Know More About MEAN Stack Application Development & its Future Mobile Application Development Company Tue, 07 Mar 2023 05:41:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best Full-Stack Development Framework – MEAN Stack or MERN Stack? Wed, 22 Dec 2021 10:33:18 +0000 The advent of Artificial Intelligence has radically transformed the world. We live in a digital realm wherein technology is scaling new unprecedented heights with each passing day. The mobile and web app market is mushrooming at full throttle, and with umpteen new apps venturing into the market every day, businesses stand at cross roads between MEAN stack vs MERN stack as robust app development is the only key to carve your distinct mark in today’s highly competitive mercenary world. 


It is thus imperative for you to make use of the best stack for furnishing fine app development, however having that said, you might be a little baffled and would be pondering what exactly MEAN and MERN Stack are.

So here’s a brief explanation of the two, and fret not as this would also be followed by an insightful overview of the major differences between MERN and MEAN stack.

What Is MEAN Stack?

MEAN per se stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. It is a collection of JavaScript(JS) based technologies that developers use to develop excellent websites and mobile applications that are both progressive and responsive. MEAN Stack technology streamlines development and accelerates the entire development process. It is a sought-after, highly demanded technology that innumerable industries have made excellent use of. 

MEAN Stack is an open-source, user-friendly framework that functions on JavaScript technology and is also referred to as a full-stack. It offers a host of marvelous tools and plug-ins for efficient system administration. 

MEAN Stack assists developers make excellent websites, web apps. It enhances the API development process and helps resolve all other complex development challenges. 

YouTube, Flick, Tumblr, and Forbes are a few popular mobile apps built using MEAN Stack. 

The major elements of MEAN Stack are as follows – 

MongoDB: It is a document-based, detailed NoSQL database used for data storage in the form of JSON files.

Express.js: This is a back-end web app that functions efficiently on Node.js.

Angular: The front-end web framework operates the JavaScript code in a user’s browser.

Node.js: It is a JavaScript runtime environment to implement backend applications in JavaScript.

Also following are the benefits that MEAN Stack offers –

MEAN stack application development is quite a cakewalk as all types of apps can be created easily. 

Myriads of plug-ins and widgets are compatible with this stack, and the overall functionality of apps balloons tremendously because of the availability of such plug-ins and widgets. 

It enables real-time testing with built-in tools. 

Applications respond fast because a single language is used for both the back end and front end, and this thus increases the coordination. 

MEAN stack application development assiduously caters to the entire web development cycle, starting right from the frontend (client-side) development to the backend (server-side) development.

Supports Model View Controller (MVC) architecture for a spectacular development process.

Now that you know what MEAN Stack is, let’s talk about its competitor MERN Stack so that you can come to a conclusion when comparing MEAN vs MERN stack.

Also Read: Mean Stack Companies

What Is MERN Stack?

MERN per se stands for MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js. It is a renowned JavaScript stack developers use to furnish exceptionally brilliant MERN stack development services. MERN Stack is a wonderful amalgamation of the most avant-garde, cutting-edge technologies used to develop excellent web applications. 

MERN Stack hence enables a smooth and efficient development process. It creates a cluster of JavaScript frameworks, detailed databases, and runtime environments to provide developers with an end-to-end, lucid framework. 

Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Netflix and Dropbox are some of the most eminent and widely used mobile apps that have been built using MERN Stack. 

The major elements of MERN Stack are as follows – 

MongoDB: This is an open-source document-based database.

React: It is a frontend JS library utilized to develop seamless user interfaces.

Express.js: This is a minimalist, albeit a high-speed web framework used for Node.js.

Node.js: This is designed on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.

Mentioned below are the wonderful benefits that MEAN Stack offers –

  • Both the front end (client-side) and the back end (server-side) are covered using a single dynamic coding script. 
  • MEAN Stack minimizes all server costs. 
  • The entire labyrinth process can be easily completed with only JAVA and JSON. 
  • Streamlines development via the excellent Model View Controller (MVC) architecture that it perfectly supports to a tee. 
  • Enables real-time testing via robust built-in tools.
  • MEAN Stack operates on an open-source community, and the source code can be modified easily. 
  • Furnishes a one of its kind ease for reversing web apps to software or mobile apps. 

Now that you have a lucid understanding of what MEAN Stack and MERN Stack are, let’s roll up our sleeves as we are now going to dive into and comprehend the major difference between MERN and MEAN Stack.

Points of Difference Between MEAN Stack and MERN Stack

1. Angular JS vs React JS :

MEAN and MERN are full-stack frameworks with Java-coded components. However, one major difference that lies here is that MEAN utilizes Angular JavaScript, whereas MERN deploys the React JavaScript that Facebook has developed.  

