Know More About Software Development and its Future Scope Mobile Application Development Company Tue, 25 Jun 2024 10:42:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Top 10 Challenges in Software Development and How to Overcome Them Wed, 01 May 2024 15:06:51 +0000

“The task of the software development team is to engineer the illusion of simplicity!”  

Grady Booch, a highly reputed American software engineer, used this above statement to convey what every software development professional experiences every day.  

Software applications are built to solve problems associated with the performance and efficiency of a business. But creating that problem-solving system isn’t exactly smooth sailing, especially when a project requires both innovation and complexity. 

Aside from UI/UX design and coding, an application project goes through a lot of issues that often result in delayed project deliveries, performance errors, security drawbacks, etc. However, experienced app development companies always find a way to deal with these challenges and come up with data-driven solutions. 

In simple words, building these enterprise applications involves a significant amount of planning, cautious design practices, and step-by-step risk management. In addition, the use of agile development methodology is another aspect that comes in handy when it comes to finding the solutions of common software development challenges. 

You can also read – How to Boost Retail Sales with AI-Driven Applications 

In this post, you will discover the top 10 common software development challenges and their solutions designed by leading agencies to overcome project setbacks and deliver it on time. 

Quick Overview of A Software Development Cycle 

Before we head to the top 10 software development challenges and their solutions, let’s take you through a quick overview of a software development cycle. It consists of every vital aspect of the application from idea conceptualization to final deployment. The cycle can differ for different methodologies such as Agile and Waterfall. However, the general course of action can be described as below: 

Phase 1 – Planning & Requirement Gathering 

It involves gathering and understanding the requirements along with interactions with stakeholders, such as clients, end-users, and business analysts, to identify their needs and expectations. The goal of this phase is to establish a clear understanding of the problem that the software will solve. 

Phase 2 – Project Roadmap Development  

The project team creates an outline of the tasks, resources, timeline, and budget required to develop the software as per the objectives, identifying app dependencies, allocating resources, and establishing milestones. It sets the foundation for the entire development process and timeline. 

Phase 3 – User Interface Design 

Product designers create the overall structure and blueprint of the software based on the requirements gathered earlier. This involves defining the system architecture, data models, user interfaces, and other technical specifications.   

Phase 4 – Development & version Control 

Software developers write the actual code according to the design specifications provided. They use programming languages and other development tools to create the software components, modules, and features outlined in the design. It covers coding, unit testing, code reviews, and version control to ensure the quality and sustainability of the codebase. 

Phase 5 – Testing 

Various testing techniques, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing, are employed to verify the functionality, performance, security, and reliability of the software. Testers work closely with developers to resolve issues and meet the quality standards defined in the requirements. 

Phase 6 – Deployment & Maintenance  

Deployment involves activities like installation, configuration, data migration, and user training, depending on the software and the deployment environment. It marks the transition from development to operations, where the focus shifts to maintaining and supporting the live system. 

You can also read – Enterprise Digital Transformation – 5 Things You Should Know to Make It Work 

In the maintenance phase, software is monitored, updated, and enhanced to address issues, accommodate changes, and meet user needs. It includes bug fixes, performance optimizations, feature enhancements, and security updates.   

Top 10 Software Development Challenges (That Often Result in Unsatisfactory End Product) 

1. Data Security  

Software development companies in the United States and overseas face the challenge of ensuring robust data security to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. To address this, an app development agency like Zazz implements encryption techniques to secure data both at rest and in transit.  

Employing secure coding practices and conducting thorough security testing throughout the development process further fortifies the software application against potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data. 

2. Constant Tech Advancements 

Constant tech advancements pose a challenge to software application development, requiring companies to stay updated with emerging technologies to remain competitive. A reliable software development company tackles this challenge by fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation among its team members.  

They invest in ongoing training programs, encourage participation in industry events, and prioritize flexibility and scalability in their development processes, allowing them to adapt quickly to new technologies as per evolving market demands. 

3. Changing Requirements 

Changing requirements pose a significant challenge in software development, leading to scope creep, delays, and increased costs. To deal with this issue, your IT partner will address this challenge by adopting Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban. They prioritize frequent communication with clients to understand evolving needs and adapt quickly.  

They employ robust version control systems and automated testing to ensure the software remains stable despite changing requirements. By embracing flexibility and collaboration, expert app development companies effectively manage changing requirements, delivering solutions that meet clients’ evolving needs. 

4. Time Constraints 

Time constraints in software development often lead to rushed projects, compromising quality and risking project failure. Expert app development companies manage this challenge by implementing efficient project management methodologies to prioritize tasks, streamline workflows, and optimize resource allocation.  

They also leverage reusable components, automation tools, and pre-built frameworks to accelerate development without sacrificing quality. By fostering clear communication, setting realistic timelines, and embracing iterative development cycles, these companies ensure the timely delivery of high-quality software solutions. 

You can also read – A Guide to Build a Custom Medical Billing Software 

5. Platform Complexity 

Platform complexity arises when a software application needs to be developed for multiple platforms, such as iOS, Android, and web, each with unique requirements and technologies. An experienced software development company addresses this challenge by leveraging cross-platform development frameworks like React Native or Flutter.  

These frameworks enable developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, reducing development time and effort while maintaining a consistent user experience. 

