Know More About App Monetization and its Future Scope by Zazz Mobile Application Development Company Fri, 03 May 2024 11:16:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Web App vs Mobile App – Which One is Best For Your Startup Mon, 12 Jul 2021 07:32:29 +0000 One of the most frequent questions we get from startups is whether they should first build their initial platform on the web or mobile devices. This is a critical decision that can have huge ramifications on user adoption, revenue, and overall product success.

Web App vs Mobile App

Over the past ten years, we’ve worked with various successful startups to rising stars, helping them refine their product strategy and build initial platforms. This work has provided us with invaluable first-hand experience of the questions startups must address when deciding to go to the web or mobile device first.

But first, some definitions related to mobile app for startups and web app for startups 

Web App VS Mobile App Definitions 

What is a mobile application?

We know what mobile apps are, and we’ve downloaded them too. So here is a quick overview. Any application that can be run on a handheld or mobile phone supporting its users is known as a mobile application.

What is a Web Application?

A web application is self-contained software that runs entirely in the web browser—there is no need to download and install it on end-user computers. As per the web development services provider, with the changing development of the web application, you can span different pages or limit yourself to a single page.

Web App vs. Mobile App – Pros And Cons

Advantages of Developing a Web Application 

1. Personalization

  • Talented web developers can develop custom applications with minimal effort through this application development process.
  • Changing the look and feel of the web application is superficial with your web applications.

2. Cost-effectiveness

  • The application is for one operating system only.
  • Along with this, users can easily access the system through any stable environment. It is a primary benefit for startups.
  • The application tests do their job and make sure that the applications work correctly on all platforms.

3. Unlimited access

  • Web applications are flexible because they are accessible anywhere and at any time.
  • A computer with a proper internet installation is sufficient to access the website.

Disadvantages of Developing a Web Application 

  • Increased size and above the head.
  • It is important to note that web applications run and run slower compared to native desktop applications.
  • Therefore, the size of the application increases.
  • Another problem with web application development for startup is that developers ship the available web browser with the application.

2. Limitations for clients

  • It is because it means the security hole for web applications.
  • Clients cannot read files, send emails, or print in the browser.

Advantage of Mobile Application

1. Supports online and offline

  • The remarkable thing about mobile apps is that they are also used offline without any hassle.
  • These types of applications are entirely new products, which can work offline.
  • In addition, artificial intelligence technology is implemented in the development of mobile applications for startups for a great future.

2. Personalization

  • It is the significant benefit of using the mobile application compared to a mobile application.
  • Mobile applications are generally developed so that people can make the necessary changes the way they want to use their applications.
  • These are specialized features of the mobile application that will take the user experience to the next level.
  • The applications allow you to save user data, configure preferences and share multimedia files on social networks.

3. Convenience

  • Almost everyone knows that mobile apps rule the world of mobile e-commerce and are also heavily focused on user experience.
  • These apps also offer fast loading speed, ease of use, and high-level performance, which modern consumers require.
  • Surprisingly, mobile apps revolutionize the healthcare field, the political sector, and the entertainment industry entirely.

Cons of Mobile Application

1. Support and maintenance

  • It is additional work for them. On mobile websites, updates are rolled out automatically without requiring user input.
  • Regular bug fixes and update needs in mobile apps. In mobile applications, users must download and install new updates.

2. Compatibility

  • Along with this, few devices do not support mobile apps due to different platforms or different versions.
  • Everybody realizes that mobile applications are developed without any preparation. It’s a unique mobile application procedure.

Mobile Apps vs. Web App: Who Won?

There’s no way to take a definite side when it comes to mobile apps for startups or web apps other than letting both of you share the limelight. Web apps are your go-to card for raising awareness of your business, capturing your audience, and allowing them to get to know you better.

Mobile app development services are for greater user participation and generating income. Web apps usually cost much less than mobile apps, but they have few degraded features to some extent. But both the mobile app and the web app have the same benefits that cannot be overlooked or undermined.

