Artificial Intelligence Blog Posts News By Zazz Mobile Application Development Company Tue, 25 Jun 2024 10:47:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Boost Retail Sales with AI-Driven Applications Fri, 19 Apr 2024 16:15:28 +0000
How to Boost Retail Sales with AI-Driven Applications

AI is inspiringly disruptive, and the entire world is experiencing it with a revolutionary change across everything around us. From gaming, education, and shopping to online transactions and communication, artificial intelligence is leading the way with notable capabilities that simplify it for people to interact and engage. 

In a nutshell, artificial intelligence is the future of every brand looking toward a future-first business architecture. Among other prominent domains, retail is an industry where the impact of AI-driven applications can be leveraged on many scales. 

You must have heard or read about the majestic influence of these technologies being embraced by industry leaders to upscale their business presence and make profits. In the healthcare sector, tech suites like AR and VR are revolutionizing medical diagnosis, appointment booking, doctor-patient interactions, and so much more. 

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This tech-driven change is omnipresent including industries such as fintech, education, etc. which gives rise to the question, “How to boost retail sales with AI applications?” 

All it takes to adopt these cutting-edge technologies is to find the right software and app development agency with expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning. With strategic planning and feature implementation, any retail brand can achieve success in terms of increased user engagement and ROI. 

In this post, we will focus on some crucial aspects of retail that can be optimized with AI to drive transition in the sales cycle effectively. Moreover, we will also explore some use cases to study how AI has been a game changer in the online shopping domain already and why businesses should invest in it! 

Boosting Retail Sales with AI Applications – Use Cases that Will Change Your Mind 

The raging market competitiveness accompanied by survey reports, analyses, and many expert opinions can create a lot of confusion, especially in terms of decision-making. 

However, the following use cases showing the lucrative effect of AI in retail success help you grasp the significance of embracing these technologies: 

1. Amazon – User Personalization, Demand Forecasting, & Logistics Planning 

Let’s start with Amazon! 

Amazon products can be found in every household around the globe. The e-commerce giant has remarkably used its supremacy to leverage its data and gain insights from the artificial intelligence tech suite for a broad array of functions. 

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Its shopping portal can now analyze user behavior with information from search and purchase history to recommend relevant products. 35% of the total revenue of Amazon comes from this feature. In addition, they have a demand algorithm to assess past sales data, inventory levels, search trends, and pricing fluctuations. 

In addition to inventory optimization, AI and machine learning allowed Amazon’s retail game to boost with powerful logistics planning. For maximum inventory optimization, it can now identify warehouse locations and plan distribution routes for hassle-free order delivery. 

2. Walmart – Chatbot Integration & In-Store Analytics 

Walmart is one of those popular shopping brands that thrive on consumer experience for seamless sales and buyer retention. Therefore, it decided to upgrade its architecture with chatbot implementation to get even better at servicing its target audiences. Now its customers can get answers to basic buying queries through AI. Human support only gets those queries that require more attention. 

In-store analytics is Walmart’s way to ensure that it can collect data based on its consumers’ preferences while they are inside the store. This in-store analytical system has an image recognition feature along with sensors to personalize the user experience and enhance the store layout for a more impactful product display. 

You can also read – How Long it Takes to Develop and Launch a Mobile App? 

3. Sephora – Virtual Try-On & Beauty Advisor 

Not being able to try on a product before buying online used to be one of the biggest challenges in the beauty commerce domain. It was difficult to pick the right shade of lip color or foundation without testing it on a particular skin tone.  

However, it remained a problem only until Sephora introduced its virtual try-on feature. An immensely powerful combination of AI with AR now allows its buyers to find the best makeup product as per their skin tone.  

The upscaling process of Sephora to boost its sales with AI applications didn’t stop at AR implementation. It also has a beauty advisor run by machine learning algorithms to help shoppers get personalized recommendations for products that will suit their skin type, skin tone, and face shape.  

4. Starbucks – Menu Setup & Supply Chain Forecasting 

Millions of people in the world start their day with Starbucks and rely on its services to get fresh beverages. To align itself with the changing market dynamics, it needed AI and natural language processing (NLP) to collect insights and utilize the data to optimize its menu. This way, the brand has gained an advantage in terms of launching new products successfully. 

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Apart from menu optimization, Starbucks is leveraging artificial intelligence technology to keep track of its inventory and prompt better supply planning with product demand forecasting. 

With these use cases, it is clear that AI applications help retail businesses manage their supply chain forecasting and enhance their consumer engagement process to eventually retain buyers and boost sales. 

Let’s move on to the part where you will learn about the areas that are impacted by the implementation of AI technology in a retail cycle. 

Benefits of AI that Simplify Retail Operations 

1. Demand Forecasting 

A retail business must concur with many responsibilities, and inventory management is one of them. Planning of available and out-of-stick products, selection of most bought products, and classification of customers are some areas that require constant attention and AI can be leveraged to improve this. 

Traditionally, stores relied on spreadsheets and other similar methods to keep track of their inventory, but it is vividly prone to data errors. The chances of mistakes are higher when the product range is higher, and the target buyers come from different groups. 

Fortunately, AI-driven analytical systems and demand forecasting features automate the process remarkably. While this feature doesn’t directly boost retail sales with AI applications, it enables top brands to focus on their sales cycle instead of wasting time and resources on inventory management. 

You can also read – How Did Starbucks Increase Sales by 14% with Its Mobile App? Let’s Find Out!

2. Personalized Shopping Experience 

Look at it this way!  

You’re looking for new cushions on a shopping portal for a week, but it fails to show you the right selection even after that. You will stop using that shopping app. However, you will instantly be drawn to an e-commerce platform that is showcasing similar products that you saw just a few hours back. 

This is the difference between an AI-powered application and a regular shopping portal. User personalization makes all the difference, and this is why almost every other online shopping app counts on cutting-edge technologies to understand user behavior, gather user data, and use it to recommend relevant products that buyers will be interested in. 