6. System Integration 

System integration, as one of the top 10 software development challenges, involves connecting different software systems or components to work together seamlessly. To deal with this issue, top-tier agencies like Zazz consider implementing robust APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to streamline communication between disparate systems.  

They design flexible architectures that support interoperability and data exchange between systems, ensuring compatibility and consistency across the integrated environment. Moreover, they conduct thorough testing and validation to identify and resolve integration issues early in the development process. 

7. Communication & Collaboration 

Communication and collaboration are vital in software development but can be challenging due to dispersed teams or miscommunication. An expert mobile app development company addresses this by implementing robust communication channels like Slack or Microsoft Teams, enabling real-time messaging and video conferencing.  

They utilize collaboration tools like Jira or Trello for task management, ensuring transparency and accountability. Regular stand-up meetings, sprint retrospectives, and continuous feedback loops foster collaboration and alignment among team members. By emphasizing open and effective collaboration practices, the company ensures that project objectives are achieved. 

8. Software Testing Conflicts  

Software testing conflicts occur when there’s a clash between the development and testing teams, often due to miscommunication or differing priorities. Your service provider will tackle this by fostering a culture of collaboration, where both teams work closely throughout the development cycle.  

They emphasize early and continuous testing, integrate testing into the development process, and automate tests wherever possible. Clear communication channels, regular meetings, and shared goals ensure alignment between development and testing. 

9. Technological Debt  

Technological debt refers to the accumulation of suboptimal code or outdated technologies in a software project, leading to increased maintenance costs and decreased productivity over time. An expert application development firm addresses this issue by conducting regular code reviews, refactoring legacy code, and adopting modern development practices and tools.  

They prioritize addressing technical debt alongside new feature development, ensuring a stable and maintainable codebase. They implement automated testing and continuous integration to prevent the accrual of further debt. 

10. Staffing & Infrastructure   

Staffing & Infrastructure challenge in software development involves resource allocation and ensuring the availability of skilled professionals and necessary technological resources. An expert IT team handles this by maintaining a pool of talented developers with diverse skill sets, scalable IT infrastructure, and efficient project management systems.  

You can also read – MACH 101 – A Comprehensive Look Into the Most Scalable & Future-Proof Architecture 

They leverage cloud services for flexible infrastructure provisioning, implement remote work capabilities, and utilize collaboration tools to streamline communication. These companies also prioritize continuous training and skill development for their teams to stay ahead in technology trends. 

Why Trust Zazz to Deal with Software Development Challenges? 

These top 10 software development challenges are very common in enterprise projects, but you can avoid these issues by choosing the right IT partner. Your hunt for the best software development agency can end at Zazz and its bespoke software development solutions tailored to solve a definitive business problem.  

Our idea of project delivery includes thorough market research, manual and automated quality assurance, and seamless support. You can trust on our software solutions as we have come across the aforementioned software development challenges and made our way to timely project completion with precision.  

If you wish to discuss further your enterprise software project, then you can book a call with our team now! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Best practices for data security include implementing encryption for data at rest and in transit, following secure coding practices, conducting regular security audits, and staying up-to-date with the latest security trends. Adopting industry standards and guidelines, such as OWASP, helps protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and ensures data remains secure.

Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban enable teams to effectively manage changing requirements by prioritizing frequent communication with clients, breaking down projects into smaller, manageable tasks, and adapting quickly to changes. This approach ensures flexibility, timely delivery, and the ability to incorporate evolving needs into the software development process.

Key considerations for system integration include implementing robust APIs to streamline communication, leveraging cloud services for flexible infrastructure provisioning, and ensuring compatibility between different systems. It’s essential to follow industry standards, use secure data exchange protocols, and thoroughly test the integration to ensure seamless interoperability and data integrity.

Software development companies should have a deep understanding of regulatory compliance requirements specific to their clients’ industries. They must stay updated with the latest compliance guidelines, such as HIPAA, GDPR, FDA, and HITECH, and incorporate necessary measures into the development process. Regular audits and adherence to industry best practices help maintain compliance.

Strategies for managing complexity include adopting Agile methodologies to break down large projects into manageable tasks, prioritizing frequent communication with stakeholders, and establishing clear project milestones. Embracing modular architecture, using version control systems, and implementing automated testing help manage complexity and ensure successful project delivery.

Zazz prioritizes ease of use during app development by conducting thorough user research, gathering feedback, and performing regular usability testing. They employ user-centric design principles, create intuitive interfaces, and follow best practices for user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. Iterative development processes allow for continuous improvement based on user insights.

When selecting a software development company for long-term support and maintenance, consider factors such as their expertise in your industry, responsiveness to issues, and availability of 24/7 support. Look for companies that offer comprehensive maintenance plans, proactive monitoring, and timely resolution of problems. Zazz, for example, provides reliable ongoing technical support to maintain software stability and performance.

Why Does Your App Need Voice Recognition for Better Engagement? Thu, 23 Feb 2023 12:39:25 +0000 Jenna enters her house after a long day at work. She needs to get started on the dinner, but she also wants to freshen up first. She commands her smart kitchen to defrost the chicken while she enjoys a shower while Alexa plays her favorite songs. And the evening goes on!

Feature for Mobile Apps

This scenario from an American household exemplifies how far we have come with voice recognition technology. People have been using and exploring Siri and its features since the inception of iOS. This technology took a leap with Alexa from Amazon and Google Assistant from Google. In hindsight, people from around the world began to use the voice command feature in their daily lives.