And one would be amazed to know that as per the Hacker Rank Development Skill Report, 30% of the developers and programmers were keen to learn React JavaScript and 35.9% of developers even chose to develop using React JavaScript. Hence, this substantiates that MERN Stack enjoys greater popularity, albeit this should not be the sole deciding parameter as there are many more detailed intricacies mentioned below. So, before you ditch an Angular development company and choose React development, it is advisable to read the remaining blog.

2. Support and Assistance : 

Both MEAN and MERN Stack possess the common MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js and hence Angular JavaScript and React JavaScript are the essential differentiators. While the Angular framework works brilliantly on typescript and templates with a steep learning curve, React JavaScript, on the other hand, does not possess much of a learning curve, but it furnishes excellent documentation.

3. Architecture

While MERN Stack undoubtedly furnishes a brilliant UI experience, developers still prefer the MEAN Stack for developing enterprise-level applications because, within their labyrinth architecture, the database and the UI code are divided with an intermediate layer that assists in managing and upscaling the code.

 4. Productiveness :

The MEAN Stack’s AngularJS offers excellent productivity. Angular JavaScript also boasts of CLI (Command Line Interface) that further augments the developer’s overall productivity and work ease by making it simpler for them to improve a code. React JS of the MERN Stack mandatorily requires third-party libraries to work in close accord with it, which in turn renders a relatively low productiveness to the developers. 

5. Data Flow :

Another important factor to consider when understanding the difference between full-stack and MERN stack is data flow. The Angular JavaScript of the MEAN Stack enables bidirectional data flow, and it automatically swaps the model state in case there are any changes in the UI. This bi-directional data-binding furnished by AngularJS proves to be a lot more viable for all small-scale projects. That’s why businesses with small projects often prefer an AngularJS development company.

However, on the contrary, React JavaScript offers unidirectional data flow. This, therefore, means that developers can make changes in the UI only post changing the initial model state.

React thus furnishes a better data overview that helps carry out large-scale projects. 

6. Mobile App Development: 

Angular JS furnishes an exceptionally stupendous framework that enables developers to create stellar hybrid mobile applications that are extremely cost-effective. However, hybrid mobile applications designed for iOS and Android platforms using AngularJS may at times tarnish the native user experience. On the contrary, React yields maximum native user experience. Thus the MERN Stack is unquestionably a lot more reliable than the MEAN Stack when it comes to great mobile app development.

7. Third-Party Libraries :

Developers make use of multiple third-party libraries to carry out large-scale application development successfully. Angular JS renders various ready-to-use features that facilitate developers to utilize the third-party libraries. The Angular JavaScript framework also supports HTTP calls while connecting with the backend server. However, React JS requires additional libraries for successfully keeping up with similar requests.

8. Cost-Effectiveness :

AngularJS is an all-inclusive framework that assists businesses in rapidly magnifying their overall profits and revenue as the Angular Command Line Interface facilitates designers to redesign apps without incurring any additional costs. However, upgrading your existing code from outsider libraries would cost you considerably in the case of React JS. 

9. Scalable and Secure :

While both MEAN and MERN Stacks furnish robust security, MERN Stack would, however, be your best bet as it is unquestionably a lot more scalable and secure.

Voila! You can finally take a sigh of relief as this is all. We are sure you would have understood both these stacks to a tee, with all their distinct advantages and drawbacks. 

Both the MEAN and MERN are robust technology stacks that render an excellent user experience with a plethora of incredibly wonderful features that these two possess, but you must assiduously consider the nature of your business before choosing one of these stacks. 

The enterprise-level business projects require MEAN Stack over MERN Stack. 

MEAN is the go-to stack for large-scale applications, whereas MERN, on the contrary, is great for the faster development of small apps.

Herein we would like to mention that at Zazz, we offer the most sublime and unparalleled, end-to-end MEAN Stack application development and MERN Stack development services. We are an application development company in the USA, and our skillful developers scrupulously gauge your distinct work operations, thereby rendering the finest tailor-made solutions. Book your free consultation with us today, and we’ll undoubtedly help you decipher the MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack puzzle. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which is more reliable between MEAN Stack and MERN Stack?

Well, both MEAN and MERN Stack offer a host of incredibly wonderful advantages, and both are equally reliable. But herein, you need to carefully consider your distinct business nature before zeroing in on one of these two stacks, and just in case you find this perplexing, then our excellent developers at Zazz are at your disposal. Contact us today, and we’ll do the needful for your business.

Q2. What is the key differentiator when choosing between MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack?

