Uncategorized | Zazz https://www.zazz.io/blog Mobile Application Development Company Wed, 26 Jun 2024 13:25:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 Staff Augmentation vs Traditional Hiring: Choosing the Right Fit for Your Business  https://www.zazz.io/blog/staff-augmentation-vs-traditional-hiring/ Wed, 26 Jun 2024 12:32:54 +0000 https://www.zazz.io/blog/?p=11322

Table of Content 1. Understanding Staff Augmentation
2. The Growing Trend of Staff Augmentation
3. Advantages of Staff Augmentation
4. Challenges of Staff Augmentation
5. Advantages of Traditional Hiring
6. Staff Augmentation VS Traditional Hiring
7. When to Choose Staff Augmentation
8. When to Choose Traditional Hiring

Let’s be honest, while looking for a right talent for our organization we face numerous challenges like lengthy recruitment process, delayed hiring, high costs. 

Ever thought how all these problems could be solved? When organizations hire, they tend to go the old way, which is traditional hiring, but did you know there’s one more way big enterprise are leveraging to boost their hiring process? I am talking about staff augmentation.   

The war for the right talent is real. Organizations face hiring dilemmas that can lead to missing out on top talent. A recent study by ManpowerGroup, declares a high talent shortage, with a significant 77% of employers worldwide struggling to fill vacant positions.  

The two distinguished strategies that may help find you the right fit are staff augmentation and traditional hiring. Both have their unique advantages and challenges, making it crucial for business leaders to understand which method fits their needs best. Let’s delve into the intricacies of each approach and find out which method suits your business goals. 

Understanding Staff Augmentation 

Imagine being on a tight deadline, we’ve all been there, right? The project completion needs more resources to get completed on time, what do you do next? Can’t go the lengthy way to hire new resources, staff augmentation can be your saviour.  

Staff augmentation is a strategy that helps businesses outsource the right talent in alignment with their projects. It is a flexible approach to hiring the right fit at the right time with the right resources.  

Furthermore, it helps to quickly fill skill gaps from a wider talent pool globally. For instance, if your company wants to develop a gaming mobile application, you can leverage staff augmentation to find qualified developers effectively and efficiently. 

The Growing Trend of Staff Augmentation 

Did you know the inception of staff augmentation began in the early 2000s with the growing need for IT professionals.  

According to a report by Grand View Research, the global staff augmentation market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.7% from 2021 to 2028.  It is a booming industry and is expected to grow to USD 147.2 Billion by 2028. 

The demand for deep expertise, flexible engagement models, and cost-effective hiring has led to a surge in the adoption of staff augmentation.  

This trend is particularly evident in the IT sector, where rapid technological advancements require an agile and adaptive workforce that also supplements the in-house workforce of any enterprise.  

Advantages of Staff Augmentation 

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Organizations can hire developers if and when needed, which helps in reducing the recruitment costs.  
  • Global Talent Pool: You can hire the best talent from across the world within your budget.  
  • Scalability: Businesses can scale their workforce up or down based on project requirements, ensuring optimal resource utilization. 
  • Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing the right talent, your in-house teams get to focus on the primary activities of the business.  

Challenges of Staff Augmentation 

  • Integration with Existing Teams: The augmented staff can find it challenging to collaborate with the existing teams.  
  • Quality Control: Ensuring the quality is not compromised and is according to the company standards is another big challenge.  

Traditional Hiring: An Overview 

Traditional hiring is a recruitment approach that has been used to hire the candidates from decades. Hiring people for a specific position for a long-time commitment. It is a lengthy process from job posting, screening, and interviewing to onboarding, all of this may consume a lot of time.  

Advantages of Traditional Hiring 

  • Long-Term Investment: Employees are aligned with the company values and goals leading to loyalty and better flow of work.  
  • Cultural Integration: Full-time employees have a greater understanding of the work and company culture which can help them contribute better.  

Challenges of Traditional Hiring 

  • Lengthy Hiring Process: According to a study, it takes around 44 days to hire a new employee, which makes it too long a process. 
  • Increased Costs: The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reports that the average cost-per-hire is $4,129. These expenses can strain an organization’s budget in the long run.  