3. Supply Chain Optimization 

What will happen when you have enough leads but no efficient supply chain system? In that case, only an AI-backed application can help you manage the post-retail process from production to delivery. Other than demand forecasting, supply chain management is another aspect of retail that doesn’t involve any interaction with the buyer but affects sales by reducing costs and increasing efficiency. 

4. Inventory Management 

Retail inventory is a more complex procedure for established businesses that it appears as it consumes a lot of hours and manual labor to maintain the data based on the size and type of retail venture. Given other pre-sale and post-sale challenges, automation is certainly the key to streamline inventory management. 

Lowes, which is a home improvement retail brand, keeps small cameras at the top of shelves in the store to quickly assess what product is falling short in quantity. An AI-driven inventory management system can help retail stores leverage sensors and camera vision to tackle these challenges and maintain the inventory hassle-free.  

5. Quick Support for Buyers 

Your staff can’t always be present to answer the queries of your buyers, given the higher cost of maintaining round-the-clock human support. However, you can always trust AI-based chat support to revert your buyers and provide the answers that can persuade your target audiences to make an informed buying decision.  

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Global retail brands like Sephora use AI chatbots as reservation assistants to get orders when a new product launch is around the corner. This way, they manage to update their inventory and streamline the post-sales process without any delay. 

Why You Should Trust Zazz for AI Application Development 

Technology is here to help businesses get better with their approach to engaging with the target audiences and stakeholders. With AI, you can not only increase your presence on the web but also discover possibilities with which a brand can become future-ready. 

At Zazz, we can be your technology partner in building highly responsive and visually empowering AI applications that not only boost your retail sales but also help you align your inventory with your buyers’ favorite products. Our expertise in the latest suite of cutting-edge frameworks can help you reform your online shopping brand and increase outreach effectively. 

To learn more about our AI app development services, schedule a call with us now! 

Frequently Asked Questions

AI-powered analytics can analyze and share vast amounts of customer data, including purchase history, browsing patterns, and social media interactions, to provide deep insights into customer preferences and behavior. This enables retailers to offer targeted product recommendations, personalize marketing efforts, and improve overall customer experiences, ultimately leading to increased sales and loyalty.

Zazz has created AI-powered inventory management systems that can analyze historical sales data, market trends, and customer demand patterns to precisely forecast future demand, and help the management make the right decisions, at the right time. They can now optimize stock levels, reduce overstocking and stockouts, and streamline supply chain operations for ensuring unstoppable growth.

AI-driven marketing strategies developed by our team at Zazz leverage customer and market data to deliver highly personalized and targeted marketing messages. By analyzing customer preferences, purchase history, and browsing behavior, highly complex AI algorithms can suggest relevant products, offer personalized discounts, and identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Yes, AI-powered pricing optimization tools can dynamically adjust prices based on real-time market trends, competitor pricing, and consumer demand. We at Zazz can analyze vast amounts of data by leveraging AI algorithms to identify the optimal price points for each product, considering factors such as seasonality, inventory levels, and customer willingness to pay.

We have developed AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants that provide 24/7 customer support, answer common queries, assist with product selection, and guide customers through the purchasing process. These intelligent systems can handle multiple customer interactions simultaneously, reducing wait times and improving response rates. By providing prompt and accurate assistance, AI-driven customer service enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

AI-powered fraud detection systems analyze patterns and anomalies in transaction data to identify potential fraudulent activities. By deploying machine learning algorithms, these AI, automated systems can continuously learn and adapt to new fraud patterns, triggering real-time detection and prevention. AI-driven fraud prevention helps protect both customers and retailers from financial losses and reputational damage.

Retailers can measure the success and ROI of AI-driven applications by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales growth, customer retention, inventory turnover, and operational efficiency. By comparing pre and post-implementation metrics, retailers can quantify the impact of AI on their business. Additionally, gathering customer feedback and monitoring satisfaction levels can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of AI-driven initiatives.

Generative AI Enters Smartphone: 4 Ways Google Pixel Is Using LLM For Powerful Performance Wed, 08 Nov 2023 13:29:18 +0000

Generative AI has changed everything about content, marketing, programming, designing, and thinking and executing. And now, the AI revolution is taking one step forward with smartphones. 

For the 1st time ever, a smartphone has been infused with a tiny version of LLM or Large Scale Models, and this is a major disruption for the mobile app ecosystem. 

Google’s latest smartphone: Pixel 8 is that smartphone, that will be recorded in the history of being the 1st smartphone to have an in-built LLM, a sort of ChatGPT or Google Bard, made exclusively for that device. 

What does this mean? How will it impact the mobile app industry? 

And what are the features that have been incorporated into Pixel 8 Pro smartphone, that are powered with its own generative AI platform? 

Let’s first start with LLM powered with rich text, niche for the device. 

Why Smaller, Niche LLMs Is The Future? 

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT or Google Bard can process & execute billions or even trillions of parameters for handling natural language processing tasks.  

However, these mighty models come at a considerable cost, demanding substantial computing power and, consequently, a hefty price tag.  

But as we hurtle into the future, a new era is dawning, one where smaller, specialized models, trained on richer data, are poised to alter the impact and usage of artificial intelligence.  

Google is leading the charge with its major announcement that the Pixel 8 Pro smartphone now has its own onboard generative AI models.  

This innovation signifies a shift towards self-sufficiency, allowing users to harness the power of AI without the reliance on cloud services.  

Let’s delve into this exciting development and explore four ways in which Google Pixel is leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for a powerful smartphone experience. 

Tensor + On-Device Generative AI Models: The Foundation of Google Pixel’s AI Revolution 

At the recent Made by Google event, Rick Osterloh, SVP of devices and services at Google, unveiled the Pixel 8 Pro’s custom-made Tensor G3 chip.  