Therefore, when deciding on native versus web applications. It is essential to analyze your requirements, budget, response time, and market position before choosing between them. You should know from this showdown between mobile apps and web apps that mobile apps and web apps have their advantages. Most likely, you will not be hampered by financial constraints. 

Therefore, it is better to opt for both mobile applications and web applications. Opting for both provides more means of communication for your business users. However, you are one step away from developing your mobile application or web application. Connect with our team to know the cost of app development, procedure of app development etc. 

Web App VS Mobile App Summary 

Every startup is different, and there will be considerations for each build that are unique to the idea, functionality, and audience. Our team at Zazz has worked alongside numerous founders helping define, refine and build their platforms from MVP to extensive ecosystems. Not only do 
Our app development team for startups can assist with technical considerations. But we also work consultatively to help uncover audience trends, competitor positioning, and market opportunities. So if you need help deciding which way to go, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Let’s Understand the in-App Ads Metrics and Impressions Wed, 18 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 The world is all frenzy about mobile apps and advertisement models it present. Our recent article regarding in-App advertisement strategies has received tremendous response from you guys and many of the readers requested to simplify the concept of Ads metrics and impressions. So here we are with another article in this series which will surely help you make an informed decision and will also boost your knowledge.

App Ads Metrics and Impressions

Metrics on how the ads work

Once the necessary programming has been implemented within your application, you will be prepared to receive announcements. From here from the network console, from the web, from the panel they give you, you can access a series of interesting metrics to see how these ads are working.


The first important metric is the requests, what are the requests? The times that your application requests an ad to the network.

Imagine you have an ad located on screen two of your application. Each time the user reaches that screen, your application will request an announcement from the network; unless you already have an ad saved to show a previous request, easy and simple, you have no more

Fell rate or match rate

The next metric derived from these requests is the fell rate or also called the match rate, what is this? Well, the percentage of satisfactory ad requests. If for example your application has requested ten ads and has received ten ads; the fell rate will be one hundred percent.

This metric is important to measure the quality of the network, it is not the only metric to look at when choosing one company or another, but it is very important why? If a network has a one hundred percent fell rate, it means that it will always be serving ads, whenever you ask them. In other words, you have enough advertisers to cover the demand you have.

On the other hand, if the network has a 50% fall rate it means that it does not have so many advertisers to show you and that in this case half of the times it will not serve you ads. In other words, you will only be showing ads half the time or what is the same, you will enter approximately half.


Another metric, impressions, which are the times a user has seen an ad. Keep in mind that they are not the same as requests, your application may request an ad, receive it and show it five times on different screens, and for example, in this case, you will have a request, but five impressions.

The number of impressions will depend largely on you, the number of users, the times you show the ads, and the use made by your users of the app.

Example: Imagine you have only one ad on the main screen of your app. If you have ten users who enter the app a hundred times each, you will have a total of one thousand impressions.

Another case could be to have a thousand users who enter the app once and in this case you would also have a thousand impressions and if for example, you had a thousand users who enter once, but you have two ads instead of one, you would have a total of two thousand impressions Easy, it’s a simple calculation, how many times a user will see your ad.

CTR or click to rate

Now we go for another metric, also very interesting; what is ctr or the click to rate. It is the percentage of times that users click on an ad, and it is a very important aspect.

As a general rule, you will not earn income because a user sees the ad; You will get it when the user clicks on the ad or in other cases if the user clicks on the ad and then installs the advertised application.

What interests you is that the user clicks, the more times the better. The ctr indicates this: if you show a hundred ads and the user only clicks once, you will have a 1% ctr, the user clicks on an ad once in a hundred times. What interests here? That the CTR is high, the more times a user clicks on the ad, the more you will enter. To upload this ctr we could say that: you have good ways and bad ways to get it.

The good is just one, is to show ads that may interest the user. This is generally a work of the network, which is also interested in the data being good since they live from it and they what they can do with all the information they have, can try to show ads that interest depending on what Username. They know in which ads they have clicked, in which they have not, in which they can be more or less interested. On your side, you could also try to segment what kind of ads you want this ad network to serve.