Staff Augmentation VS Traditional Hiring 

Let’s make it easier for you to compare the two approaches 

Factor  Staff Augmentation  Traditional Hiring  
Cost Considerations Lower overhead costs in the long term. Higher costs associated with the process. 
Flexibility  Flexible engagement models align best with the organization’s projects.   Limited flexibility as full-time employees are bound by contracts and company regulations. 
Speed of Hiring  The hiring process is faster and helps organizations recruit the right people quickly.  Lengthy recruitment process that can delay project timelines. 
Skill Specialization  Helps to find people with specialized skills from a vast talent pool.  May or may not find the right people with specialized skills. 

When to Choose Staff Augmentation 

  • Expertise: Staff Augmentation is ideal for organizations where they want a specific set of people with specialized skills for project-based work.   
  • Seasonal Demand: If your enterprise belongs to an industry with seasonal fluctuations, you can leverage staff augmentation to meet temporary spikes in demand without long-term commitments. 
  • Scaling up the business: Companies wanting to scale up at a faster pace should consider staff augmentation for 10x growth at reduced costs. 

When to Choose Traditional Hiring 

  • Long–Term Projects: For projects that require long-term commitment, the ideal approach would be Traditional Hiring 
  • Cultural Fit: If your organization wants to build a workforce where cultural integration and vision are of utmost importance, go ahead with traditional hiring.  
  • Internal Growth: If you’re ready to invest in the employee’s training and certifications that yield good results in the longer run, traditional hiring would be a good strategy to adopt.  

Make the right choice for your business 

Assessing your business needs is of the of the utmost importance.  

But you should also consider these factors while you make your decision:  

  • Marking correct timelines 
  • Setting up budgets 
  • Evaluating what level of expertise, you would need on different projects 
  • Scaling your business at the right time 
  • Considering your long-term and short-term goals 

All these factors would be important for you to make the right decision for the growth of your business. 

Analysing your organization’s requirements and preferences would also be a critical factor in adopting the best approach to hiring the right people. By strategically planning your projects considering your company’s vision, you can also adopt a hybrid approach where you can leverage the benefits of both staff augmentation and traditional hiring.  

You can plan in a way that you get the best of both worlds. Implementing a flexible workforce model provides you with the best-augmented staff and great permanent employees. 

In conclusion, both these strategies have their advantages and challenges associated with them, you can choose either by laying out comprehensive plans and the factors we’ve outlined for you. 

If you choose to ride the wave and want to go ahead with staff augmentation as your recruitment approach, feel free to contact us and click on the button below! 

Empowering Healthcare Through Mobile Apps: A Game-Changer in the Industry https://www.zazz.io/blog/mobile-apps-transform-healthcare/ Thu, 16 May 2024 07:13:48 +0000 https://www.zazz.io/blog/?p=11276  mobile app development

Mobile applications are transforming healthcare industry, and if you don’t have an app for your healthcare business now, you are missing out on a lot of action!

As the global healthcare market continues to grow, with a projected value of $243.57 billion by the end of 2023, the role of mobile apps in revolutionizing healthcare delivery and patient engagement has become increasingly significant. 

The mHealth (mobile health) market size has already reached $63.5 billion in 2023, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.7% from 2024 to 2030. 

Moreover, the digital health market is set to experience substantial growth, with a CAGR of 18.6% from 2023 to 2030, reaching $332 billion by 2025. With over 100,000 healthcare apps available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store combined, it is evident that mobile app development is at the forefront of driving innovation and transforming the healthcare landscape.

The Need for Mobile Apps in Healthcare

The healthcare industry faces numerous challenges that necessitate innovative solutions:

  • Rising healthcare costs: Healthcare expenditure has been steadily increasing over the years, placing a significant burden on individuals, families, and healthcare systems. Mobile apps have the potential to reduce healthcare costs by enabling remote patient monitoring, reducing the need for in-person visits, and promoting preventive care measures.
  • Limited accessibility to healthcare services: Many individuals, particularly those in remote or underserved areas, face difficulties in accessing quality healthcare services. Mobile apps can bridge this gap by providing telemedicine services, virtual consultations, and remote monitoring capabilities, making healthcare more accessible to a wider population.
  • Need for improved patient outcomes: Achieving optimal patient outcomes is a primary goal of healthcare. Mobile apps can contribute to improved outcomes by facilitating better patient engagement, promoting treatment adherence, and enabling early detection and intervention of potential health issues.
  • Difficulties in accessing timely and convenient healthcare services: Patients often face long wait times for appointments, limited office hours, and the need to travel to healthcare facilities. Mobile apps offer a convenient alternative by allowing patients to schedule appointments, access their health records, and communicate with their healthcare providers remotely.
  • Lack of efficient communication between patients and healthcare providers: Effective communication is crucial for delivering high-quality healthcare. Mobile apps provide secure messaging platforms that enable patients to communicate with their healthcare providers, ask questions, report symptoms, and receive timely feedback, enhancing the patient-provider relationship.
  • Gaps in care and suboptimal health outcomes: Fragmented healthcare systems and lack of care coordination can lead to gaps in care and suboptimal health outcomes. Mobile apps can help bridge these gaps by providing a centralized platform for storing and sharing patient data, enabling seamless care coordination among different healthcare providers.