Designed with AI tasks in mind, this chip is a pivotal component of Google’s big leap into the world of on-device generative AI models. These models, filtered and amplified versions of Google’s state-of-the-art text and image generation models, empower various applications on the Pixel 8 Pro, including advanced image editing. 

As per Osterloh, Google’s different research teams collaborated and worked on their foundational models on generative AI to come up with a blueprint for a seamless integration with the Pixel 8 Pro smartphone. 

The Advantages of Tensor G3: Powering Google’s AI-Driven Pixel Phones 

Google Pixel series has made a mark in the competitive global smartphone niche, due to its dedicated focus on AI-powered features, and the Tensor chip has been the catalyst, which enabled this focus. 

With Tensor, Pixel has been able to offer exceptionally good photographs, and intelligent speech recognition features, along with other popular features. Now, with an inbuilt generative AI platform, combined with the AI hardware power of the Tensor G3 chip, the Pixel 8 smartphone is about to unleash the next level of user experience, which the world hasn’t experienced yet. 

Less Dependency On Cloud: One Big Boost To Conserve Energy 

As per initial reactions from industry veterans, the dependency of Cloud will reduce, once a powerful LLM is deployed into a smartphone, and this is one big boost to converse energy and drastically enhance battery life. 

As the smartphone’s processor won’t be spending its power on sending data to external servers for processing, the smartphone will be faster, data will be protected and the battery will last longer. 

A lot of research and brainstorming will go into this since the age of generative AI in smartphones has just started. 

Now, let’s find out those 4 features, that are part of Google Pixel 8 Pro smartphones, thanks to the deployment of LLM: 

Magic Eraser: Elevating Photo Editing to New Heights 


Pixel’s one of the most renowned features: Magic Erasor, is now turbocharged with a generative and more intelligent AI model, that can now vanish unwanted humans, objects, and more from images, with no evidence or trace. 


Because now, this tool will fill in the gaps, by deploying massive amounts of generated pixels, merging seamlessly with the environment, and projecting a more realistic and clean image, with a high aesthetic quotient. 

Now, at this point, a question does arise: What is now real, what is artificial? 

Zoom Enhance: Bridging the Gap in Zoom Photography 


With Generative AI-powered Zoom Enhance, Pixel 8 Pro users will be able to zoom in images, without almost zero pixelation, capturing stunningly real and sharp images.  

During a demonstration, Google showcased its capabilities by zooming in on one of the towers of the Golden Gate Bridge and enhancing it using a proprietary imaging model.  

While Google Pixels have always boasted great zoom capabilities, they have lagged behind competitors with extreme zoom cameras. With the application of artificial intelligence, Google is determined to bridge this gap, delivering outstanding zoom performance to Pixel users. 

Recorder App’s Summarization Tool: Streamlining Conversations 

The power of generative AI on the Recorder App is one of the most interesting new features. 

With automatic conversation summarization, the users will automatically get key pointers of the recordings (or recorded conversations) via text, in bullet points. This feature is available for both Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro users. 

Smart Replies in Gboard: Context-Aware Responses 

Another noteworthy application of large language models running on the Pixel 8 Pro is the enhancement of smart replies in Gboard, Google’s keyboard app.  

With the aid of AI, Gboard will offer higher-quality reply suggestions that are more context-aware and attuned to the tone of the ongoing conversation.  

This feature not only streamlines messaging but also demonstrates the seamless integration of generative AI within the smartphone’s ecosystem. 


What we have presented here are just 4 features, that Google has made possible with the integration of LLMs into Pixel 8 and Pixel Pro smartphones, and this is indeed a revolution in the smartphone and mobile ecosystem. 

We at Zazz are studying, experimenting, and implementing these latest breakthroughs in the AI world, to create better, faster, and more robust mobile apps. If you are interested to know more about the deployment of LLMs into smartphones, and how to leverage the power of generative AI in your mobile apps, connect with our AI and Mobile App engineers, right away! 

Visit us at 

The Power of AI and ML for Transforming Mobile App Development Thu, 01 Jun 2023 10:53:52 +0000 “A mobile app that understands and anticipates your needs, learns from your behavior, and offers personalized experiences.”

This is not a futuristic concept anymore; it’s happening right now with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). The mobile app development industry is experiencing a paradigm shift as AI and ML technologies are integrated into every development process step. 

Power of AI and ML

As per a report by IDC, global spending on AI systems is expected to reach $154 billion in 2023, with a significant portion dedicated to mobile app development. 

This is exactly why, here, we’ll discuss how AI and ML streamline workflows, minimize errors, and facilitate the creation of intelligent, user-friendly apps. We’ll also discuss the numerous advantages and challenges in harnessing these technologies with real-life examples of their implementation in the industry. Let’s begin.

AI and ML​​ in Mobile App​​ Development

​What are AI and ML​​ in Mobile App​​ Development?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) have become increasingly relevant and important among mobile app developers. AI refers to the capability of software or machines to mimic and potentially even surpass human cognitive abilities, such as recognizing patterns, making decisions, and learning from experience. 

On the other hand, ML is a subset of AI that specifically involves algorithms and models that allow the software to learn and improve based on data inputs. Together, AI and ML in mobile app development lead to enhanced user experiences, increased efficiency, and even new revenue opportunities.

In the words of Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder, “We always overestimate the change coming in the next two years and underestimate the change coming in the next ten.” With the advent of AI and ML, developers now can create mobile apps that are more predictive, more responsive, and more intelligent than ever before. 

Benefits of AI and ML in Mobile App Development

In today’s tech-savvy world, AI and ML are undoubtedly significant in mobile app development. Listed below are a few of its benefits.

1. AI-Powered Content Personalization

Personalized content is essential to engage customers and increase sales. AI and ML algorithms can analyze a user’s behavior, location, and preferences to offer personalized content, product recommendations, and discounts. According to a study by Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. By utilizing AI-powered content personalization, mobile apps can provide a customized experience that increases customer loyalty and helps to drive sales.