At present, more than 27% of smartphone users benefit from the voice search method to find something online. That’s a whole lot of audience for businesses that struggle to reach an expanded group of consumers.

Through this explanatory post, we will discover a few benefits of the voice recognition feature for mobile apps. Moreover, we will also peek into the current influence of voice search on the market through the latest numbers. Read on to see how voice recognition works when it is added to an application:

An Overview of Voice Search & Its Impact on the Market

If we look at the user preference for voice recognition & voice-based search globally, we can see that 27% of smartphone consumers are inclined to this technology. In the United States, 55% of voice feature users are teenagers who choose it over typing. In addition to this, more than 58% of consumers in the USA have used voice search at least once.

Voice search and its impact on the market

What seems to be a performance optimization feature for a mobile app can be far more efficient for a digital product. And now this technology has evolved into a billion-dollar sector. The voice search technology market has flourished into a $10 billion industry and it may touch the threshold of $30 billion or higher in the next 3 years.

So what does it mean for your business? If your business application connects directly to the target audience, then voice recognition can drastically enhance its user-friendliness. Simply put, there are multiple benefits of the voice recognition feature for mobile apps and optimized usability is just one of them. 

In the following section, you will get to know more about the advantages of voice search or voice recognition implementation on your business application. This post also elucidates the need of hiring an expert mobile app development company in the USA for strategic feature addition.

Benefits of Voice Recognition Feature for Mobile Apps

Before we begin the vast list of benefits of the voice recognition feature for mobile apps, you must know that voice search feature implementation is critical. Only an experienced IT team can help businesses with the strategic inclusion of voice search in existing apps.

Feature for mobile app

1. Time Efficiency

A rapid increase in popularity among global users is proof of how influential the feature of voice recognition can be. Above all, speech identification comes with a gift of time in the era of hustle. Smartphone users don’t always want to type long texts when seeking the answer to a particular query. Besides, putting a query verbally offers a personalized touch to the search.

In perspective, typing takes more time and attention as compared to giving simple voice commands. Time efficiency is a quotient you might consider. Other than this, technology experts are working on it to improve and make it more convenient for the world. So you know that the probability of errors in the outcomes will diminish.

2. Multilingual Expansion

Even with global potential, your application may not be able to reach the entire world at once. There are hundreds of languages and thousands of dialects that you can’t add to a portal without splurging generously on language customization. Think about the hourly fee of IT experts who may spend months on your mobile app to make it multilingual.

Voice search or recognition is a revolutionary take on application customization for users across the world. As one of the many benefits of the voice recognition feature for mobile apps, you can make your business app comprehensive for millions of target users around the globe. This is an immersive innovation for e-learning apps that provide skill-oriented courses on a larger scale.

3. Unstoppable Evolution

As discussed in the earlier sections, AI is a sector that keeps evolving and improving. For brands that want to leverage the cutting-edge tech stack for higher ROI, it is nonetheless an advantage. Since voice search is powered by machine learning, deep learning, and AI, there is no stopping for improvements. With time and resources, the evolution of voice search or recognition will become more promising and lucrative for mobile apps.

4. Consumer Convenience

When we take the top view of any business in the realm, consumer convenience appears at the core of brand recognition. While some features derive the profitability of a mobile app directly, features like voice search provide a substantial edge for convenience to the target consumer.

First of all, they don’t need to type a search on your mobile application which is a huge advantage. Besides, it gives a personalized feel to an overall experience with your brand.

5. Streamlined Support

When it comes to listing the benefits of voice search for mobile apps, you can’t connect it only to the consumer side. There is also a facet to voice recognition that appeals to the internal teams of a business. Instead of assigning the job of consumer support to a team, you can automate the task with the help of voice-based AIs. 

6. Simplified Operations

Think of it this way! You have an automated platform that arranges a meeting with a specific team while typing an email for you. The same system is providing a list of the people who will be joining the team. And, you get to do it all at once by giving the right command to your smartphone or laptop.

Since voice is the only input for voice recognition technology, a lot of operations in your team can be simplified. A voice-based platform can automate and align multiple tasks in a manageable loop. 

How Does A Voice Search System Work?

In layman’s terms, a system that works on the voice command is known as a voice search system. In a more categorical way, it can be described as a system or software that can understand the input of a voice and convert it into text. That text is then used to provide the output requested by the user.

A voice recognition system can also be defined as automated speech recognition (ASR) system that can identify a request from the speech. It is not a regular feature or a mobile app’s API. It is an AI-based algorithm that understands multiple languages, phrases, and much more. 

A voice recognition platform is trained to recognize different accents, languages, regional dialects, and the flow of the voice. A custom voice recognition system can be integrated into an application directly. In some cases, businesses seek technical guidance to build a custom voice search platform.

Generally, voice search systems run with the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The AI part of the software understands the voice input and then the machine learning part utilizes this input to simplify the request. Some voice search systems can be tailored to comprehend particular keywords and provide an outcome based on them.

Should You Consider Voice Search for Your Business App?

Whether you own an ecommerce app or a banking portal, voice recognition is the power to change the way consumers perceive a brand. From enterprise software to e-learning applications, a digital product in every possible form can leverage the integration of ASR or an automatic speech recognition system. The gist of this technology is to make the life of users simpler with a consumer-centric platform that saves time.