There’s no one key differentiator but various cardinal factors such as the nature of your business, project size, developer’s expertise and area of proficiency, and productivity that you should consider when choosing between MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack.

Q3. From where can I hire the best tech stack developers?

Zazz is undoubtedly your go-to place for excellent mobile app development. We are a renowned application development company based in the USA. We have a robust in-house team of the best tech stack developers who create customized solutions that inject sublime growth into businesses.

Top 10 Leading Mean Stack Development Companies In The USA Mon, 26 Oct 2020 11:22:34 +0000 MEAN Stack is a very hot bit of technology that has been necessary for the outcome of companies like Uber, Netflix, AirBnB, and almost every big company. MEAN Stack always has some exciting development centers in the USA, and it can be very challenging to find a successful organization from a more extensive set. We’ve built a list of mean stack developer portfolios that will help you pick the best out of a select range.

MEAN stack development company

Significant Benefits Of Mean Stack Development:

Highly flexible:

This is a stable database layer with automated sharing and full cluster support functionality. As a consequence, you can conveniently host your project in the cloud.


The use of MEAN is cost-effective for the industry. It uses one language across the board, which means that an organization does not have to employ various specialists.

Open source:

All systems that use MEAN are open-source and freely accessible for use. As a result, developers will have more ideas about how to solve a problem.

Easy Switch:

MEAN is easy and fast since everything is written in one language. As a consequence, switching between client and server is very easy.

Real-time Web Applications:

If you’re looking to develop mean stack development skills & software, then MEAN is the ultimate idea. Unlike conventional technology, single-page applications (SPAs) are used.


If you need to build an application within a short timeframe, this aspect saves a lot of time initially required to make modules from source.

Top Eight Mean Stack Development Companies In The USA:

1. Zazz:

Zazz provides a real-time solution for any company. Complex IoT and AR technologies have been seamlessly distributed to global customers. With developers who are incredibly skilled in core technology, hundreds of mobile apps have been built to serve satisfied customers worldwide. Zazz provides a dedicated mean stack development future growth team and has supported a variety of global giants.

2. Appstudio:

Appstudio provides efficient and highly trained Mean Stack developers. Appstudio is the leading mobile app provider offering best-in-class customization services and successfully delivering applications to satisfied consumers worldwide. It is one of the best Mean Stack producing company that has supported a range of market verticals.

3. Accenture:

This is a MEAN Stack Development Company, like Brainmobi, has developed as one of the pioneers in providing medium stack services to its customers. Accenture has carried out several hundred initiatives in 38 + countries around the world.

4. Ranosys

Ranosys is well known for developing the most innovative and eye-catching mobile apps and websites. We offer a wide variety of customised services in mobile apps , web creation, AR-VR creation, game design, Blockchain development, and more.

5. Brainvire:

Brainvire provides end-to – end IT consulting and outsourcing products and services around the world. It provides customers with the right mix of technology , technological knowledge and methodology. Brainvire is one of the leading medium-sized industries committed to delivering high-quality offerings to organisations.

6. TCS:

We at TCS, are well proficient with and a component of MEAN, which allows us with simplicity and efficiency of development while at the same time creating best-in-class JavaScript-based applications. Our seasoned team of MEAN Stack developers can create futuristic web applications and websites that can bring a winning edge to the customer’s business.

7. Cabot:

Cabot is a leading mean stack software development company led by industry leaders with real-world experience, founding, expanding and exiting several companies. Our core goal is your company’s ability to succeed in your digital transformation activities.

8. Cognizent:

Cognizent, a leading mean stack  development business, guarantees sleek, trendy, and easy-to-use web and mobile apps that are compact, interactive, and feature-rich.

Thier mean stack application developers have expertise in delivering captivating user experience by creating scalable, versatile, and sensitiebsites, social networking portals, scalable APIs, and much more to help our clients become global market leaders.

9. Wipro:

Wipro’s  MEAN stack development services have helped businesses reduce their licencing costs. They use state-of-the-art technology using processes that talk of large organisations with the agility of a start-up. Team work with an agile delivery approach, a perfect combination of deep business acumen and technological experience to build dynamic, scalable, compliant and robust MEAN Stack strategies.

10. Nagarro:

As one of the top-notch MEAN Stack companies, we have a professional and innovative team of developers who are fluent in building MEAN Stack. Their developers are well versed in all programming languages, frameworks and applications that meet the needs of customers.


In short, Demand for mean stack developers is continually evolving and easy to use. It is ideal for more creative and sophisticated web applications. That now you know the advantages of creating the MEAN stack, you should be in a better position to use it in your business. All in all, Lets discuss for this technology as this technology is just a refreshing change for web developers.

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