Mobile apps offer a powerful tool to address these challenges by:

  • Bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers: Mobile apps serve as a direct link between patients and their healthcare providers, facilitating seamless communication, remote monitoring, and virtual consultations. This enhanced connectivity helps to establish a stronger patient-provider relationship and improves the continuity of care.
  • Improving the accessibility of healthcare services: By leveraging mobile apps, healthcare services can be made more accessible to individuals who may face barriers to traditional healthcare access. Telemedicine apps, for example, allow patients to consult with healthcare professionals remotely, eliminating the need for physical visits and making healthcare services available to a wider population.
  • Enhancing the overall efficiency of the healthcare system: Mobile apps streamline various healthcare processes, such as appointment scheduling, electronic health record management, and medication tracking. By automating and digitizing these processes, mobile apps reduce administrative burdens, minimize errors, and improve the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Role of Mobile Apps in Healthcare

Mobile apps have the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery through various applications:

Remote patient monitoring

Patients can use mobile apps to track and monitor their health metrics, such as blood pressure, glucose levels, heart rate, and sleep patterns. These apps often integrate with wearable devices or medical-grade sensors to provide accurate and real-time data.

The data collected through mobile apps can be securely transmitted to healthcare providers, enabling them to remotely monitor patients’ health status. This allows for early detection of potential health issues, timely interventions, and personalized care plans.

Remote patient monitoring through mobile apps is particularly beneficial for individuals with chronic conditions, as it helps them better manage their health, reduces the need for frequent hospital visits, and improves their overall quality of life.

Telemedicine and virtual consultations

Telemedicine apps enable patients to connect with healthcare providers remotely through video calls, audio calls, or secure messaging. This eliminates the need for in-person visits, saving time and resources for both patients and healthcare providers.

Virtual consultations are particularly useful for follow-up appointments, minor health concerns, or situations where an in-person visit may not be necessary. They provide a convenient and accessible option for patients to receive medical advice and guidance from the comfort of their own homes.

Telemedicine apps also expand access to healthcare services in rural or underserved areas, where patients may have limited access to healthcare facilities or specialists. By connecting patients with healthcare providers remotely, these apps help to bridge the healthcare access gap and ensure that individuals receive the care they need.

Medication management and chronic disease management

Medication adherence is a critical factor in the successful treatment of various health conditions. Mobile apps can help patients stay on track with their medication schedules by providing reminders, tracking medication intake, and generating reports for healthcare providers.

Chronic disease management apps are designed to assist individuals with conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, or cardiovascular diseases. These apps provide personalized disease management tools, educational resources, and the ability to track symptoms, vitals, and progress over time.

By empowering patients to take an active role in managing their chronic conditions, mobile apps can improve treatment adherence, enhance self-care practices, and ultimately lead to better health outcomes.

Preventive healthcare

Mobile apps play a significant role in promoting preventive healthcare by encouraging healthy lifestyle habits and providing personalized recommendations based on an individual’s health profile.

Fitness tracking apps motivate users to stay physically active by setting goals, monitoring progress, and providing insights into their fitness levels. These apps often integrate with wearable devices to track steps, calories burned, and other fitness metrics.

Nutrition apps assist individuals in making healthier food choices by providing nutritional information, tracking calorie intake, and offering personalized meal plans based on dietary preferences and health goals.

Mental health apps offer resources, guided meditations, mood tracking, and self-care tools to support individuals in managing stress, anxiety, and overall mental well-being.

By promoting preventive healthcare measures through mobile apps, individuals can take proactive steps to maintain their health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve their overall quality of life.