2. Predictive Analytics for Individualized Customer Journeys

Predictive analytics uses machine learning algorithms to generate insights from customer data, providing a better understanding of customer behavior, preferences, and needs. With this knowledge, businesses can create individualized customer journeys, provide targeted offers and recommendations, and improve their marketing strategies. 

A recent Salesforce report states that 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is essential to winning their business. As customers seek personalized experiences, predictive analytics allows businesses to meet their expectations, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Automated UI Testing

Testing is essential to app development, ensuring that the app functions correctly before it is released on the market. However, manual testing can be time-consuming and prone to human error. AI and ML algorithms can automate UI testing, detecting and resolving issues faster and improving the app’s overall quality. Automated UI testing provides faster development cycles and a more efficient workflow, allowing businesses to allocate resources to other critical tasks.

4. Hyper-Personalizing the Customer Experience Using Data, Analytics, and AI

Customers today expect a personalized experience, and online businesses must deliver it to remain competitive. AI and ML algorithms can analyze customer data and provide personalized messaging and recommendations in real time. A study by Accenture reveals that 58% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations.

5. Better Decision Making and Automating Basic Tasks

AI and ML can automate manual tasks such as data entry, reducing human error and allowing employees to focus on more complex tasks. A McKinsey report estimates that AI can automate 50% of human activities. AI and ML algorithms can also analyze data and provide insights, assisting businesses in making data-driven decisions.

Applications of AI and ML in Mobile Apps

The applications listed below are just some examples of how a Mobile app development company in USA uses AI and ML to enhance mobile app features and provide users with personalized and immersive experiences.

1. Voice Assistants

Voice assistants are AI-powered virtual assistants that are integrated into mobile apps. These assistants can understand natural language, interpret queries, and respond accurately to users.

Voice Assistants

Siri is Apple’s voice-controlled personal assistant integrated into iOS devices. Users can ask Siri questions, set reminders, send messages, and perform various other tasks using voice commands.

2. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics in mobile apps uses AI and ML algorithms to analyze historical data and identify trends. This approach can help businesses make informed decisions and offer personalized experiences to their users.

Predictive Analytics

Spotify uses predictive analytics to recommend music based on a user’s listening history, likes, and dislikes. The app creates customized playlists, such as “Made for you”, providing users with a tailored listening experience.

3. Personalized Recommendations

Personalized recommendations in mobile apps are delivered through AI and ML algorithms. These algorithms analyze user preferences, behavior, and demographics to offer personalized content and recommendations.

Netflix uses AI and ML algorithms to analyze users’ viewing history and preferences to provide personalized content recommendations. This enhances user engagement and increases the likelihood of discovering new shows and movies that match their tastes.

4. Smart Camera

Smart camera applications in mobile apps use AI and ML to enhance the capabilities of smartphone cameras. The applications include object recognition, scene detection, and image enhancement.

Google Lens is an AI-powered image recognition app that can identify objects, text, and landmarks using a smartphone camera. Users can point the camera at an object, and Google Lens provides relevant information or actions, such as translating text or identifying a product.

5. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) applications in mobile apps create immersive experiences by overlaying digital content onto the physical world, seen through a smartphone or AR glasses.

Pokémon GO is an AR mobile game that uses AI and ML to generate Pokémon characters in the real world. Players can explore their surroundings to find, catch, and battle Pokémon, encouraging physical activity and social interaction.

Challenges With AI and ML

Challenges With AI and ML for Mobile App Development

The emergence of AI and ML has led to more intuitive and efficient applications. However, there are also numerous challenges that developers face.

1. Data Capture and Management:

Data capture and management is one of the most significant challenges in developing mobile applications using AI and ML. The success of AI and ML algorithms depends on the quality and quantity of data collected, which raises many concerns about privacy and security. Therefore, it is necessary to have a proper data collection and management framework that ensures the effective utilization of data for AI and ML algorithms while maintaining the user’s privacy.

2. Personal Privacy and Security:

Another significant challenge developers face is ensuring the users’ privacy and security. With AI and ML technologies, it is difficult to ascertain the exact data types being collected and utilized. Balancing data utilization with ensuring user privacy and security requires building robust security protocols and developing transparent policies that outline how personal data is utilized.

3. Compatibility and Interoperability:

AI and ML algorithms are complex and can be specific to a particular operating system or device. This challenges building applications that work on multiple platforms with varying OS versions and other device specifications. Ensuring compatibility and interoperability of these applications is essential to providing a seamless user experience across different platforms, which requires extensive testing and development efforts.

4. Cost:

Developing AI and ML algorithms requires significant resources and efforts, leading to high costs. In mobile app development, this cost creates a barrier for smaller development teams or startups who may not have the resources to invest heavily in AI and ML applications. The development cost includes resources required to maintain AI and ML algorithms, which can cause budget constraints for smaller development teams.

With the increasing adoption of smartphones and the proliferation of mobile apps, businesses, and mobile app developers are leveraging AI and ML technologies. The following are a few mobile app trends in AI and ML.

1. ML Algorithms for Classification Analysis, Regression, Data Clustering, Feature Engineering, and Dimensionality

Machine learning algorithms are widely used to analyze and interpret data to predict outcomes, detect patterns, and classify information. In mobile apps, machine learning algorithms are used in various domains, such as healthcare, finance, retail, and e-commerce. 

For instance, in healthcare, ML algorithms are used to classify and analyze patient data to predict disease outcomes, personalize treatment plans, and improve overall patient care. In finance, ML algorithms are used to detect fraud, analyze customer behavior, and provide personalized recommendations.

2. Deep Learning and Neural Networks for Computer Vision, NLP, and Speech Recognition

Deep learning and neural networks are subsets of machine learning that involve complex models and networks capable of learning from vast amounts of data. In mobile apps, these technologies are used in domains such as computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), and speech recognition. 