However, the implementation of the voice recognition feature on mobile apps will drive benefits only if it is accomplished by a professional IT team. If you are on the lookout for such an agency that carries this level of pragmatic approach, then Zazz is the app design and integration team you can trust! Based in Seattle, our on-demand app development company caters to every technological challenge our clients in the USA come across.

As a promising team of software and mobile app developers, we have served our clients from San Jose, New York, San Francisco, and other parts of the United States. Apart from application and software ideation, we can also upgrade the performance of existing apps with smart feature integration. Our expertise in AI and machine learning allows our team to conceptualize a flawless integration plan followed by a testing process.

To get the cost estimate for the voice recognition feature, contact us today!

How Custom Software Development is Revolutionizing Healthcare Sector Mon, 12 Jul 2021 06:50:09 +0000 Hundreds of healthcare organizations have begun to realize the benefits of custom software development. After all, generic healthcare software cannot handle the demands of a modern organization and creates operational inefficiencies that slow businesses down.

Custom Software Development

However, with software development, healthcare organizations can implement solutions that are tailored to their unique requirements. Additionally, custom software development will allow your business to easily upgrade from old and outdated legacy systems that no longer meet your needs. These are some of the main reasons how custom software development transforms healthcare industries.

What is Healthcare Software Development?

Healthcare custom software development will cover a wide range of application types. In general, however, it is described as developing knowledge-based IT services that provide decision support and advice, assistance, and input to healthcare professionals. These systems streamline and optimize the management side of operations and provide patients with a higher level of treatment.

It is necessary to remember that the development of health technologies should not aim to make decisions outside the hands of qualified human professionals. However, it will go a long way towards providing real-time assistance to certain human decision-makers, removing repetitive activities from the schedule, and simplifying patient care and administrative management.

The Impact of Global Pandemic on the Healthcare Sector

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has penetrated deeply into all layers of society, and the healthcare industry is also facing a shock wave. When the pandemic had initially started, a three-phase reaction had begun that had to recover and renew itself. The entire health system has been deeply affected, taking into account the state of the pandemic and the various problems it poses. Supply chain failures and the general growth of security protocols have raised concerns in the hospital industry.

Significance of Custom Software Development in the Healthcare Sector

Easy Accessibility With Multi-Platform System

The eminent companies develop software to work on platforms, including desktop computers, mobile devices, tablets, etc. If all stakeholders use uniform software in a healthcare organization, the data is synchronized. Doctors and patients are the primary stakeholders and can access the system on the go. Therefore, accelerate the inquiry process with real-time data accessibility from multiple platforms.

An Integrated System

Custom healthcare software integrates the multiple workflows your organization operates in daily. Custom software can synchronize multiple simple and complex processes, including HR, OPD, Finance etc. In one single place. Reduces stress in the workplace for all healthcare employees, allowing them to spend more time on patient care.

Improve Your Standard of Care

Custom software reshapes the traditional healthcare setup with advanced systems, automation, and cutting-edge technologies. As per a leading Android app development company, revamp all the minor processes, from managing patient appointments to storing data. By revamping old processes, custom software further adapts it to existing sanitary standards.

Improve Your Standard of Care

custom software reshapes traditional healthcare settings by digitizing with advanced systems, automation, and cutting-edge technologies. Personalization helps revamp all minor processes, from managing patient appointments to storing data.

Growth and Scalability

Electronic health / medical records keep the data of numerous patients in a secure place hosted in a cloud. This helps lower operating costs and ultimately increases the ROI of any healthcare organization. In addition, this custom software is suitable and easy to adapt for massive business growth. By selecting a provider with experience in healthcare software development delivery or a healthcare application development company, you can achieve long-term sustainability by creating a scalable solution. This also enables trouble-free operation, trouble-free maintenance and efficient work processes.

Why Outsourcing Custom Healthcare Software Development is Superior?

According to a survey, more than 70% of companies prefer to use software development outsourcing rather than in-house development. The following are the reasons:

Admittance to Global Professionals And the Latest Talent

You may be able to get in touch with professionals, especially from the healthcare system around the world. However, if you don’t have many specialists in particular areas of the healthcare industry, outsourcing professionals can provide you with diversified skills and a lot of talent.

Greater Focus on Core Business Processes

When you don’t have to spend time on other activities to refresh or polish your team’s talent, you can devote time and energy to those activities that will truly benefit your organization. For example, when you hire app developers who are already skilled and talented for medical software development, you won’t have to provide them with rounds of briefings and training as they are already far ahead of the game. Instead, you can spend this time developing essential hospital resources.

Increased Productivity and Time Savings

Outsourced professionals can also help you increase productivity in healthcare application development or website creation, which will save you time. These developers already have the necessary skills, and therefore, you will not need to spend more time on training and skills development. In addition, you won’t have to waste pointless time on HR activities and practices that can be terminated in development.

Final Words

Personalization is the need of the moment in the healthcare industry. Developing custom healthcare applications can enhance any healthcare organization’s existing systems and infrastructure by enhancing and enriching each point of contact with the patient. Zazz has served as a trusted technology partner for various healthcare SMBs and companies for the development of custom healthcare applications or custom healthcare software based on their requirements.

We are currently working with fortune companies to build a global digital health management platform to bring together healthcare stakeholders such as patients, hospitals, doctors, insurance providers, and caregivers under one roof. So contact us today to create sophisticated custom software solutions for your unique requirements. Our specially designed tools are sure to improve the standards of service and healthcare delivery at your institution.