Benefits of Mobile App Development in Healthcare

Mobile apps offer a multitude of benefits for patients, healthcare providers, and healthcare organizations:

Benefits for patients:

Convenient and accessible engagement with healthcare providers: Mobile apps provide patients with a convenient and accessible means to interact with their healthcare providers. They can easily schedule appointments, access their health records, and communicate with their healthcare team through secure messaging features.

Access to personal health information: Healthcare apps often include features that allow patients to view and manage their personal health information, such as medical history, test results, and prescription details. This empowers patients to take a more active role in their healthcare journey and make informed decisions about their health.

Active participation in their own healthcare journey: By using mobile apps, patients can actively engage in their own healthcare. They can track their health metrics, monitor their progress, and receive personalized recommendations and feedback. This level of engagement fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility for one’s health, leading to better treatment adherence and improved health outcomes.

Improved health literacy: Mobile apps often include educational resources, articles, and videos that help patients better understand their health conditions, treatment options, and preventive measures. This increased health literacy enables patients to make more informed decisions about their health and engage in meaningful discussions with their healthcare providers.

Benefits for healthcare providers

Streamlined workflows and reduced administrative burdens

Mobile apps automate various administrative tasks, such as appointment scheduling, patient data entry, and prescription refill requests. By streamlining these processes, healthcare providers can reduce the time and effort spent on administrative tasks and focus more on delivering quality patient care.

Improved efficiency of healthcare delivery

Mobile apps enable healthcare providers to access patient information, medical records, and diagnostic tools at their fingertips. This quick and easy access to relevant data enhances the efficiency of healthcare delivery, allowing providers to make informed decisions and provide timely interventions.

Optimized time and resources for delivering high-quality patient care

By leveraging mobile apps for tasks such as remote patient monitoring and virtual consultations, healthcare providers can optimize their time and resources. They can prioritize in-person visits for patients who require immediate attention while still providing high-quality care to patients who can be managed remotely.

Benefits for healthcare organizations

Improved operational efficiency and reduced costs

Mobile apps streamline various operational processes within healthcare organizations, such as inventory management, staff scheduling, and billing. By automating these processes, organizations can reduce errors, minimize paperwork, and improve overall operational efficiency. This, in turn, leads to cost savings and better resource allocation.

Enhanced patient satisfaction

Mobile apps contribute to enhanced patient satisfaction by providing convenient access to healthcare services, improving communication with healthcare providers, and enabling patients to take a more active role in their healthcare. Satisfied patients are more likely to engage with their healthcare providers, adhere to treatment plans, and recommend the organization to others.

Valuable tool for data collection, analysis, and data-driven decision-making

Mobile apps generate a wealth of data related to patient health, treatment outcomes, and healthcare utilization patterns. Healthcare organizations can leverage this data to gain valuable insights into patient populations, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.


The transformative power of mobile app development in healthcare cannot be overstated. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve and adapt to the digital age, mobile apps have emerged as a catalyst for change, driving innovation and revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered. 

By addressing the challenges faced by the healthcare industry, facilitating remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, and virtual consultations, and promoting patient engagement and preventive healthcare, mobile apps are paving the way for a more accessible, efficient, and patient-centric healthcare system.

As the mHealth market continues to grow at a remarkable pace, with wearables alone expected to reach $31.95 billion by 2026, it is evident that the future of healthcare is inextricably linked to mobile app development. Healthcare organizations that embrace this digital transformation and invest in mobile app development will be well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of patients, improve health outcomes, and thrive in an increasingly competitive healthcare landscape.

At Zazz, we understand the immense potential of mobile app development in revolutionizing healthcare delivery. As a leading mobile app development company, we are committed to working closely with healthcare organizations to develop innovative, user-centric, and scalable mobile solutions that address the unique challenges faced by the healthcare industry. 

Our team of expert developers, designers, and healthcare app consultants possess the knowledge and expertise necessary to create mobile apps that seamlessly integrate with existing healthcare systems, ensure data security and privacy, and deliver measurable results.

Connect with us today, to initiate a conversation about healthcare and how mobile apps can transform this industry.

Visit us at Zazz.io.     -+

Frequently Asked Questions

Mobile apps for the healthcare industry can be a game-changer for the entrepreneur: They can automate tasks, reduce paperwork, and minimize human error, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings. Armed with these features, healthcare enterprises can optimally manage their resources, improve patient care, and boost revenue.