For instance, in computer vision, deep learning algorithms are used to enable object recognition, facial recognition, and augmented reality experiences. In NLP, deep learning models are used for sentiment analysis, language translation, and chatbots. In speech recognition, deep learning algorithms are used to enable voice assistants and speech-to-text.

3. AI-Based Modeling Techniques for Automation, Intelligent, and Smart Systems

AI-based modeling techniques are used to automate, optimize, and generate intelligent systems in mobile apps. These techniques include reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, and genetic algorithms. For instance, reinforcement learning is used to enable intelligent decision-making, such as in gaming apps, while unsupervised learning can be used to generate personalized recommendations in e-commerce apps.

4. Precision Medicine and Machine Learning Algorithms for Health Monitoring Data from Wearables, Mobile Sensors, and Healthcare Apps

AI and ML are transforming healthcare through precision medicine and personalized healthcare solutions. Wearable devices and mobile sensors are generating vast amounts of data that can be analyzed using machine learning algorithms to improve patient outcomes. For instance, machine learning algorithms are used to predict patient readmissions, personalize treatment plans, and detect anomalies in patient data.

These trends in mobile app development will continue to evolve, and businesses that leverage these technologies will gain a competitive advantage in the digital age.

Bottom Line!

The potential of AI and ML in mobile app development is enormous, and given their rapid advancement, they will continue to shape the industry for years to come. It is evident that AI and ML have brought significant transformation to mobile app development, offering numerous benefits to developers and users alike. 
For organizations looking to get the most out of their mobile app development process without having to invest in expensive resources or time-consuming processes, partnering with a reliable mobile app development company in the USA is key. If your business needs help optimizing its mobile app development process and leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning don’t hesitate to contact us today.

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Mobile App Development Is Making Tasks Easier Fri, 17 Sep 2021 05:01:53 +0000 For a decade, mobile apps have taken a quantum leap. Initially, we had basic apps that performed simple tasks, but with the advent of smartphones, the world witnessed a revolution that eased life. And with this, the evolution of AI in mobile app development wasn’t an exception.

The tech enthusiasts have been envisioning the staggering turnaround that will emerge with the onset of Artificial Intelligence. As a result, it has become a trending topic in the scientific world and a raging topic in the app development industry, i.e., the role of AI in mobile app development. 

AI in mobile app development is evolving at a faster pace. App developers are infusing AI in mobile apps to better the lives of app users by making things easier. This disruptive technology is just not confined to laboratories anymore. It has become a part of our daily lives as navigation systems and camera-based security features.

Since AI is becoming the hottest trend in the tech world, countless organizations are grabbing on to this opportunity. They are reaching out to AI development agencies to avail iOS and Android app development services to offer the best technologies and deliver convenient solutions to their customers. 

This informative blog will weigh in on the starring role of AI in mobile app development and how it is transforming the world by enhancing the user experience.

How is AI in Mobile App Development Enhancing the User Experience?

Since the world is turning out to be more “on-demand,” the requirement for a more customized experience is growing at a faster pace. A reputable mobile app development company is well aware of this and believes that AI in mobile app development is the need of the hour. So let’s find out how.

  1. Empowering Search Engines

Probably the most important and acclaimed evolution of AI in mobile app development is the application of voice search and commands. With the help of a smart device’s virtual assistant, individuals can search for things with their voices instead of typing.

For example, by asking the device’s virtual assistant, “What’s the nearest food joint?” individuals can easily get fast responses. With the help of their device’s internet connection and GPS, they can locate and reach their desired location with ease. AI in Mobile app development is nothing short of a revolution.

  1. Improved Smartphone Cameras

One of the finest areas where the iOS and Android AI development teams are putting all their efforts is in the up-gradation of the camera quality of smartphones with high-end AI-based mobile apps to drop-ship an outstanding user experience.

With the help of these AI-powered high-end cameras, individuals can-

  • keep the subject right within the frame and adjust accordingly,
  • record videos with electronic image stabilization (EIS), or 
  • pay money by scanning the QR code with their banking apps.
  1. Facial Unlock Systems

Kudos to Apple’s iPhone X, facial recognition to unlock devices has turned out to be a revolutionary advancement in the field of AI for mobile app development. With it, Android smartphones have also joined the party to provide its users with the same.

Writing down passcode or drawing patterns to unlock your device is a thing of the past now. With the power of AI and ML, the Android AI development team eased unlocking the device. With facial recognition, individuals can unlock the phone smoothly and quickly, with added security.

  1. Real-Time Language Translation

If one goes to Google or Apple Store, they’ll find a large number of translation apps. But, the problem arises when they need to connect to the internet to translate a language. This is where AI in mobile app development stands out.

By infusing AI and machine learning right within the app, smartphones can effortlessly translate diverse languages without connecting to the internet. AI for mobile app development has certainly made the life of individuals easier, and they can translate numerous languages without any hassle.

Business Benefits of AI in Mobile App Development 

Today, numerous mobile apps fail to draw customers’ attention due to the absence of relevant and engaging content. This is not good for business and your brand identity. But with AI in mobile app development, you can resolve these issues faster and engage users in no time.

With Machine Learning app development and AI-powered apps, your business can grow to its full potential. It’ll help restructure and refine your telecommunication system with your customers, resulting in higher user engagement and maximized ROI. 

If you are planning to integrate AI technology, exploring the accurate scope of the region is crucial. By infusing this technology in your iOS and Android AI development projects, you can build quality apps for your users.

Let’s check out some of the benefits of AI for mobile app development that can help businesses engage users.

  • AI-Driven Chatbots

Chatbots are one of many use cases of AI in mobile app development. They reply 10x faster than a human, helping in restructuring the overall customer service. 

With AI-powered chatbots, you can assist your users in every phase of the purchase cycle (recommending products to transactions), resulting in refining the overall user experience. As a result, AI in mobile app development is highly beneficial for businesses of all genres.

Reports say that over 35% of the companies depend on chatbots for customer assistance. It has restructured and reshaped the long-established meaning of 24/7 services, resulting in enterprises reaching out for AI in mobile app development projects to yield fruitful results.