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Steps to Start Agile Journey to Become Faster and Responsive Agency Thu, 19 Nov 2020 11:03:01 +0000 This blog focuses on what steps senior leaders can take to embark on the agility journey and start, as one of the most popular idioms refers to. As we know, the primary step is the hardest part of the journey.

But we will say!

Start Agile Journey to Become Faster and Responsive Agency

The realization that you need to travel is the most difficult. By addressing the following 3aspects, you can launch an Agility initiative with high confidence to achieve your goals and maintain an Agility culture in your team. Let’s start over.

Steps to Start Your Agility Journey

Here, in this section, qualified experts at Zazz will explain the steps to begin the Agile Journey. However, this may consist of deciding whether it is required or not, product model, and Agile, lean management. So, let’s begin:

Decide if Agile is An Appropriate Choice For Your Organization

First of all, we should be more confident that agile is the right thing for this company. An agile advisor is one tool for building this knowledge if you are unsure or need facts or success stories to back up your approach. A mentor can help you build confidence in your agile practice. Agile consultants may have problems reducing their attendance, but it shows that they are agile trainers.

Regarding our predicament, we should have had an agile mentor early in the project. We also have to go the extra mile to convince management that we need to adopt agile and defend our low speed at board meetings.

Agile Product Model

After deciding now, searching at the services you offer holistically will lead to different teams’ identification. Some of the usual suspects are product support, L3, business development, operations, and testing. When you look at the added value for customers, there is an added value at every stage. However, seeing the number of submissions from one team to another, there is an increase in waste by mistake.

For example, one of the organizations I have coached creates self-help teams based on a user journey – customer acquisition, market research, loyalty/retention, market operations. Each team includes cross-functional team members who share the technology, analytics, product vision, all within the same unit. This kind of product-driven agility prevents closed organization, long-tail syndrome and reduces wasting.

Think Lean Management

Some models have shifted toward creating holistic answers to the question ”Are you doing the right thing” And then see how we do it right. For example, instead of considering a metric to measure to ensure that SLAs are met, contemplated, and seen, find a way to move toward speed solving problems. Using DevOps and Realized value streams is a way to find waste generated throughout the Agile lifecycle and use a DevOps approach to automate it.

Continuous improvement An agile development cycle is the essence of agility. And taking this model from the customer’s perspective that requires it to be trimmed has yielded the highest benefits cost-effectively. This has worked for the organizations we consulted previously.

What is Agile Methodology in Project Management?

Agile is a process where a team can manage a project by breaking it down into stages. Also, it includes continuous collaboration with continuous improvement, stakeholders, and iterations at each stage. The leading software development company states, the Agile methodology starts with the client explaining how the end product will be used and what problems it will solve. This describes the customer expectations of the project team.

Once the work has started, the team rotates through the planning, execution, and evaluation process – which may only change the result to better suit the customer’s needs. Ongoing collaboration is critical, both among team members and project stakeholders, to make fully informed decisions.

Key Challenges on Agile Journey 

Here, we have listed some of the challenges we face in large client organizations as they head into the Agile journey.

Unable to Find the Right Product Owner

Underestimating the value a good Product Owner can provide Agile is a classic misstep that always causes big problems like trying to mature. The Product Owner is usually not a pre-existing role in an organization. Product strategy consultants explain that many people will compromise the position by badging an existing person from a different role or a part-time role.

How to Resolve This?

If you are genuinely committed to the Agile methodology, you will need to make the Product Owner a full-time role, one you train or hire in particular. Make this a permanent job with empowerment. The Product Owner will bridge the gap between business stakeholders and the IT delivery team and play an essential role in dealing with both.

Every Project Takes Too Long to Implement

Many of you let go of their Agile organization journeys hampered by doubt, especially if the organization usually can’t take action quickly. Projects will often start with Sprint Zero to get all the basics in place, and the temptation is to stick to this point – turning it back into a waterfall project with all the uncertainty removed before starting.

How Can You Solve This?

There must be a limit to all activity in advance, however painful it feels. Of course, there are some things; without it, the project cannot be started, but it will suffice information for making the 2-week sprint in almost all cases. Start doing regular iterations; Only by developing a rhythm will the team understand what is important and how to make the right, just-in-time iterative delivery.

Concluding Thoughts

Every organization must be ready to accept and implement changes to survive in the fierce market competition. Above hare, we explained the top 3 steps to start an agile journey. Now, our part in the finish, your’s begins. Thus, let’s discuss your project to get services from our qualified and experienced experts. 

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What is the software development process? Fri, 24 Apr 2020 07:36:50 +0000 What is Software?

Software is known as the set of digital programs, procedures, rules, documentation, and associated data. Devices such as cell phones, computers, or cameras could not be used without having software designed for their operation.

software development process

Companies need different types of software to carry out their day to day work. With the help of right software, businesses can be transformed. These digital products are used to elevate management, simplify processes, create databases, and much more.

Process of Software Development

Phase 1: Planning and Defining Objectives

The first phase of the software development is based on enabling the necessary mechanisms. This allows any user to continuously contribute to their ideas. These proposals transformed into requirements or objectives, these being prioritized and included in future iterations in the form of stories of a user. Ask questions like:

  • What needs are to be fulfilled with this software?
  • Do you have the tools and resources?
  • What is the budget?