Being a responsible IT company, we understand the importance and relevance of data security and leave no stone unturned to ensure iron-clad data safety standards via security audits, data backup systems, and strict access controls. We not only deploy encryption and secure authentication, but we also adhere to regulatory standards such as HIPAA.

Mobile apps are a powerful tool for patients: They can get convenient access to their health information, schedule appointments, communicate with healthcare providers, and get a 360-degree view of their healthcare journey via one single platform. Features like personalized reminders, educational resources, and self-monitoring tools empower patients to take an active role in their health, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction.

Mobile apps generate invaluable data and insights on the patient’s health, treatment outcomes, and healthcare utilization patterns. By leveraging data analytics dashboards and real-time updates, healthcare organizations can gain insights into trends, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize care delivery and resource allocation.

Mobile apps integrated & connected with wearable devices and medical-grade sensors enable continuous monitoring of vital signs and symptoms for patients with chronic conditions. This real-time data allows healthcare providers to detect early warning signs, adjust treatment plans, and intervene promptly, leading to improved outcomes and reduced hospitalizations.

Telemedicine features in mobile apps, such as video consultations and secure messaging, amplify access to healthcare services, especially for patients in remote areas or with limited mobility. With telemedicine facilities, patients can reduce travel costs, wait times, and the risk of exposure to infectious diseases while enabling timely and convenient care.

Mobile apps can send personalized medication reminders, provide educational content on proper drug use, and enable secure e-prescriptions. By facilitating communication between patients, doctors, and pharmacies, apps can help prevent medication errors, improve adherence, and reduce the risk of adverse drug events, ultimately enhancing patient safety.

Zazz.io Recognized as a Top Mobile App Development Company In USA by TopDevelopers.co  https://www.zazz.io/blog/zazz-io-recognized-as-a-top-mobile-app-development-company-in-usa-by-topdevelopers-co/ Thu, 19 Oct 2023 13:52:23 +0000 https://www.zazz.io/blog/?p=10560

When it comes to mobile app development and digital transformation services, Zazz is the name to trust and recommend. And this fact has been once again proved. 

We are delighted to share the exciting news that Zazz.io, a leading mobile app development company in the USA, has been featured on the prestigious list of top mobile app developers from the USA by TopDevelopers.co.  

This recognition is a testament to our relentless commitment to innovation, user-centric design, and the unwavering dedication of our passionate team. 

A Triumph for Zazz.io 

To be recognized as a top mobile app developer in the USA by a renowned directory like TopDevelopers.co is an achievement that fills us with immense pride.  

It’s not only a reflection of our consistent hard work but also a validation of our core values and principles. This recognition serves as a testament to the quality and innovation that our team brings to the world of mobile app development. 

The Zazz.io Difference 

At Zazz.io, we don’t just create mobile apps; we engineer digital experiences that resonate with users. Our success can be attributed to several key factors that set us apart from the competition. 

Tech-Focused Organization: We are not just tech enthusiasts; we are technology aficionados. We thrive on keeping up with the latest trends and technologies, ensuring that every app we create is cutting-edge and future-proof. 

Passionate Employees: Our team is driven by an unwavering passion for technology and innovation. Every project we take on is infused with the dedication and enthusiasm that sets us apart. 

User-Centric Design Philosophy: We firmly believe that the success of an app hinges on its user experience. Our user-centric design philosophy ensures that every app we develop is intuitive, engaging, and designed with the end user in mind. 

14+ Years of Experience: With over 14 years in the industry, we have honed our skills and developed a deep understanding of the mobile app development landscape. This experience is invaluable in ensuring the success of every project we undertake. 

Diverse Clientele: Our client portfolio includes Fortune 500 companies, ambitious startups, non-profit organizations, growth-focused enterprises, SMEs, and more. This diversity speaks to our ability to tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each client. 

Our clientele: A Glimpse into Success 

One of the key indicators of our expertise and reliability is the impressive array of clients we’ve had the privilege to work with. From industry giants to startups taking their first steps, we’ve partnered with clients across the spectrum, helping them achieve their mobile app development goals. 

Fortune 500 Companies: Our expertise has been leveraged by some of the world’s biggest corporations to unleash 36-degree Digital Transformation, and boost their revenues and profits.  

