with the native platform. Getting React Native components and native platforms connected via Bridge is perhaps the most challenging part of the integration process. Getting React Native to work for native applications is not a simple process. Also, you will need to consider a lot of things if you want to do it.

Why Use React Native?

According to an app development company, most mobile app developers prefer to use native tools like Kotlin or Objective-C to build their apps. If you already have a native Android app, you can convert the React Native module into it without developing a React Native app.

However, in some situations, developing apps with React Native is a great solution. To create the same for Android, you can save a lot of time building it to React Native for both platforms.

How to Migrate Native Android & iOS App to React Native

React Native is written in JavaScript, Java, Objective-C, Objective-C ++, Python, and C ++. It acts as an umbrella option for cross-platform application development or for converting native applications on the Android or iOS platforms to React Native.

Building a React Native app requires writing code within the framework, but if you want to create two versions of your app for Android and iOS, you can choose to code in React Native or consider adding a single view to your existing native app. Check step by step guide below..

Step 1: If you want to convert an existing Android app to iOS using React Native, you will need to add a splash screen with an app icon.

Step 2: Start by cloning and installing all required libraries. Then you might be able to command it as a React Native-based Android to apply to any installed Android emulator or phone.

Step 3: You can proceed with configuring authentication for the React Native based iOS app

Step 4: Run your application in the iOS Simulator

Step 5: Adjust the style in your application

Step 6: Set Icon, and Display Name before running on the device

Step 7: Create a Welcome Screen

Step 8: Submit your application to the Apple App Store

Likewise, if you want to build an Android app with React Native, you need to configure maven first. After that, you can enable auto-linking of configured permissions and native modules. Before integrating code, text traffic needs to be cleaned up. Finally, you can test the integration and build your app in Android Studio.

You can also choose to build your typical React Native application. You can migrate the React Native Android app to iOS or vice versa. Before publishing it to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Again, it is advisable to consult a well-known mobile app development company. Before proceeding with your app idea or app conversion.

Final Thoughts

React Native components can save time for your application. If you need to quickly integrate something and build one feature for Android and iOS simultaneously. The framework is continually being updated, and the community around it is growing every day. Making it easy to integrate Android and iOS apps with React Native.

Zazz believes that building native applications with native tools and programming languages is the best and most reliable way to create high-quality products. Still, sometimes time to market is more important. That’s why you might find this solution is right for you, even though linking React Native components with native apps can be tricky.

If you have any problems building your native app with React Native, feel free to contact us. We can integrate iOS and Android apps with React Native without losing performance or functionality.

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Google’s Project Zero For Sophisticated Windows & Android Hacking Operation Wed, 13 Jan 2021 11:51:53 +0000 The attackers use a combination of Chrome, Windows, and Android vulnerabilities. It consists of zero-day and n-day exploits. Google published a six-part report detailing the futuristic hacking operations the company detected in 2020.

However, it will target both Android and Windows device owners. The attack carries via two exploit servers, which send different exploit chains through the watering hole attack.

Android Hacking Operation

Google Disclose Project Zero For Windows & Android hacking operation.

Recently, Project Zero launched and its initiative aimed at researching the latest ways to detect 0-day exploits in the wild. Through a partnership with the Google Threat Analysis Group, one of the first outcomes of this initiative will be discovering a water hole attack in Q1 2020 carried out by a very sophisticated actor.

Google said it found two exploit servers that provided different exploitation chains through the watering hole attack. One server targets Windows users, the other targets Android. As per the android app development agency, both Windows and Android servers use the Chrome exploit. Exploits for Chrome and Windows include 0-day. For Android, the exploit chain uses the publicly known n-day exploit.

What’s The Latest News Included?

Google has released a six-part report, providing details on the complex hacking operation it discovered in 2020. The hacking process targeted all Android and Windows devices. According to Google, it launched the attack via two exploit servers. Each server sends a different exploit chain through the watering hole attack. However, this is done by gathering information about the targeted groups regarding what websites they frequently install malware on these sites to infect the group’s systems. One server targets Windows users, while the other targets Android users. As per the efficient app development company, both of them exploited a vulnerability to get early access to the victim’s device. 

The attackers use OS-level exploits to gain more control over the victim’s device once they have successfully created an initial entry point in the victim’s browser. The exploitation chain includes zero-day and n-day vulnerabilities. This server contains four render bugs in Google Chrome, two sandbox bypass exploits that abuse zero-day flaws in Windows OS, and a privilege escalation kit consisting of n-day exploits for older versions of the Android OS. This article continues to discuss findings shared by Google surrounding Futuristic Windows & Android hacking operations.

Overall, Google Says the Exploits Server Consists of:

  • Four render bugs in Google Chrome, one of which is still 0 days at the time of its discovery.
  • Two sandbox escape exploits that abuse three 0-day vulnerabilities in Windows OS.
  • And a privilege escalation kit consisting of publicly known n-day exploits for older Android OS versions.

The Four Day zeros, all of which were patched by Spring 2020, are as follows:

  • CVE-2020-6418 – Chrome Vulnerability in TurboFan (Repaired February 2020)
  • CVE-2020-0938 – Font Vulnerability in Windows (Repaired April 2020)
  • CVE-2020-1020 – Font Vulnerability in Windows (Repaired April 2020)
  • CVE-2020-1027 – Windows CSRSS Vulnerability (Repaired April 2020)

Google says that while they found no evidence of an Android zero-day exploit being hosted on the exploit’s server. However, its security researchers believe that the threat actor likely also had access to Android zero-days but most likely didn’t host it. On the server when researchers found it.


Above here, we have discussed Google’s latest update on Project Zero. However, finally, Google reveals futuristic Windows and Android hacking operations. Read the complete article to understand every aspect in depth. At Zazz, we provide you all the required technical or non-technical, latest, and updated information at your fingertips.

Moreover, we are well-known mobile application developers in USA and offer app development services worldwide. Thus, if you think we missed something or want to know more about app development, contact us immediately. Our developers will assist you with the best of their knowledge. 

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