  • Creating Secure Mobile Applications

Right from facial recognition to fingerprint authentication, AI-powered facial and biometric technology is shaking the world. It’s highly capable of analyzing the physical attributes of a human. This is just another great use case of AI in mobile app development projects that you can consider for your business.

From security to marketing, face recognition and biometrics have become essential in an individual’s life. In the financial industry, you want your apps to be highly secured for your users. AI in mobile app development is not an extra feature but a necessity in today’s world.

Integrating AI in mobile app development projects will help you gain your customer’s trust by providing full-fledged security to them.

  • Boosting Consumer Retention

From analyzing and tracking down users’ behavior patterns to automating the task effectively, machine learning is the scene today. Integrating machine learning in your next AI-based mobile app development project is important in this fast-tracked world. 

By infusing machine learning and AI for mobile app development projects, businesses can recommend products to their customers with exciting offers tailor-made for them. The AI algorithm tracks down the user’s search history and past purchases to provide the best possible offers for them. 

Whether you are planning to launch an on-demand app, or an eCommerce app, infusing and implementing machine learning in your AI mobile app development project is the need of the hour to attract more customers and drive profits.

  • Reducing Error and Security Breaches

With the integration of AI in mobile app development, businesses can curb errors to a huge extent. 

If businesses infuse machine learning and AI in mobile app development projects with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology, it can eliminate the mundane and burdensome tasks. It accelerates the procedure and curbs errors, but if trained brilliantly, it can help businesses carry out heavier tasks. 

Again, if you infuse AI in your mobile app development project, it also helps you tackle cyber security threats. Take security breaches, for example. A developer needs to go through several security training sessions to point out and label threats and sometimes even fail in tracking down. 

With the power of AI, you can easily detect threats and eliminate them even before entering the system, thus reducing efforts for the development team. In that time, developers can carry out other important creative things to better the app’s functioning.

Factors that Determine the AI App Development Cost

Artificial Intelligence (AI) app development covers everything from high-end chatbots, data research systems, machine learning, etc., helping enterprises across the verticals create customized, growth-driven experiences for their customers.

So, how much does the AI mobile app development cost? It is a question put forward by all the organizations, be it a startup or a large-scale business group. The cost depends on your business preferences. 

If you plan for custom-built or off-the-shelf AI solutions for your business or a virtualized assistant, many factors will influence AI app development costs. Some are stated below:

  • Chatbots;
  • Analysis systems;
  • Virtual assistants;
  • Kind of project;
  • AI features;
  • The time scale of the project;
  • In-house developer’s fee;
  • AI management and support.

The Key Takeaway

The power of AI in mobile app development has helped organizations deliver top-notch, secure, and seamless user experiences. It is the only reason the leading companies have embraced AI technology to revamp mobile presence.

It’s high time to adopt this state-of-the-art AI technology in your mobile app development project to better the user experience and gain potential customers to drive profits. All you need is to contact the best AI development company to secure their iOS and Android AI development services.

Zazz is the most reputable AI mobile app development company with years of experience in delivering highly secure and smooth AI-powered services to organizations worldwide. Contact us to refine your communication with end-users, thereby streamlining your business operations.

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AutoML: Rethink AI Strategy As Automated Machine Learning Comes Of Age Mon, 23 Nov 2020 12:39:08 +0000 Does the agency still require to employ a large contingent of data scientists to build machine learning models? Or does AutoML reduce the demand for this evasive talent? Let’s read this blog to understand anything about AutoML and how to fill in the AI talent strategy gaps.

AI Strategy As Automated Machine Learning

Glimpse on Artificial Intelligence Talent Strategy Gap

AI experts are expensive, with reported average annual salaries. But before you even worry about hiring an AI expert, you need to find one. As per a study, there are only 22,000 qualified computer scientists worldwide capable of building AI systems. Of these, only 3,000 are looking for work, and it is estimated that there are 10,000 positions currently available for artificial intelligence experts in the US alone.

Too few scientists have the knowledge or experience needed to work in this industry. Still, because Artificial Intelligence Application Development Companies are developing so fast, it is difficult for academic institutions to keep up with companies’ changing needs and provide graduates with the skills needed.

As more companies, sectors, and markets branch into AIartificial intelligence-related technologies, the gap between the needed and available personnel is widening, and the need for other solutions becomes more pressing. Small, unqualified, or overwhelmed development teams are more likely to make mistakes, try and inappropriately apply existing models to new data, or miss problems with data. All of these problems can cause significant damage to the developed system.

 What is Automated Machine Learning – AutoML?

AutoML is a generic expression to denote a piece of software that automatically performs Machine Learning tasks. They usually automate all pipeline processing such as, for example, cleaning, encoding, feature and model selection, and hyperparameter tuning. Such software can be Python libraries such as Auto-Sklearn or software programs such as Robot Data.

AutoML software replaces all the tedious steps that require more time for a Data Scientist’s job. They make all combinations of multiple channel parameters and select the best combination that maximizes multiple performance metrics in k-fold cross-validation using multiple search algorithms.

They can simplify the life of someone who has to build a model from scratch, and sometimes they explore combinations and scenarios that a Data Scientist might not have thought of.

Data Science is Not Just Machine Learning

A Data Scientist analyzes the hidden information in the data, extracts useful correlations, provides assistance to prepare the correct data to feed the ML pipeline. And provides useful insight into businesses that have created their data. These things are the most important parts of Data Science and cannot be completely automated. They rely on in-depth knowledge of business, on the strong and effective use of business language that people speak, and more than anything else, on which business managers speak.

All of these things make a Data Scientist’s job more complex and exciting than running a Machine Learning model, and that is beyond the scope of AutoML.

AutoML software automates Machine Learning tasks, not the entire Data Science process. Machine Learning is only a small part of the Data Scientist’s job and perhaps not the most important or the most challenging. Moreover, understanding data, information, and the business context is a real challenge for a Data Scientist. If this task is not fully completed, Machine Learning will never be a magic wand that solves all problems.