Phase 2: Requirements and feasibility analysis

Study customer requirements and any restrictions that may apply. Customers often think that they know what software needs to do. However, the best software Development Company can pick up incomplete, confusing, and conflicting requirements. Enquire about:

  • Who will be using the software?
  • What are the security risks that need to be resolved?
  • Do we need to integrate APIs and other modern techs?
  • Is it cloud-based or local storage will be used?

In this stage, developers design a feasibility report with the help of charts, diagrams, and models.

Phase 3: Software Design

The next step is to design the software product with the help of all the information collected on requirements and analysis. The inputs (contributions) of the users in the previous phase will be the base contributions of the current phase.

“Design is the core part of software development. If neglected or done wrongly, it can cause the whole process to fail.” Eoin Woods

Phase 4: Coding

In the software development process, this is one of the key stages. This phase can also be called the ‘programming phase’. The implementation of the software design starts with the most convenient programming language.

Phase 5: Tests

It is estimated that 50% of all software development stages should be evaluated. Bugs can ruin software both critically and to the point of being removed. Software testing is done while coding and is usually done by developers and other expert testers at various levels. This includes evaluation of modules, the program, internal evaluation, and finally evaluation with the final consumer. Finding mistakes and remedying them in time is the key to getting reliable software.

Phase 6: Integration

The Software may need to be integrated with libraries, databases, or with one or more other programs. This phase of software development focuses on the integration of the software with entities from the outside world.

Phase 7: Implementation

Here the software is installed on client machines. The Software is evaluated for its adaptability and portability, in terms of issues related to integration. They are resolved during implementation. Agencies like software development company name zazz adopt modern tools to deploy error-free implementation.

Phase 8: Operation

Once a software version is functional, it is essential to keep track of it:

  • Monitoring of application and server performance.

To do this, it is necessary to automatically perform the reading of parameters that allow the alarm to be given in case of failure.

  • Track problems, incidents, and changes.

Fluid communication between different people is essential to be able to identify and solve encountered problems.

Phase 9: Maintenance

Software is such products that need to be fully maintained so that they function properly. Some companies deploy in-house maintenance staff, however, it can be hectic and expensive. The modern approach is to outsource the support & maintenance services. You will be amazed to know that Zazz, a leading software development company provides 24/7 maintenance services.

Zazz Delivering High-Quality Software Products

At Zazz, we have embraced unique software development as a way of life. We never compromise over quality and use agile methodology to deliver competitive products. We study the organization and our focus remains with the key requirements. We have developed marvelous communication skills that help Zazz produce the exact results that the client wants. Contact us for further information and a roadmap!

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Top Custom Software Development Companies San Francisco Mon, 10 Feb 2020 00:00:53 +0000 Today, no process can be simplified by applying a software solution. However, some companies and brands need a much more advanced software solution than those available to the general public. Let’s first have a look at top  custom software developers in San Francisco.

Simply put, custom software development gives companies and companies the option of having a software solution completely made just for them, a solution that adapts directly to their needs and requirements.

Customer software development is such a vital part of businesses today, as the business software market is expected to reach more than US $ 505 billion by the end of the year, according to a study by statist.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at what custom software development is and let’s review the five main things you should know about it, including how you can help your business.

If you’re searching for game development companies in the USA, consider Zazz, a leading game development company with expertise in creating immersive gaming experiences.

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What is custom software development?

The name itself is self-explanatory, however, let’s take a closer look at what custom software development is and what it means for companies that are trying to grow.

Custom software development is the name given to the design of software applications created specifically for a single user or group of users with unique characteristics and requirements.

You might be thinking, what is the difference between regular software development and custom development? The first is aimed at a much larger audience, while the other is tailored to meet a specific set of requirements.

The general idea of custom software development is to create software that meets the needs and requirements of this specific group of people, to facilitate their daily tasks.

Of course, this development process is carried out by a third party (an offshore or near shore company), which works to meet customer needs and to develop software that specifically matches them.

Let’s give an example of custom vs. regular software development. You see, a normal software would be one that caters to a large public in general. Think of iOS, Windows, Android, etc.

These software (both web and mobile) are not necessary for a specific group of people, and are generally designed to target large masses, which allows them a certain level of customization, but not too much.

On the other hand, a customized software solution is software that is made specifically for a group of people (for example, a company), which meets your needs and covers all your requirements.

At this point, you have probably noticed why this type of software development is a good idea for both large and small companies looking to grow, and why it is a better idea than to opt for standard software.

However, it is time for you to learn about the most important things related to custom software development and why it represented a good option for YOU and your company:

1: Customization at its very best

Let’s start with the basics, custom software development is also customizable. And we are not talking about the typical type of customized solution of “you can change the basic configuration to meet your needs”, we are talking about it being 100% customizable.

This means that you can decide everything about the software you need. You can decide the main features, how it will look, what you want the solution to do, absolutely everything.

Of course, the software development company will create a plan that suits the requirements and scope of the project to deliver the desired solution and complete this specific order.

It is important to note that if you are looking for a custom software development, partnering with a near shore company is probably your best option, as we indicated in our previous report, here.

2: Optimize Software Solutions

According to a report by Software Testing and Big Data Hadoop, more than 20% of working hours are spent on boring, repetitive and unprofitable tasks that directly influence the productivity of your workforce.