If you have a game and are showing ads for that game, you might get a higher ctr, if you show ads from other games, instead of, for example, sneakers, to say the least. What “bad ways” are there to increase the ctr, basically positioning the ad near the clickable areas of your app, near a button, for example. To look for that non-voluntary click, that click by mistake. All pirated websites for downloads of anything from movies, music, are experts in doing so.

However, networks are increasingly striving to avoid these unnecessary clicks, either through how these clicks are produced, how they are programmed or through their use policies. After all, they also have to take care of their advertisers, an unnecessary click is lost money for the advertiser, which is surely not going to become anything.

On the other hand, you have to keep in mind that, by doing this kind of technique, you will be earning some more fast money, to put it in some way, but you will be going against the user experience. It’s bread for today and hungry for tomorrow.

If you get the user to enter, click on an ad, it will be fine for that particular moment because you are going to enter, but perhaps that user will get annoyance with your app and not use it anymore and even uninstall it. Therefore, perhaps you will get more clicks in the long run by having the ads in a clearer, more normal area that the user does not click so much, but instead will use your app more, do you understand?

lpcpm or loft of course impressions

And we go with the last metric, perhaps the most important and that depends on all the previous ones, lpcpm or loft of course impressions.

This is a calculation of income, match, impressions, multiplied by a thousand, in other words, removing technicalities and formulas, what the network is paying you for every thousand impressions

Why does this metric exist? Because it would be impossible to know how much you enter for each specific click. Some advertisers will pay “A”, others will pay “B” and others will pay “C”.

The majority of advertising on the Internet works with an auction system, where advertisers bid between them to appear, with which each click will have a cost or another. So the easy way to see how much you are being paid is this metric.

Revenue for every thousand impressions is like an average: every thousand ads I teach charge this. Here many variables come into play, not only what the advertiser pays, but also the percentage of clicks that you have. The CTR we mentioned before.

The interesting thing, as a general rule, is to have the highest possible CPM, together with the fell rate when choosing a network.

And now we are going to the big question, how much do you earn using these advertising networks? Well, the big answer to the big question is that it depends, and in this case more than ever. This is the same as asking someone who has a website that has an advertisement with atworks or a YouTuber that shows ads in their videos.

Variables that mark the pay of an advertiser

Many variables mark what an advertiser pays, for example, the country; the same is not paid for advertising in the United States than in Brazil, for example.

Companies, as a general rule, pay much less to show an ad in Brazil than in the United States, because after all, they will also earn less income; so if you have more users in countries where advertising is better paid, you will enter more, than if you have more users in countries where advertising is paid less.

Another interesting variable is the dates, for example, Christmas is a time where there is a lot of publicity, they are the dates of highest consumption and therefore the advertisers are going to compete more with each other and they will have to bid more. Result: they will pay more, for each ad, so it is normal that in times like these you enter more than at other times.

Finally, another of the big variables in the price that is paid for an ad is its format. A tiny banner is not the same as a full-screen ad or video; the video is paid more than the full-screen ad and the full-screen ad is paid more than the banner. In other words, the more intrusive the ad, the more the advertiser will pay.

Anyway, although I have made it clear that there are thousands of variables, which can greatly influence income, I would get wet based on all the applications I had with advertising, that a thousand impressions, a thousand ad visits, It is usually equivalent to one euro, I say that this data must be taken with tweezers, it can be more or less; It can be a good fact to start from, a good average.

What you can see, to get a decent income through this type of advertising, you will need not many users, but rather much use within our app. After all, if a thousand impressions of a thousand views of that ad are one euro, to get about 50 euros a day, we would need 50 thousand views of ads per day, to get an idea.

What networks do we have specifically for mobile applications? There are many admin startups, charbus, litboll, AdMob, they are examples of at networks that we can use to receive ads within our app. There are three ways to earn income through application advertising: create your network if you have many users; sell advertising space within an app or niche; or resort to one of the many networks that exist.

In the latter case, we will need many users to get an application to monetize well and we must look at things like the fell rate, the CTR, the impressions or the FPM.

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