AutoML Does Not Work Alone

AutoML is software, so it always takes someone with the right skills to use it. Professional Data Scientists must validate AutoML results to ensure they are correct and make sense in a manufactured business environment. It’s not uncommon to come up with a model that looks perfect on paper.

But it doesn’t yield any useful business insights or, in the worst case, the predictions are just trivial. That is the reason a Data Scientist has to be around to ensure that the model is stating something fresh and not just chewing on something old.

How Does AutoML Fill The Artificial Intelligence Talent Strategy Gap?

AutoML enables smaller, overwhelmed, or understaffed companies to achieve a level of analytical sophistication. Apart from the distinct advantages on time and in essence, using AutoML also reduces the room for error.

AutoML products guide users by creating and using new algorithms in easy-to-use and comprehensive settings, minimizing code errors or misapplications. Also, they permit more personnel to use ML because the entry barrier for AutoML products is low as compared to artificial intelligence.

With a user-driven interface, even novice developers can quickly create useful technology. And it saves time and increases productivity because less energy is spent building a lot of institutional knowledge.

The Future of AutoML

Essentially, AutoML’s goal is to automate repetitive tasks like pipeline creation and hyperparameter set up so that data scientists can spend more of their time-solving business problems.

AutoML also aims to make the technology available to everyone rather than a select few. However, machine learning app development agencies say AutoML and data scientists can work together to speed up the ML process so that real machine learning effectiveness can be used.

The success or failure of AutoML depends on the adoption and progress made in this sector. However, AutoML is a big part of machine learning in the future.

Final Words

Zazz thinks Data Scientists need to keep up with changes and innovations, so AutoML can be a handy companion if they start using it properly. If they automate tedious tasks, they will likely have more time to spend analyzing information.

Moreover, it is the primary and real goal of a Data Scientist. After reading the complete article, you encounter any query related to this topic. So, let’s discuss with our respected experts; they will help you immediately.

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Responsible AI: Top 4 Practices to Achieve Responsible AI Fri, 23 Oct 2020 12:19:50 +0000 The development of AI is providing opportunities to improve the lives of people worldwide. It is also raising new questions about how best to incorporate interpretability, security, privacy, and other moral and ethical values into these systems.

Practices to Achieve Responsible AI

You will learn what is AI and responsible AI, best practices for responsible AI is. Each of these points will explain in detail. So, read the full blog to understand more about this topic in depth.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a broad branch of computing that associates with developing intelligent machines. It is capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. As per Artificial intelligence app development companies, advances in machine learning and deep learning create a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry.

What is Responsible AI?

Responsible AI is a framework to carry many critical elements and practices together. According to some competent mobile app development company, it focuses on ensuring responsible, transparent, and ethical use of AI technologies consistent with user expectations and organization values.

List of Responsible AI Practices

Here in this segment, we will reveal the top 4 responsible AI practices. So, let’s take a quick look:

  1. Create and Test a Response Plan

Preparation is critical for responsible AI to be operational. While every effort should avoid a mistake, companies must also adopt the mindset that mistakes will occur. A response plan should implement to mitigate adverse impacts to customers and the business if an AI-related lapse occurs. The plan details the steps to prevent further damage, correct technical problems, and communicate to customers and employees what happened and what is to be done. The plan should also designate the people responsible for each step to avoid confusion and ensure perfect execution.

Procedures should validate and refine to ensure that harmful consequences are minimized to the greatest extent possible if an AI system fails. A tabletop exercise that simulates an AI lapse is one of the best tools companies can use to test their response plan and practice its execution. This immersive experience enables executives to understand how prepared the organization is and where the gaps exist. It’s a technique that has proven equally valuable for responsible AI.

  1. Integrate Tools and Methods

For responsible AI practices and principles to impact AI systems, developers must arms with tools for professional support. However, providing tools that simplify workflows while putting Responsible AI policies in place ensures compliance. Plus, it avoids resistance from equipment that may already be overloaded or operating on tight deadlines.

Companies cannot demand that technical teams address nuanced ethical issues without providing them with the tools and training necessary. Creating these resources can seem like a substantial undertaking. While that may have been true a few years ago, various tutorials and open source tools are now available. Instead of creating their resources, companies can start by selecting a set of most appropriate resources for the AI ​​systems they develop.

  1. Establish Human Governance + AI

Beyond executive leadership and a widely understood ethical framework, roles, responsibilities, and procedures are also necessary to ensure that organizations incorporate responsible AI into the products and services they develop. Effective governance involves bridging the gap between the teams that create AI products and the leaders and governance committee they oversee. Therefore, high-level principles and policies can apply in practice.

Responsible governance of AI can take several forms. Elements include defined escalation routes when risks arise at a particular stage of the project, standardized code reviews; ombudsmen tasked with assessing individual concerns. And continuous improvement to strengthen capacities and face new challenges.

  1. Empower Responsible AI Leadership

An internal champion, such as an AI Ethics Officer, should be appointed to sit at the responsible AI initiative’s forefront. That leader brings together stakeholders, identifies champions across the organization, and establishes principles and policies that guide the creation of AI systems. No one person has all the answers to these complex problems. Corporate ownership that incorporates a diverse set of perspectives must exist to make a significant impact.

A robust approach to ensuring diverse perspectives is a responsible multidisciplinary AI committee that helps direct the overall program and solve complex ethical issues such as biases and unintended consequences. The committee should include representation from a variety of business functions, regions, and backgrounds. One study states that increasing the diversity of leadership teams leads to better innovation and financial performance. Navigating the complex problems that will inevitably arise as companies implement artificial intelligence systems requires the same diverse leadership kind.

What Can We Do?

Zazz sees the responsible use of artificial intelligence to serve customers better and build an only better world. We are interested in what is done elsewhere, as customer trust in the digital ecosystem depends on all stakeholders’ participation. Therefore, we are actively participating in the global debate on artificial intelligence.