By implementing a customized software solution, you are giving your workforce the help they need to return to normal and increase their productivity almost immediately, all thanks to automation. The adoption of this type of software development allows all types of companies to implement a solution that suits what they need, instead of changing their regular processes to adapt to new technologies.

The development of personalized software offers companies the option of starting to implement a software solution that helps them automate their business models in internal processes, achieving a maximum level of productivity, without having to make drastic changes in their models.

3: Affordability

We have talked about this several times, we even have a report that talks about the real cost of software development and how it is not necessarily cheap, but rather accessible and profitable.

What we mean by this is that hiring an offshore or near shore company to develop a customized software solution may not necessarily be cheap, but it is cost effective. Let’s elaborate on that.

You will be investing directly in a software solution that does exactly what YOU should do, which means that you are investing in a software platform that will help you automate your processes, increase the productivity of your equipment and, therefore, increase your sales

4: Flexibility

Custom software development is not only customizable, but also extremely flexible, as it is a solution that can be scaled and adjusted according to the needs of your own company.

Keep in mind that this is something that can only be done through a customized software solution, through a team of software engineers, since standard applications simply do not offer this level of flexibility and will only allow you to adapt your Platforms to some points.

5: Secure

Last but not least, a customized software solution allows you to achieve a better level of security, since all your data, useful information and general processes are placed in software that was created specifically for YOU, and under your requirements.

As a business owner, you will have full control of the security measures that will be implemented to create your software and you will be informed of the technologies used to protect your data.

Without a doubt, software development for customers is one of the best solutions to optimize their internal processes, increase their productivity levels and begin to have a digital transformation that directly influences the performance of your company.

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Top 10 Custom Software Development Companies New York Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:15 +0000 This Era belongs to technological advancements and using modern means to not only compete in the market but also excel and earn more revenue. One of the significant tool to engage audience and ease down hectic issues is custom software development. If you are looking for top-notch services, do check out our list of top 10 custom software development companies in New York.

Custom Software Development Companies New York


Zazz stands out as a top custom software development company New York. The agency has made a name for itself by consistently delivering cutting-edge software design & development services, with a focus on innovation & creativity. As trailblazers in the industry, Zazz’s team of experts have the ability to stay ahead of the curve, constantly adopting, iterating & investing in the latest technologies and seamless processes. 

With a deep bench of experienced and gifted creatives and technological wizards, Zazz is the go-to for businesses looking for unparalleled expertise in bespoke software solutions.

List of Services:

Whether you’re a rapidly growing startup seeking to explore the industry with an MVP through A/B testing, or an SME that needs to streamline some processes to stay competitive, or an enterprise that requires a digital makeover, Zazz is well-equipped to accommodate all of your project’s end-to-end necessities. 

With years of proven experience & a vast array of resources at our disposal, they help organizations to achieve their goals effortlessly. THey specialize in providing customized solutions that cater to the unique needs of each client & empower them to thrive in their respective markets. Let Zazz help you embark on the path to success today.


As a premier custom software development company, Appstudio offers top software design & development solutions. Their team is based in the thriving tech hub of Toronto, where they stay ahead of the curve on the latest disruptive technologies. They specialize in mobile & web applications, crafting cutting-edge solutions that drive business success. Their clients trust them to provide expert guidance & custom solutions that meet their unique needs. With a focus on innovation, quality & client satisfaction, Appstudio is your trusted partner for all your software development needs.

List of Services:

  • Product Strategy
  • Prototyping & Concept Development
  • Product Design
  • Android App Development
  • iOS Application Development
  • Flutter App Development
  • Healthcare App Development
  • React Native App Development
  • IoT App Development
  • Web Application Development
  • Blockchain Development
  • Machine Learning


With more than two decades of experience, Unity Group is a leading provider of IT services & top-notch technology solutions for businesses of all sizes, both in Poland & internationally. Their team of experts offers quality consultation services, as well as tailored implementation, system development & maintenance support. From strategizing to execution, they make sure that their clients’ technological needs are met with highest quality & efficiency. Trust Unity Group to deliver the best technology solutions, so that you can achieve your business goals with ease. 

Archer Software

Archer Software is an esteemed ally for thriving start-ups & companies across the world. The company has earned a reputation for providing great services to clients in healthcare, automotive & fintech sectors. In case you’re envisioning breakthrough software or looking to upgrade existing systems, Archer Software has the expertise & resources to bring your project to life. The company’s global reach is underscored by its unwavering commitment to delivering innovative solutions that drive tangible results.


DOOR3 is a specialized software consultancy, committed to providing unparalleled benefits to their clients. Their primary focus is on software development, technology strategy & UI/UX design, allowing them to elevate their products & services. Their competitive edge lies in our ability to consistently & reliably deliver solutions within the designated time & budgetary constraints. With their expertise, experience, & exceptional capabilities, they are the ideal partner for all your software-related needs.


Tivix is a reputable software development company that focuses on the agile development of web & mobile applications. With their expertise in the field, they assist clients in reducing engineering risk by providing a speedy time-to-market, without sacrificing quality. Their software code is standards-based & ensures that it can easily be handed off to an internal team when necessary. Partner with Tivix to deliver innovative solutions that will keep your business ahead of the competition.