Startups: We love helping startups turn their innovative ideas into successful mobile apps. Our team understands the unique challenges startups face and provides tailored solutions. 

Organizations with a Cause: Non-profit organizations and NGOs have trusted us to create apps that help them spread their message and make a positive impact. 

Growth-Focused Enterprises: For businesses looking to scale and expand, our mobile apps have played a pivotal role in their growth strategies. 

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): We understand that every business is unique, and our mobile app solutions are customized to address the specific needs of SMEs. 

Our Vision for the Future 

As we celebrate our inclusion on the list of top mobile app developers in the USA, we’re not resting on our laurels. Instead, we’re more committed than ever to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in mobile app development. 

We invite you to connect with our team and explore the endless possibilities of unleashing your vision with us. Whether you have a groundbreaking app idea or need to enhance your business’s digital presence, Zazz.io is your partner in achieving your goals. 

Our team is ready to collaborate, innovate, and create remarkable mobile apps that stand out in the competitive market. At Zazz.io, we’re not just building apps; we’re crafting digital success stories. 

Partner With Zazz For Unleashing Your Vision 

Being recognized as a top mobile app developer in the USA by TopDevelopers.co is a testament to the dedication, innovation, and unwavering commitment that defines Zazz.io. Our journey of over 14 years, diverse clientele, and passion for technology have all played a pivotal role in this achievement. 

If you’re looking for a reliable and innovative partner to bring your app ideas to life, look no further. Connect with Zazz.io, explore the possibilities, and together, let’s unleash your vision in the dynamic world of mobile app development. We are excited to embark on this journey with you and create mobile app success stories that will stand the test of time. 

Guide to Building Highly Profitable Fintech Apps – Features & Best Practices  https://www.zazz.io/blog/guide-to-building-highly-profitable-fintech-apps-features-best-practices/ Fri, 04 Aug 2023 12:38:11 +0000 https://www.zazz.io/blog/?p=10513 A sector that stands at USD 4 trillion in terms of the market size with a whopping 11% CAGR describes the glorious future of the fintech industry in America. There are like a thousand startups running across the nation contributing to the unstoppable growth of venture capital investment each year.  

Fintech Mobile App Development Company

In hindsight, the fintech sector is certainly the fastest growing domain with seamless possibilities and a bright phase for enterprises that offer banking & financial services. It is not just the digital currency trends that revolutionized the finance sector globally. The prominent role of online transactions also points to the changing trends in this niche. 

Simply put, profitable fintech mobile apps are transforming the way people around the world proceed and manage transactions. A multi-faceted fintech application with highly customized interfaces offers the scope of revenue-based development that intersects with increase engagement for an ultimate brand success. 

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But how do these profitable fintech mobile apps work? In this post, we will explain the process of developing secure fintech applications that add up to an undefeated growth strategy for your banking and financial services. 

Before moving ahead with fintech app solutions, let’s catch a glance at the Industrial overview of fintech sector in the USA along with features that bring engagement to these apps: 

Fintech Apps in the USA – Industry Overview 

The US fintech market is divided into different segments based on the dynamics and service proportions. Here’s what the overall fintech industry in the USA looks like after its segregation in different categories: 

  • Digital investments – Digital commerce, digital remittance, POS payments 
  • Digital payments – Robo advisors, neo brokers 
  • Alternative lending – crowd funding and crowd investing 
  • Neo banking – Online insurance marketplace 

Aside from smart and profitable mobile apps, ecommerce growth is also a major impact on the fintech domain in the USA. Popular online transaction platforms like PayPal and Stripe have been in the game for quite a long time. But platforms like TransferWise and Venmo have also seen a dramatic increase in digital payments after COVID 19. 

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The first remarkable spike of USD 940 billion in digital payments in 2021 elaborated on the omnipotent development of changing fintech trends in the United States. However, the digital investment sector had a bigger and more notable boost in 2022. A report on fintech growth revealed that the transactional value per user in the investment sector crossed USD 48,000 that year. 

Even some of the biggest market players in the fintech sector are adopting the idea of partnership strategies to expand their services. The bigger picture in the realm of digital payments also represents that the year 2022 has seen the growth up to great lengths and the niche is going to benefit many enterprises and startups in the upcoming years. 

In the same year, iTrustCapital used its funding of USD 125 million to commence its new headquarters in Irvine. This step was taken by the fintech giant to increase its offerings. Many other organizations will also be heading in this direction to get a wider exposure to their brand. 