We strive to influence technology development to improve people’s quality of life and create business applications that serve businesses in the digital economy. We will continue to contribute to discussions on the responsible use of artificial intelligence and the implementation of business applications to benefit all stakeholders. So if you have any questions and want to discuss, contact us immediately. We are always available to help you.

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In-depth Understanding Of Artificial Intelligence: An Economic Glimpse Mon, 21 Sep 2020 10:47:19 +0000 Artificial Intelligence has been doing this for decades, but A.I. technologies are continually changing due to the current technological developments.

Understanding Of Artificial Intelligence

A.I. has a rich & dynamic past. A.I. can solve multiple problems and forecast results, but being able to take advantage of the opportunity involves an understanding of history, advantages, benefits & future consequences.

Definition Of Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence definition (A.I.) It is the potential of a digital computer or a computer-controlled machine to accomplish functions usually associated with intelligent beings.

A.I.’s research focuses mainly on the following aspects of intelligence: understanding, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding, and use of language.

Artificial intelligence systems have solved several different problems. Examples involve finding a winning move in a board game, creating mathematical theorems, and manipulating “virtual objects” in a computer-generated environment.

History Of Artificial Intelligence: 

The Artificial intelligence history network goes back to the 1940s. This idea evolved academically in the 1950s and through government-sponsored programs in the 1960s. Finally, investment eventually collapsed in the 1970s.

The next step was in the 1980s when A.I. techniques migrated from academic applications to the corporate world. This time, it reveals that A.I. used to forecast stock prices to solve more complicated business problems.

In the 80’s and 90’s, robots reached factories, demonstrating the ability for computers to transform the industry entirely. As a result, it generated fear and backlash against A.I. technology, slowing its growth again.

Advantages Of Artificial Intelligence:

The benefits of artificial intelligence programming systems are immense and will revolutionize every technical field. Let’s see a range of them;

Less Human Error-

With Artificial Intelligence research, decisions based previously collected knowledge using a series of algorithms. Thus, errors are minimized, and there is a chance of achieving accuracy with a higher degree of precision.


This is one of the most significant advantages of Artificial Intelligence, a modern approach. They can solve many of the unpredictable limitations of humans by creating an A.I. Robots that can, in turn, do adventurous things.

Available 24X7-

An average person would work 4–6 hours a day, except breaks. But by using A.I., we can enable machines to work 24×7 without any breaks, and they don’t get distracted, unlike individuals.

Helping In Repetitive Jobs-

Our day-to-day duties include delivering a thank-you mail, reviewing those documents for mistakes, etc. Using artificial intelligence, Hire app designers can productively automate these routine tasks and can also eliminate “boring” tasks for humans and set them free to become increasingly innovative.

Digital assistance-

Digital assistants have now been using a variety of websites to deliver the stuff consumers want. We should speak to them about what we’re looking for. Some chatbots build to make it hard to find out that we’re talking to a chatbot or a human being.

Faster Decisions-

Using A.I. alongside other innovations by mobile app development agency, can make machines make decisions faster than humans and take action more quickly. Although human decision-making may evaluate multiple variables emotionally and functionally, the AI-powered computer operates programmed and produces results more quickly.

4 Distinct Types Of Artificial Intelligence In 2020:

Reactive Machines- 

Reactive Machines are running simple operations. This is the first step of any A.I. System. System. A machine learning that uses a human face as input and outputs a field around the face to classify it as a face is a direct, reactive machine. 

Static machine learning models are responsive computers. These models can be quickly downloaded, exchanged, transferred around, and loaded into the developer toolkit.

Limited Memory-

Limited memory types refer to the ability of A.I. to store previous data and forecasts, using the data to make better forecasts. With Limited Memory, the architecture of machine learning becomes a little more complicated. Each machine learning model requires limited memory to develop & deploy as a form of reactive machine.

Theory of Mind-

The Theory of Mind A.I. is a more sophisticated form of Artificial Intelligence in business. This group of machines is reported to have a significant role to play in psychology. This form of A.I. would concentrate specifically on emotional intelligence so that human values and thoughts can be better understood.

Self Aware-

The final step in the development of A.I. is to create structures that can shape representations about themselves. A.I. researchers will not only have to grasp the consciousness but will have to construct the machines that have it.

Artificial Intelligence In The Upcoming Years:

A.I. Enabled Chips-

AI-Enabled Chips are the new developments in the Artificial Intelligence future. Their success can measure from an expected profit of $91,185 million in 2025. This AI-Enabled Chip means that tasks involving A.I., such as facial recognition, natural language processing, object detection, computer vision, etc., are much smoother.

Artificial Intelligence & IoT-

Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things are a partnership. IoT devices produce a lot of data that needs advanced analytics. The data obtained by IoT use Artificial Intelligence algorithms to produce useful results that are further enforced by IoT devices.

Automated Machine Learning-

More and more companies are moving towards Automated Machine Learning in the years ahead. A better solution is to use Automated Machine Learning, which helps ML users and Artificial intelligence App Development to use Machine Learning algorithms and techniques without being an ML software expert.

Artificial Intelligence & Cloud Computing-

Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing will entirely revolutionize the existing market and develop new methods of change. A.I. can be used to track and handle cloud problems. They expect to grow even further in the future with the growing popularity of both Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing.

Concluding Note:

Investment and interest in A.I. will grow over time as significant cases of use of A.I. have achieved substantial economic benefits. The A.I. is expecting to increase over the longer term. The market opportunities that may emerge from innovations in A.I. are expecting to increase in 2021. 

Zazz has analyzed all the techniques and potential of artificial intelligence. At Zazz, we actively identify and develop solutions, such as accessibility applications, and infuse them with high-end A.I. capabilities. 

Lets discuss & get A.I. solutions that are smarter and self-aware of improving the operational efficiency and growth of your company.

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