Saffron Tech

Saffron Tech has been helping businesses worldwide for over a decade, providing extensive web, software & mobile development services. With offices in New York & India, their professional expertise encompasses a wide range of services that include custom website design & development, e-commerce development, portal development & native/hybrid mobile app development. Saffron Tech’s proficiency stretches to include the latest development technologies such as PHP, WordPress, .Net, iOS, Android & Xamarin, among others. The company has a global client base & their skilled team strives to deliver exceptional results.


Saritasa is a multi-faceted technology solutions provider with a suite of services including Mobile App development, Web development, AR/VR, Software development, Systems Architecting & IoT solutions. Their experts are proficient in the design, development & deployment of advanced technology systems, catering to innovative SMBs, progressive corporations & enterprises across various verticals. They specialize in life sciences, commercial, industrial & high technology sectors & provide an end-to-end solution to meet their requirements. They pride themselves on delivering efficiently & effectively while maintaining the highest levels of quality.

iTechArt Group

With over 1600 experienced engineers, iTechArt Group is a widely recognized one-stop-shop when we talk about custom software development. Creating successful & scalable products that users love since 2002, the company has catered to the needs of VC-backed startups & quick-growing tech firms in the industry. iTechArt’s forte efficiently lies in its agile & dedicated teams of brilliant minds who specialize in web, mobile, Big Data, QA & DevOps. The company works on its innovative approach, commitment to quality & its hunger to deliver unmatched solutions to its clients.


Established in the year 2003, Fingent has emerged as a leading custom software development firm in the IT industry. With a strong foothold in countries like the US (Boston & New York), Australia, India & UAE, they specialize in providing optimal web and mobile app development services. What sets them apart is their team of 275+ proficient employees, who have helped numerous organizations with their exceptional solutions. They strive to offer reliable, scalable & highly secure software solutions to their clients, thus, enhancing their business growth 7 success.

Custom software is a type of application. This application is specially developed to adapt to a particular business or organization. Therefore, the custom exists to meet your specific business-centered requirements. The custom software is generally designed for a single client or group of clients (customers) who decide what type of functionality and processes must possess. Knowing this concept, we can understand more deeply the benefits.

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Optimized Business Process

Custom software development provides a unique advantage to organizations by allowing them to optimize their business processes rather than conforming to pre-built packages or applications. Due to the uniqueness of each organization’s business model and internal processes, it is extremely difficult to change these aspects to fit an existing software solution. Custom app development allows for the individualized design and development of applications that can closely align with the specific needs and unique processes of the organization. This customization results in a more efficient and effective use of resources, improved productivity & a competitive advantage in the market. Custom software development provides the opportunity for organizations to better their operations & maximize their potential for success.

Emphasize your Business Acumen

What makes the fact that you are interested in developing it according to the needs of your company? Send a strong message that you value your internal processes and take your work seriously. Emphasize your commitment to your business as you optimize your process flows and your work model so you can run smoothly.


The ability to maintain and follow your business processes over time helps you succeed eventually. Reliability is an important factor that defines success. Proper testing of the same custom ensures that you have a reliable IT tool that can grow your business.


In the modern business landscape, singularity reigns supreme. With every enterprise being distinct, there can be no single approach to match all business operations. A personalized solution that aligns with your unique requirements can grow your work model so that your enterprise stands out in the market. A customized approach is key to maintaining a “unique” identity & gaining a competitive advantage. With an expertly crafted solution, you can get to greater success.


In the ever-evolving world of marketing, it is vital to remain adaptable. As the marketplace shifts, so must the organizational processes & technologies adapted to maintain marketing strength. However, it does not have to be a daunting challenge. One can easily keep up by integrating new processes & technologies into the existing ones as marketing trends change. By doing so, you can stay ahead of the curve and get growth in this fast-paced industry. The key is to remain alert & well-informed, ready to embrace change when it comes.


Most organizations have an architecture model. In said model the outputs generated by a particular process, which can be a module application. These outputs function as input for another process. A fluid flow of information is vital while streamlining your business model.

The use of different “packaging” for different processes can interrupt the flow of data. Why? Because a hybrid infrastructure often has to rely on third-party devices and applications. To facilitate communication between various processes and systems. Creating a custom environment can solve many types of related problems. With the flow of information between successive processes.


What works best for one company does not necessarily work for another. You may be following certain processes that others do not. The software that is developed exclusively for you guarantees that all your activities and processes work correctly. They automate exactly according to your requirements.


One of the key advantages of a flexible work approach is that it allows you the freedom to shape your work to your needs, rather than having to fit into a prescribed mold. This means that your work can be adjusted quickly & easily to meet changing requirements & giving you the ability so that it is always as per your specific needs & circumstances. Whether you need to adapt to changing market conditions, shifting priorities, or personal circumstances, a flexible work approach gives you the ability to stay agile & respond quickly to whatever challenges arise.


This is an important concern for many companies. Access to data and security concerns. They affect many end users in today’s market. People who make transactions online want to make sure their transactions are safe at all times.

Compatibility with costly security protocols can cause you to transfer additional costs to the services you offer to your customers. This can cause you to lose your competitive advantage in the market. In addition, the flow of data within the internal processes of the organization must also be regulated. This is achieved through the implementation of strict security standards. It has the power to decide what technology or data security protocol is ideal for your business and integrate it.


With custom development, you can plan and stagger the development process. You are not required to invest a large amount of money first to reap the benefits of automation. It is achieved according to your budget and availability of funds. You can start automating the individual process flows in an organized and programmed way over time. Thus you can make development affordable through affordable development services.

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