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Essential Features of Successful Fintech Mobile Apps 

Now we have a vivid picture of the unceasing demand for profitable fintech mobile apps in the USA. But what makes up for a fintech application that’s user-friendly & rewarding for both the consumer and the service provider. 

Let’s explore some of the most crucial features of a fintech applications that guarantee the revenue growth organizations aim for: 

1. Biometric Authentication  

Secure authentication is the foremost need of any growing fintech application. This form of technology integration allows a mobile app development company to make sure that user onboarding is safe. 

2. Virtual Banking Assistance 

This unique feature is a game changer for banking applications as it lets users clear their queries without having to visit the nearest bank. A visual banking assistant should be active on the app 24X7.  

3. Push Notifications & Alerts 

Push notifications are integral for any efficient applications. On the other hand, alerts make banking and finance apps far more scalable and engaging for users. 

4. Digital Payments/Transactions 

The success of profitable fintech mobile apps hinges on how fast and effectively digital payments work on your application. This is a vastly important aspect that brought a hike to this trillion-dollar industry. 

5. ATM Locators  

Looking for a smart and hassle-free way to compete with other banking apps? If so, then the option of ATM locator in the nearest area will do the trick for your application. 

6. Account Management 

A brief report on users’ latest expenditure & savings will allow your consumers to make better financial decisions. A planned integration of an account management tool can be considered for this feature. 

7. AI for Data visualization  

Artificial intelligence has the wavelength to transform any business industry and bring it to a futuristic era with strategic innovations. You can use AI-powered data visualization to make your fintech mobile app insightful for users. 

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How to Ensure the Development of a Profitable Fintech App? 

The fintech industry has a prolific future in the United States and overseas. With smart and intuitive mobile apps, a lot can be achieved in this domain. But how does an expert fintech app development company make these products profitable and user-friendly? 

At Zazz, we have a dedicated team of product designers and developers who create an impeccable experience with fintech applications. Let’s take you through the cycle of our fintech mobile app development process that ensures quality and intuitiveness.  

1. Market Research for a Fail-Proof Fintech Platform 

Your fintech application could be a digital payment platform or an investment portal. It is a matter of deep-rooted market research that allows our business analysts to come up with fintech project ideas that make your services fairly relevant to your target users.  

2. Comprehensive UX Assessment 

Detailed research for user experience architecture goes beyond the target location and consumer base. Our product consultants and UI/UX experts work collectively on design methodologies to figure out unique value propositions and seamless user journey cycle. 

3. Scope of the Product 

Assessing the scope of the product is the key to building profitable fintech mobile apps. In simple words, we always measure the consequences of every component that we add to our applications. Apart from this, we also take into consideration the core concept of your digital presence to make it comprehensive for your consumers. 

4. Suitable Technology and Development Model 

Choosing the technology and integration models behind successful fintech apps comes with a vast influence on the end product. Even if you have the most brilliant plan for a fintech app in your mind, bringing it to documentation and execution requires planning. Our product management takes care of that for you. 

5. Engagement Model & Fintech Compliance 

While working with a leading fintech app development company like Zazz, all you need to worry about is the selection of engagement models. You can either hire a dedicated development team or work in collaboration with us to accomplish a profitable mobile app for your banking & finance solutions. From roadmap execution to app compliance, our product team manages everything. 

6. Testing & Feedbacks 

QA and performance testing may be the last string, but it is indeed a very crucial aspect of fintech app development services. Our quality assurance team performs an efficiency test using the average transaction time, app responsive time, navigation interactivity, & platform security. 

Why Zazz for Fintech App Development Services? 

When it comes to curating profitable fintech mobile apps with guaranteed interactivity and optimal scalability, experts at Zazz know how to get it done right! As a well-known mobile app development company in the USA, we have worked on an array of products and digital architectures that redefine the engagement dynamics for brands. 

As a leading fintech app development agency, we are familiar with the variance that you might have to confront in terms of project planning & costs. Besides, all businesses that offer financial and banking services have varying requirements associated with the app elements and performance. We use this understanding to make fintech applications far more personalized and consumer-first. 

If you are planning on building or renewing your fintech brand with a new and improved architecture, get in touch with our team now! You can also discuss fintech app design & development costs during your consultation call with our experts. 
